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Waar wouden zijn, als vuur zo heet, torenhoog en mijlen breed.

-Tonke Dragt

Ik heb te veel random & weird shit geschreven in een verhaal van me, so please accept my apologies for going incognito. :')
I'll give you my favourite fictional character, though. And the lyrics to a song dedicated to my favourite Dutch poet. So figure out who I am by yourself. (Misschien geeft het lezen van mijn verhalen je een beter idee. *hinthint*)

Blues voor Slauerhoff

Wat is een haven
Een kruis op een zeekaart gekrast
Ik zoek een haven
In 't kraaiennest hoog in de mast
Ooit komt een haven, mijn haven in zicht
Ik volg de bakens, en 't vuurtorenlicht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik volg de bakens en het vuurtorenlicht.

Waar ligt de haven
Ik zoek kust voor kust naar mijn plek
Waar is de haven
De heimwee die maakt me haast gek
Ver blijft de haven en ver blijft mijn huis
'k vaar met de sterren, wanneer kom ik thuis
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik vraag de sterren: "Wanneer kom ik thuis?"

Wie is mijn haven,
Wie roept er mijn naam in de wind
Wie is mijn haven
Een vrouw bij de zee of een vriend
Die als ik aankom, bij storm en bij nacht
Straalt als een baken en mij heeft verwacht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ooit komt de haven mijn haven in zicht
Ik blijf je schrijven...

Einde bericht.

Jeroen Zijlstra


1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

5 dagen 16 uur

8536 [24 uur]











17 Creaties van MarijeR

Gastenboek (3087)

  • LeaFlammae

    Wow Lizzy's notes komen BIJNA 100% overeen met mijn eigen notes & gedachten, behalve dat ze beter is in vasthouden aan dat (volledig justified) 'UGH KETCH' gevoel.............
    Ik had al zo'n vermoeden dat ik op haar begon te lijken. Oeps?

    ... I guess that happens when you share a name & a birthday?????


    ugh i need to stop being such a creepy stalker sheesh it's worse every time

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    Okay, so maybe they ARE sticking to the theme. Want er waren DUIDELIJKE suversions. Tasha not taking the deal, for example....... en de parallels zijn ook ingewikkelder als je er goed naar kijkt, dat is wel waar.... Max & Alicia zijn BEIDEN Sam & Dean..... Maar ogoddd i just. cant get over the specific ways in which Max & Dean were paralleled and..... yeah. I AM SCREAM ABOUT THIS EPISODE. VERY SCREAM.

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    'Yeah, and if it gets missing, I'll know who to blame.'
    Ah, a racist old lady character, I suppose. Alllways fun. <.< ugh america

    Anyway I like Tasha

    Oehh nice purple eyes. PRETTY.


    I was literally saying 'pls be ok pls be ok pls be ok' and WHILE i was saying it she got stabbed.


    Guess that was inevitable.


    Since we didn't get to see who or what stabbed her and it did not look particularly supernatural I'm gonna have to assume the BMoL are our first suspect here.
    Motive, methods, etc etc.


    Dean has a Bad Feeling about this.

    He's literally biting his nails over it.

    This is too much stress for one person to bear.

    Someone PLEASE free him.


    Ah, so this is why they quoted that episode 1 thing for the first time in ages. MOMS ON A HUNTING TRIP... AND SHE HASNT BEEN HOME IN A FEW DAYS....

    Hmm, I do so love it when Dean's priorities are this clear. He never wants to forget about Cas again. Go Dean <333

    'Their mom's on a hunting trip, and hasn't been home in a week' ASDFHGJGL LOL


    DUDE!!! DUDE!!!! DUDE!!!!!!!
    WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!! i mean im not surprised really but what the hell!!!!!!!!!

    askjdghkjdhgjk WHAT IS GOING ON

    This is good. I love this. I love watching an ep that i wasnt already spoilered for. But OH MY GOD WHATS HAPPENING

    could you call me back? just some stuff going on....kinda got me spun out..... *short look of wordless Dean Winchester Pain(TM) *

    why does a dean who is upset & worried about cas always end up at the water shore somewhere...... no seriously this shit's consistent i swear :')

    'I got the bartender's phone number' Dean parallel? what dean parallel? I have noooooooo idea what youre talking aboooooout

    'Dean... that car is still major'
    'yeah, you want the tour?'
    *squints suspiciously* are you.........are you guys flirting.

    Well, whether flirting or paralleling (lol blateeeent), it all leads to the same thing..... I am pleased 8)

    Sam & Alicia: *bond also while dean and ialreadyforgothisnameoops bond over the car*
    Me: lol ok spn boodschap is helde-
    Sam: LITERALLY EXPLICITLY is like 'dean and dad had the same thing with hunting'
    Me: are you fucking kidding me rn jezus im just trying to analyse yalls show and be smart about it and you gotta throw subtlety out of the window yet again? pff. Rude. *walks away in a huff*
    Just joking. I'm loving this.


    well this cant be right...
    I say: shapeshifter. But that might be too obvious.
    *squints @ this*
    I am Suspicious.


    Yeah, thats pretty shifter-y, alright. TBH i actually expected part of her finger to be snapped off or something. But this works too....i THINK...maybe.... hm.

    Ugh Dean the way you hold that glass is an embarrassment to us all
    : P


    Damn Ketch REALLY likes Mary.... I did not see this coming. I mean look at him. He's like a little excited puppy with the way he walks after her and is all 'sex?????: D' while she is like 'lol nah'. This is making me uncomfortable. I don't know what to do with emotions about Ketch that aren't simple loathing :


    She looks worried hearing deans voicemail.... yep mary, dean is not ok....


    Ketch in Mick's office...yeh, that's not suspicious at alll
    I can like, HEAR the alarm bells going off in Mary's head. GOOD. Keep digging.

    i see.
    something tells me this is not shapeshifter problem, but a witch problem.
    But how, though?


    Max is like, everyones favourite 'openly bisexual Dean & obnoxious about it' headcanon. *sighs dreamily*
    Pls don't die. @andrew dabb: I will find you, and I will skinnnn you.

    EVERYBODY THATS IN THE HOUSE welp yall are screwed.

    oh noooooo max : ( but, wait, wasnt he supposed to go on a date? SQUINTS.

    : ((((((((

    oh look who found out that Mick is dead. SLEUTHING SKILLS ACTIVATED.




    lmao how stupid does Ketch think Mary is
    You lied about Mick being in England and now youre monitoring sam & dean asjsdhkgj she is not going to believe a WORD of your ridiculous lies.

    Lol hand to hand combat? Mary fucking OWNS you loser. Where are your fancy toys now, eh?


    He's teling her about the agents? About MAGDA? LMAOOOO wait until sam & dean find out about this. You are screwed, mr.

    'they only work on angels, and sadly I'm not --'
    yeah, that...that works lol. I don't think it matters whether they're enochian or not. That... that definitely works :'D



    Ok max is WAY too cool. Now I'm scared. Would they let someone that powerful & awesome live? PLEASE LIVE. I DO NOT NEED TO REMIND YOU OF CHARLIE, DO I?


    NO ALICIA!!!!!!! ALICIA!!!!!
    It was bad enough that I had to scream about your samesake in Down To Agincourt NOOOO

    Ik wist dat een van hen zou sterven noooooooo bluhhhh : (((((((

    Max just went through Dean's entire first 2 seasons arc.... Please let it end better for him.....

    OK this just pisses me off. They were sticking to a theme and now they're just giving up on it? Just like that? No. No. I refuse. This is stupid.

    ...or is it?

    ... need to think about this (read: read meta because apparently I'm not as smart as I thought I was)

    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    Ufggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is it with women being killed (or almost killed) in bathrooms/tubs.

    I am SICK of this
    so sick so sick so siiiiiiiiick

    alhoewel ik geloof dat iemand een post had gemaakt waarin werd verwezen naar Marat en hm..... i can see that. Forgot what the point was though.



    time for PAIN and Betrayal

    Sam is Sufferinge(TM)

    Poor Sam.

    Once he & Eileen are together he won't be so third-wheely anymore.
    : D



    never over it


    Deans enthusiastic happy look and run towards cas room kills me every single time ugh : (((((((((( CAS Y U KEEP BREAKING HIS HEART LIKE THAT


    'I will kill this girl. So that sam and dean don't have to.' I am SO so sad. Just. When will you stop trying to be their guardian angel, Cas? Just be their family.
    That's enough. That is ALL THEY NEED



    'Who will care for him? blah blah' literally every word in this speech sounds like it could be answered with 'you and dean', lol, but that's never gonna happen I guess : P

    Aaannnd there's the mind influence
    why does it gotta be like this every tiiiiiiime

    BOEM AGAINST THE WALL. Nice framing. Makes it look nice 'nd intimate.

    ....frankly the gifs did not prepare me adaquately for the kind of effect seeing this would have on me on full screen + sound.
    I am afraid to examine my emotions too closely here.
    Moving swiftly on.


    careful what you wish for..........


    welp just kill off the one (1) other good angel in heaven, why dontcha.
    What could go wrooong.


    AWW! Adoooorbs!


    7 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    ok nu ga ik ECHT weinig comments plaatsen. I swear. I burned through all my energy for useless blah , pointing out the obvious, and trying to prove that I'm REALLY a film student. Also, my hands hurt from typing <.<

    Weird animal monster thing episode yaaaaaay
    Kind of funny om te kijken terwijl je net een WIP aan het lezen bent over Dean die wordt gekidnapt door de letterlijke minotaurus die hongert naar het merg uit zijn botten...........among other things.

    I know, I know, twisted.
    Don't google it, you will regret it.


    A case from mick..........noooo dont goooooooo its a traaaaaaap



    DEAN THAT IS A TERRIBLE PICK UP LINE im so embarrassed for you
    Although I can understand that it works if you're Dean Freaking Winchester. I mean. Look at him.

    *makes heart eyes at both Dean & the girl because argh humans are all so beautiful, how do they do it?*
    *yeah yeah thats enough time spent on being a cliché li, moving on*

    Sam is so amused at this. Like that look just SCREAMS 'oh no my big brother is an adorable loser'


    'waking up right now safe & sound'

    *darren wakes up literally in the same building decidedly NOT safe & sound but nobody notices*
    *internal screaming*




    How does sam get his hair so shiny? How many flannels does dean have?

    Ketch asking the real questions


    croquet is alright. but you know what would be great? MURDER

    srsly the gifs did not do the perfect tone of voice justice


    goed dat ik dit overdag kijk


    looks like ketch really has feelings for I guess that was obvious from last ep, i just refused to see it because it didn't fit my picture....tumblr is right.
    He's a kind of crowley figure to her maybe.....

    or maybe rn he is just looking at that pic like 'uhm wat? she hasnt aged at all? This Can Not Be Right'. who knows what he's thinking of her being their mom anyway :')


    'hunting people, killing things.......the family buisiness.'

    These writers know what we like.

    Do you think theyll remember us?

    Says the guys who have literally books written about them, including fanfic, a literal musical, one of them is probably a legend in freaking PURGATORY, the other in hell, and some douchebags from another country have legit JUST placed their bunker absolutely FULL of surveillance camera's.

    But sure.

    No one will remember you : P

    NOT EXACTLY THE TYPE OF GUYS PEOPLE WRITE ABOU- sam are you freaking kidding me right now you guys are ALL the supernatural community ever writes / talks about. BOOKS, SAM. THERE ARE BOOKS. I.


    'I don't like that guy. He creeps me out.'
    Same Dean, same.
    You should get him back by letting those microphones record some sounds ketch most definitely does not want to hear

    (zucht. Ik steel ook al mijn ideeën)
    (those fics are fun though)

    7 jaar geleden

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