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Waar wouden zijn, als vuur zo heet, torenhoog en mijlen breed.

-Tonke Dragt

Ik heb te veel random & weird shit geschreven in een verhaal van me, so please accept my apologies for going incognito. :')
I'll give you my favourite fictional character, though. And the lyrics to a song dedicated to my favourite Dutch poet. So figure out who I am by yourself. (Misschien geeft het lezen van mijn verhalen je een beter idee. *hinthint*)

Blues voor Slauerhoff

Wat is een haven
Een kruis op een zeekaart gekrast
Ik zoek een haven
In 't kraaiennest hoog in de mast
Ooit komt een haven, mijn haven in zicht
Ik volg de bakens, en 't vuurtorenlicht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik volg de bakens en het vuurtorenlicht.

Waar ligt de haven
Ik zoek kust voor kust naar mijn plek
Waar is de haven
De heimwee die maakt me haast gek
Ver blijft de haven en ver blijft mijn huis
'k vaar met de sterren, wanneer kom ik thuis
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik vraag de sterren: "Wanneer kom ik thuis?"

Wie is mijn haven,
Wie roept er mijn naam in de wind
Wie is mijn haven
Een vrouw bij de zee of een vriend
Die als ik aankom, bij storm en bij nacht
Straalt als een baken en mij heeft verwacht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ooit komt de haven mijn haven in zicht
Ik blijf je schrijven...

Einde bericht.

Jeroen Zijlstra


1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

5 dagen 16 uur

8343 [24 uur]











17 Creaties van MarijeR

Gastenboek (3087)

  • LeaFlammae

    he's actually started begging too, not stealing................. hm.
    Oh, the other guy is probably gonna teach him how to do this............ugh the secondhand embarrassment is already 2 much. Can we pls go back to the winchesters already D:

    I just skipped the audio on that conversation entirely and I'm not ashamed of it. Self care is not subjecting yourself to unnessecary secondhand embarrassment ok
    Ahh, now we're getting to the plot of the episode! Sister Jo! Hm, she asks money for her miracles.......interesting

    He just immediately apologizes now that Sam's out of the room.................gah. You know, Dean can say stuff about 'us' and 'sam and me' all he wants, but the fact remains that he initiates these conversations SPECIFICALLY when it's just the two of them..........

    'besides, I was the one who got myself captured' Cas pls can we not do this anymore my heart bleeds

    *makes actual physical 'UGhH ARGHH' noises * (it's ok I can do this, my roommate isn't here to side eye me or say things about how thin our walls are)

    honestly i am SO WEAK i only have to hear cas say 'okay?' in that soft tone of voice to pause the episode and start making 'UGHHHH' noises again,
    this is hopeless

    6 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    Lucifer: * is dizzy and cold *
    Me: *slams fist on table * THATS THE KIND OF CONTENT I LIKE TO SEE !

    Lucifer's homeless experience continues..... Ok this is where I'm like 'meh' because it's exactly the kind of thing I'd write for a character if I planned to take them on a journey of Learning To Appreciate Humanity or whatever......
    but ehhh.
    Wait nevermind - he's going to steal from the homeless guy. Go forth and be evil, Lucifer

    oh my god ketch what are you even doing rn
    seriously what IS this's weird
    'A nice angel blade to the heart, he'll go down' we LITERALLY JUST SAW that that won't work.........either Asmy is fucking with Ketch or he continues to be forking incompetent. Or bucklemming. That could also be the explanation,
    I guess xd

    6 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    HAH Lucifer is a cannibal now. Eating grace............ I'm both worried because this will mean he'll power up again (UGH) but also pleased because it means he will be POISONED FROM THE INSIDE MWUHAHAHAHA

    seriously though. make him suffer : D


    Cas is SO TIRED of this bullshit HAHAAHAHAH I already saw people talk about this like 'thank god youre pretty Dean' 'why am i married to this idiot' I mean SAME cas, same

    6 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    Ik ga later op je bericht antwoorden ok eerst mijn #spn spam hour : p

    Cas is de cold open omg

    don't tell me Lucifer stole his grace because i will FLIP. Not that I'm against human cas as a Thing or whatever but just because UGHHHGG LUCIFERRRR you feel me

    'Where are you' That tone is SO threatening I love it. He's like 'I'M GOING TO M U R D E R YOU'

    'I think I just fell for you' oh my GOD lmao this is ridiculous but I love the editing

    Did Asmodeus do this? Wasn't he the demon of lust or whatever? I mean, this is a bucklemming ep so Asmy is probably gonna be in it so I'm guessing he's responsible somehow. Do I see a creepy dude staring?

    nevermind it's a cupid which makes much more sense in the context of what just happened, but less so in the context of my expectations about Asmodeus : p Like honestly WHEN WILL HE ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING????

    6 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    Me, 5 uur na dat bericht: OH HAHAHA! DE SUPPORT GROEP VOOR MOEDERS ETC ETC BESTAAT UIT TWEE MARY'S! LOL! ik ben langzaam vandaag jongens

    also both Mary's are now connected to the 'watching over you as you sleep' thing, this is fine

    .......Actually this parallel has merit

    *stares into the distance as she continues to be apparantly incapable of watching anything independently from supernatural* ugh why

    6 jaar geleden

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