xHungryHoran: TheHatedOne... TheHATEDOne?! Here's what, I don't hate you! If you would be gone, I would care! Might sound as a lie to you 'cause we don't know each other that good, but I definitely would care! I would care if you'd die unhappy. You deserve THE BEST! You deserve happiness, faith, healthiness, luck, true love, anything you'd like! I don't want you to be gone before you got what you deserve! What everyone deserves (Except some haters maybe)! I would cry! Not only for you but for everyone whom lost you, everyone who'd feel guilty then! And I'd cry because life is unfair. Because I'm happy, I have luck, I have not much to fear. Maybe I deserve that, maybe I don't. But I don't think it's fair that I have this and you don't. If I could, I'd give you some of my luck. 'cause I don't want all of this things that are supposed to make me happy if... others don't have it. I want you to feel the luck like I do. I want you to be able to smile sincere like I can. I want you to laugh about the silly things as I would. I want you to see the bright side of life. I want you to be standing in my shoes. Because you deserve that, perhaps more than me. Listen, you do have friends. 'Cause I will be your friend. I want to be your friend. you're not alone. You can talk with me anytime, I'll be there for you. That bulliers, are just stupid. They're just jealous they're just insecure themselves. They're afraid. They aren't perfect, so they're seeking a victim which they can knock down to feel better themselves. They're just selfish and arrogant. I don't know if it's you on that pic, but if it is, then I see a really beautiful girl over there. And you know what? That girl would be even prettier with a sincere smile on her face. I know it's hard, but... Hurting yourself is not the solution. What do you reach with it? Scars all over your body, is that what you want? To get your enemies what they want; "sensation"? Please, don't kill yourself anyway. You're not here for no reason. I don't believe in that. If I'd know you in person, I would go to that stupid haters and I'd tell them what a good person you acutually are. I'd tell them what I think of them. I wouldn't care if they'd throw dirty words at me, if they'd kick me, if they'd try to break me, if they'd be angry. I don't give a shit. I just want you to be happy. If you're really sick of life, and you want to give up, let me first give you the love that you deserve. I'd skip a school day if I could safe you with that. I'd travel far and wide for you, then take you with me and give you a home where you could be loved. I'd show you to my friends and I know they will accept you as you are. Please. Open your eyes, 'cause there definitely are persons who do love you or would love you. Again, I don't want you to die. I love you, because you're human.
Gastenboek (641)
ach is toch ook lekker. bijna iedere dag uit eten.
1 decennium geledenik heb de paardjes een knuffeltje gegeven. t was ook egt super gezellie. ik ging net nog met een vriendin naar het strand, tyft ze me effe de zee in. mijn haar gelijk pluizig en verracht haha. zei lachen natuurlijk ging ik haar helemaal nat spetteren werd ze pissed. moest ik lachen.
ik had het koud in de zee ging ik op de handdoek zitten kwamen er effe ene paar lekkere gasten aan. ik vriendin gelijk gewenkt dat ze moest komen. wij ehbben egt de hele tijd naar hun gekeken totdat ze ons bier en blows aanboden toen zijn wij hem gepeerd hahaha.
sorry voor het levensverhaal. er is daarna nog veel meer gebeurt maar dan krijg je weer een heel boek whaha
super lekker. hier in nl is eht ook best lekker. ik ag zo met vriendinnen naar de manege word super gezellig.
1 decennium geledenik moet de hele week werken 0_o egt fucking heet man. maar dat geeft niet want het is maar een ochtendje werke n ik verdien 75 euro per week.
egt stoer.
is het wel een beetje gezellig in italie? zon, zee en strand. *hoelahoep* ;p
Haha thnxx<3
1 decennium geledenXx
Haha Spain ook
1 decennium geledenHeb jij nog tips voor mn story?
Kom ff op skype, en nee jullie zijn niet uit elkaar xd
1 decennium geledenXx