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Tokio, I wish!


Muziek, Mountainbike, Zingen, Paardrijden



'Rose? Wat zit je nu te grijnzen?' mijn droom werd ruig doorbroken door een bezorgde Jacob. Hij, Quil en Emma keken me nu alledrie aan. Ik keek ongemakkelijk omlaag, zodat ze mijn lichtroze wangen niet konden zien, en mijn haar voor mijn ogen hing. 'Niks... Binnenpretje.' zei ik maar uiteindelijk. Iedereen zuchtte opgelucht, en ging weer door met grappen vertellen en het verorberen van hun pizza. Toen iedereen was uitgegeten, en Quil had betaald, vertrokken we naar Club 24/7.

Orders say shoot, you pull the trigger?

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1 decennium geleden

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17 Creaties van Odin

Gastenboek (746)

  • Redamancy

    I'm kinda like a morningperson. I were a scout for four years, and I went on several summercamps in the woods. This year we probably will go into the mountains with the holidays. Waterfalls and stuff.
    Scotland too, but Ireland is too... strange. All the stuff with the religions there.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Redamancy

    Yeah, I know it.
    I actually thought about going to Canada or something. Because the country pretty fascinates me. The UK is closer, but it's not my thing. I want nature and stuff.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Redamancy

    TTO is a great chance. It's very good. We work with a Cambridge Checkpoint. In third year, the last one of TTO, we go to England en get our exams back that are checked there. If you pass, you can go to every school in an English country without doing a test to get in.
    Yes, they often do. It's pretty interesting. And they all have funny names.
    I only chose Latin for this year. And Greek we only get if we go on with Latin in the second year. But I'm quitting, it bores me like hell.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Redamancy

    We have to speak English the first four hours, but we don't do that, only if we're in the mood. We like always cheat. But on our department, of with our real British/Irelandish/Scottish teachers, it's better to speak English. Our Maths teacher always speaks English. And that doesn't make it easier. We only have two or three subjects in Dutch, I think.
    It's hard in the beginning, but we get used to it.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Redamancy

    I hate the name, actually. Your name is lovely (:

    1 decennium geleden

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