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Hating on me



If you can't say something nice..say nothing at all.
You entered the profile of a complete crazy dreamer

The profile of a Directioner, Danosaur, Phillion and part of the 5SOSfam xxx
Someone who will always stand behind her Idols and always will be there until the end.
A complete FANGIRL

Believe always in the power of magic. No matter how old or young you are
Those who believe will find it. Those who not believe, will never find it.
It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us.

There is magic, But you have to make the magic happen.
Love is the biggest magic of all.
Real love stories never have endings.
They can't order me stop dreaming.

If you're a Hater
Bye Bye , I Hope to See you Never Again

I Fell in love... With Disney xxx
And MARVEL, Chris Evans is my bae

And Yes, I'm One of those LarryShippers. But I'm Proud of it.

Hi, I'm one of those people who love gay people,they're got damn cute OK? One day i want my son or daughter come home and say.
"There is that boy//girl i know, and I guess i love him//her" I wouldn't react mad,i would love it. Just respect
Them <3 GAY-LOVE.

My Twitter: @LetMusicMoveU
Love you All xoxo

Broken,Sad,Hurt,Unloved,Confused,Lonely,Judged,Misunderstood,Dying inside

I'm Pansexual, Don't Judge Me <3

1 decennium geleden

9 jaar geleden

4 dagen 14 uur

2244 [24 uur]











7 Creaties van MarvelIsLife

Gastenboek (39)

  • Musicista


    1 decennium geleden
  • Musicista

    ahhaha loool ja die klopt wel want ja toen zei ze van 'ja ik vind het altijd zo jammer als ik bijna geen reacties heb' en toen gingen zij en ik elkaars story onderspammen hahaa maar omdat ik toen nog niet verder was dan chapter 30 heb ik niet echt van die reacties meer geplaatst na nummertje 30 HAHAH ;P

    1 decennium geleden
  • Musicista

    hahaha ja weet ik ik vind zulke reacties altijd zo leuk dus denk ik 'JA LAAT IK ZE ZELF TOCH PLAATSEN HAAHA' bij welk verhaal vind je mijn reacties leuk dan? HAHA :P

    1 decennium geleden
  • Musicista

    hahaha o my god mooi dat je ze leuk vind!! XD

    1 decennium geleden
  • 1DWriter

    1 decennium geleden

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