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In my own world.


singing, writing, drawing, don't give a fuck..


The story of Harry and me, according to Bennedict

So this one time a beautiful girl was walking down the street minding her own business, when suddenly this guy walked up to her. He showed his best moves to her and finally asked her out. She smiled at him and said: "Yes!"

After some really good dates, she and Harry were hanging out in his and hers apartment. She noticed Harry had been acting weird all day, so she asked him what's wrong. Harry turned to her and said: "Babe, you are my world, will you marry me?" She smiled at him and nodded: "Yes. Yes, I will!"

And so the planning began. Harry's best friend and best man was organising the wedding and after some shared opinions about the what-nots and some hard work the big day finally arrived.

When everyone was groomed and everyone took their places the wedding began. Harry looked up to his future wife and smiled. The minister started the ceremony and finally asked Harry to take her for his wife and he said: "I do." He asked her if she would take him for her husband and she as well said: "I do." Everyone in the church started clapping when Harry kissed her.

When the party began, music was played and everyone started dancing. After a while the wedding party calmed down and the last messages were recorded for the happy couple. She and Harry left the party early and spent the night and the rest of their lives together.

Beautiful thing is never perfect.

1 decennium geleden

8 jaar geleden

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13 Creaties van Reeenske

Gastenboek (25)

  • Publisher

    Aww babe. Don't die. My Zayn story will be nothing without you. And I don't want that.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Publisher

    Nou, ik ben niet mensen. Ha. Maar serieus, I did miss you darn it. Just believe it you poo. Mhaha, dat word trouwens je nieuwe bijnaam: poo. Weet je waarom, you know the Great Harry Styles once said: 'Let's do this poo.' You being poo means he will do you. Oh my, I'm so funny.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Publisher

    Ik merk het. And ja dat meen ik. I can't live without my crazy poo, and that's you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • DrBieber

    Thank you for being so lovely. <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • xIndependent

    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden

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