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221b Baker St.




GoldieLox, LikeMonster, KudooMonster

Someone once told me that death is nothing more than changing from time into eternity.

I'm not sure where I am in my life at the moment.
All I know for sure is that I'm me and God loves me for it.
Peace and God bless you.

- IronRainbow, end 2013

I've learned to live my life the way I want to.
And all I want to do is feel good about myself.
I'm blessed because I've come so far already,
so many opportunities lay before me that I can't be thankful enough for.
It's like the page is turning, like another chapter is about to begin.
And the first word on that new page is faith.
Faith in my beliefs, faith in the future and faith in the present.

- IronRainbow, February 2014

I wrote that love is honest.
That it never lies to a partner, not even to protect
That it can be harsh but always with respect.
You didn't lie, that is true
But it doesn't stop it hurting when you told me we're through.

- IronRainbow, December 2014

The final part of a final chapter is always the most exciting, feared and joyful experience. Realizing you're at the end of a time, a world, that somehow meant more to you than you could have foretold. You fear to leave it, are you ready for it to be over? Are you ready to start a new book? No. Yes. Maybe. I'm scared. You tell yourself it will be okay, just one final push and you're done, you can grab the next adventure by the scruff of the neck. But the motivation has gone.
- IronRainbow, June 2015

Love. Beautiful and sloppy and wonderful love. It's not the same as the first time- it's better. You were just a handsome stranger sitting across from me among many books... Now you're so much more.
- IronRainbow, October 2016

Hope is everything.

Peace on earth, that's what I'm hoping for.

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9 Creaties van IronRainbow

Gastenboek (165)

  • MissCurly

    Echt bedankt voor al je reacties <3 je panda verhaal is zo geweldig echt I am in love. Echt super dat je dat schrijft voor me ;p xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • iHeartNouis

    Sorry, als je niet van reclame houdt, maar ik zie dat je 1D fan bent & zou je misschien m'n verhaal willen lezen of zelfs ABO? xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • MissUnique

    Dat is wel een slimme ja...
    Zijn er nog andere sites dan? xD (Voelt zich slim)

    1 decennium geleden
  • MissUnique

    Ja dat vind ik ook. Ik denk er vaak wel over om het in the spotlight te zetten, maar het was geloof ik 4,50 minimaal ofzo, en dat is dan ook zo weer op. En dan koop je nieuwe... En dan is je zakgeld op xD

    1 decennium geleden
  • MissUnique

    Haha dat ken ik. Ik schrijf zelf 4 verhalen (Naja eigenlik vijf)
    Ik heb bij de ene 12 abo's, bij eentje 4, bij eentje 1 en bij eentje 0 -.- (En bij eentje 26 maar die schreef ik met een vriendin en daar zijn we mee gestopt) *Zucht*

    1 decennium geleden

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