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Het Verborgen Woud


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Waar wouden zijn, als vuur zo heet, torenhoog en mijlen breed.

-Tonke Dragt

Ik heb te veel random & weird shit geschreven in een verhaal van me, so please accept my apologies for going incognito. :')
I'll give you my favourite fictional character, though. And the lyrics to a song dedicated to my favourite Dutch poet. So figure out who I am by yourself. (Misschien geeft het lezen van mijn verhalen je een beter idee. *hinthint*)

Blues voor Slauerhoff

Wat is een haven
Een kruis op een zeekaart gekrast
Ik zoek een haven
In 't kraaiennest hoog in de mast
Ooit komt een haven, mijn haven in zicht
Ik volg de bakens, en 't vuurtorenlicht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik volg de bakens en het vuurtorenlicht.

Waar ligt de haven
Ik zoek kust voor kust naar mijn plek
Waar is de haven
De heimwee die maakt me haast gek
Ver blijft de haven en ver blijft mijn huis
'k vaar met de sterren, wanneer kom ik thuis
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik vraag de sterren: "Wanneer kom ik thuis?"

Wie is mijn haven,
Wie roept er mijn naam in de wind
Wie is mijn haven
Een vrouw bij de zee of een vriend
Die als ik aankom, bij storm en bij nacht
Straalt als een baken en mij heeft verwacht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ooit komt de haven mijn haven in zicht
Ik blijf je schrijven...

Einde bericht.

Jeroen Zijlstra


1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

5 dagen 16 uur

9127 [24 uur]











17 Creaties van MarijeR

Gastenboek (3087)

  • LeaFlammae

    *goes on spoilering dta because im on the literal verge of crying & cant help myself*

    Im gonna kill micah with my bare hands i DONT CARE IF HES ALREADY DEAD LEMME KILL HIM AGAIN


    (ok but this is so cute tho???)

    Jeremy crouches beside him, a gun from the jeep in one hand, dirty face nearly grey with fear and fatigue, the dried tracks of tears leaving pale lines in the dirt. "I should have been ready," he says hoarsely. "I'm sorry--"

    "You were perfect," he says roughly, unable to stop himself from half turning and pulling Jeremy into his arms. Tightening his hold, he's not sure which of them is shaking harder. "You remained calm, you did what was required without taking foolish risks, and most importantly, you survived, and your partner survived as well; that was exactly what you were supposed to do." When Jeremy looks at him uncertainly, he cups his face firmly, feeling the first faint growth of adolescent stubble. "I'm so proud of you."

    im feeling so much i dont know what to do with this help

    "It wasn't. Deathbed," she whispers, blood bubbling up between her lips. "Thought about it. On the way here. I was going to survive. And prove it. That I was sorry."

    "You didn't need to prove it!" Taking the frighteningly cold hand in his own, he laces their fingers together. "You didn't need to do anything but be yourself. Did you think I wouldn't forgive you? How could you be so stupid? It would have just been a matter of time; I was halfway there already."

    She laughs, a mistake; he turns her head so she can spit out more blood, but that much exertion has stolen more of her time. "Liar," she whispers, barely more than a movement of her lips. "But thanks." She pauses for a horrible, wet sound as she tries to breathe. "Just--don't hate me forever, okay?"

    Blinking back the blurring of his eyes, he shakes his head. "I could never hate you."


    "Alicia," he whispers, stroking her cheek and waiting for her to look at him. "Listen to me. Be not afraid, for my Father's fields are vast, and a place has been prepared for you since the moment of your birth." His voice cracks on the last word, eyes blurring again, and he wipes them angrily. "You don't remember now, you can't, but you will. Your work here is done; go there so you can rest. The Host lays claim to every soul on earth without exception, and we will not be denied our right to even one. Your soul is safe, I promise you."

    Weakly, her fingers brush his. "Cas, it's okay. I know. Where I'm going."

    "You know nothing," he says fiercely. "We are the last of the Host on all Creation and this is our will. The path is long and not well-lit, but you will follow it because we order it; you will walk it to the end. Don't be afraid, for it will lead you home."

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae


    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    *quotes entire scene because i am Weak* DEEP SHIT MAN

    "I don't have to know all that you've done to know who you are," he answers. "And I don't need to know the minutia of your past to know who you are now. That person is going on a suicide mission and is only making the minimum amount of effort to convince me otherwise!"

    "Why does it matter if I am?" she demands.

    "You must be joking."

    "You taught us payment must be rendered, one way or another," she says, eyes tear-bright. "We pay for our sins, Cas, come on; you taught us that, too. This way--"

    "Don't pretend this is about anyone or anything but yourself."

    She looks away. "I didn't need the geas to tell me my greatest fear was chasing me; it always has, and four days ago, it caught up. I knew it would happen one day, and best case scenario was dying before it did. I can't live with it, Cas."

    "Yes, you can," he corrects her. "You just don't want to. Matt, Jody, your friends, your comrades at home and here: their grief, their pain is a cheap price to pay indeed. It's not as if you're the one that will have to pay it."

    "Fuck you," she whispers. "Dean decides on exile, that's better than I deserve, but what then? Where do I go? Just pick a town in the infected zone and hope they let me stay? Make a new life all over again?"

    "You wouldn't be the first who has had to do so, nor the last," he answers. "I don't doubt at all you could do it, and do it well."

    "With what? You don't understand: me--Alicia...she wasn't real, but until now, I could pretend she was. Now that's gone, and--"

    "That--she--you--are standing right in front of me," he says impatiently. "Is it a human peculiarity, that you miss this so often? You're a thousand people, Alicia, and you have been and may be a thousand more, but they're all still you. If one could simply discard oneself when one is dissatisfied and start anew, I would have done it. It would be far easier--and take far, far less time--than having to resign oneself to doing something with the somewhat substandard material you have at hand."

    Alicia's glare is interrupted by an unexpected laugh. "God, I can't believe you're reassuring me about my character after I tried to kill you."

    "Is it working?" he asks curiously.

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae


    "Cas," she says just as he reaches the door, fingers only inches from the doorknob. Take it in your hand, he tells himself; open the door; leave. He turns around. "I want you to know that--that I'm sor--"

    "Not nearly enough."

    She flinches. "I know. It doesn't mean much after two years--"

    "It means absolutely nothing hours before you plan to die," he interrupts. "Water on the sand, words written in air: those have more permanence than repentance followed by suicide by proxy."

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae


    8 jaar geleden

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