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Het Verborgen Woud


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Waar wouden zijn, als vuur zo heet, torenhoog en mijlen breed.

-Tonke Dragt

Ik heb te veel random & weird shit geschreven in een verhaal van me, so please accept my apologies for going incognito. :')
I'll give you my favourite fictional character, though. And the lyrics to a song dedicated to my favourite Dutch poet. So figure out who I am by yourself. (Misschien geeft het lezen van mijn verhalen je een beter idee. *hinthint*)

Blues voor Slauerhoff

Wat is een haven
Een kruis op een zeekaart gekrast
Ik zoek een haven
In 't kraaiennest hoog in de mast
Ooit komt een haven, mijn haven in zicht
Ik volg de bakens, en 't vuurtorenlicht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik volg de bakens en het vuurtorenlicht.

Waar ligt de haven
Ik zoek kust voor kust naar mijn plek
Waar is de haven
De heimwee die maakt me haast gek
Ver blijft de haven en ver blijft mijn huis
'k vaar met de sterren, wanneer kom ik thuis
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ik vraag de sterren: "Wanneer kom ik thuis?"

Wie is mijn haven,
Wie roept er mijn naam in de wind
Wie is mijn haven
Een vrouw bij de zee of een vriend
Die als ik aankom, bij storm en bij nacht
Straalt als een baken en mij heeft verwacht
Ooit, ooit, ooit, ooit
Ooit komt de haven mijn haven in zicht
Ik blijf je schrijven...

Einde bericht.

Jeroen Zijlstra


1 decennium geleden

1 jaar geleden

5 dagen 16 uur

9053 [24 uur]











17 Creaties van MarijeR

Gastenboek (3087)

  • LeaFlammae

    Oh my god

    Castiel decides to ignore them in the end and swallows another spoonful of his chilli, slowly coming to actually enjoy the taste as his mouth gets used to the sharp pain that inevitably comes with every mouthful. If he were home right now, he would just use a cooling charm and that would be it, but he reminds himself that for the good of his article he needs to do as many things the Muggle way as possible, which includes suffering through what is obviously some kind of Winchester rite-of-passage lunch. Challenge accepted.

    “You ok with that chilli over there, buddy? I may have made it tad hotter than usual,” Dean asks with a tiny smirk as if he could read his thoughts.

    Castiel actually stops with his spoon halfway to his mouth before he reminds himself that no, Dean could not actually be using legilimency on him because a) it’s illegal in Washington and b) Dean is a Muggle.

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    I am genuinely laughing so hard at this Spn/Hogwarts cross-over i'm reading:

    “Sammy’s the brains of the family.” Castiel can hear the pride in Dean’s voice, but for some reason it fades when he continues. “I’m an engineer, although there aren’t exactly a lot of openings for that at the moment around Seattle, so I’m currently helping out at my buddy’s garage as a simple mechanic.” His eyes harden as if he were bracing himself for some kind of a blow.

    Castiel blinks a couple of times.

    “Like, with cars?” He asks with genuine interest. “Wow!” For a split second he’s almost sure he just made a complete fool out of himself as one of Dean’s eyebrows goes up in genuine confusion. “I mean, I find cars fascinating,” he adds quickly. “They’re magical.”

    He nearly slaps a hand across his mouth when the M-word slips out, but luckily it looks like Dean is much more taken aback by his interest in cars in general.


    “I do,” he shrugs and then adds in a sheepish tone: “Full disclosure, I don’t really understand how they work, which is probably the main reason I like them.”

    From the corner of his eye, he sees Sam lean back in his chair with the biggest shit-eating grin he’s ever seen on a grown man. Meanwhile, Dean’s expression turns into one of genuine surprise and something not entirely unlike delight.

    “Oh I’m sure Dean can clue you in,” Sam suggests slyly.

    LMAO Cas is gonna get the full story About Cars and i am delighted : D

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    at last hes got his priorities sorted

    'we cant save cas when were stuck in a hospital'

    how about someone save ME from this eternal destiel hell for a change?


    ik ka n serieus niet geloven wat ik zie. Dit is like, een hallucinatie?? winchesters getting self aware??? crowley in a woman meatsuit going around having orgies with both men and women, still refererring to himself as 'king'? De darkness is a woman and has some sort of connection with dean? what is this madness?

    *squints suspiciously* are they implying that the baby is amara aka the darkness? he did say 'her name is amara' and i was immediately aware of the fact it was unclear if he meant the Darkness of the baby.....what if the darkness IS the baby???????????

    That was a wild ride : D

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    hey dean
    may i kindly inform you
    i am going to punch you in the face?

    8 jaar geleden
  • LeaFlammae

    This is sounding more and more and more like Rowena's attack dog spell. dogs....after a while they just die...

    It's like croatoan mixed with attack dog

    8 jaar geleden

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