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Carrying on

DolgaaiFan, Hyacintho, Sharknado, Cello, Cee, Hyacinthus, ivlivs, Patrochilles, Alphys, Skops, Celestaire, Assthetic

• • •



[In ontwikkeling]
Agent Holemen
Once upon a time, a birthday present became something bigger.

Agent Holemen: Accompany
Once upon a time, a companion followed.

Happy Scribbles & Angry Poems
Once upon a time, I was mad.

other wor[l]ds
Once upon a time, I fell into another world.

Liefde & Oliebollen
Once upon a time, there was love at the end of a year.

Annie's Valentijn
Once upon a time, love became a gruesome thing.

[Gepauzeerd & in samenwerking]
The story of three weird girls
Once upon a time, three girls decided to make a story.
It was a brilliant idea.

Magic Bodies
Once upon a time, in the year 2104, a girl and a boy lived in a nightmare.

Hyacintho's 30 days of writing
Once upon a time, a girl wrote every day some words.
The words became sentences and the sentences became stories.
She did that 30 days long.

Hyacintho's 30 days of Writing [2015]
Once upon a time, a challenge was repeated.

Hyacintho's 30 days of Writing [2016]
Once upon a time, something happened again.

Percy Jackson • Heroes of Olympus • The Song of Achilles • Good Omens • Supernatural • Doctor Who • Sherlock

To do:
• Travel around the world
• Learn skateboarding
• Write a book
• Go to New York
• Go to Rome
• Go to Madrid
• Go to London
• Go to Paris
• Go to Egypt
• Go to the Dominican Republic
• Learn to drive
• Design and make an outfit
• Go to a ghost town
• Get my diploma
• Get all the books I want to have
• Ride a gondola in Venice
• See the Northern Lights
• Send a message in a bottle
• Ride a hot air balloon
• Go on a road trip
• Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
• Add a lock to the love lock bridge in Paris
• Go to every place I wrote about
• Explore a cave
• Do zorbing
• Swim with dolphins
• Go diving
• Attend a Masquerade
• Make a cosplay 26-03-'16
• Get a Camp Half-Blood and a Camp Jupiter shirt
• Eat Japanese candy
• Make a brownie in a mug
• Become a lucid dreamer
• Watch all ten seasons of Supernatural
• Get a mind palace
• Drink Black Water
• Eat a cinnamon roll (that thing that's too good for this world, too pure - well, according to Tumblr)

I've gone by other names, but I do prefer:

DolgaaiFan - Hyacintho - Sharknado - Cello - Cee - Hyacinthus - ivlivs - Patrochilles - Alphys - Skops - Celestaire - Assthetic

• • •

Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring

1 decennium geleden

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1 maanden 4 dagen

9428 [24 uur]











11 Creaties van Hyacintho

Gastenboek (1019)

  • Derks


    je mag ook wel mee kerstkaarten stalken?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Derks

    maar ik ga niet aanbellen hoor!!!

    Haha ik denk ergens 's middags, dan ga ik morgenochtend nog ff diehard kaarten maken

    1 decennium geleden
  • Derks

    weet ik nog niet, ligt eraan hoe laat ik mijn bed uit kom XD

    1 decennium geleden
  • Derks

    T gaat morgen niet sneeuwen want in 2013 gaat t niet meer sneeuwen padum tss. KIJK EENS VAKER HET NIEUWS! zoals de uitslag op de rtl nieuwsquiz bij mij zei.

    ik moet dan morgen ook langs jouw huis. en die van Louisa. en die van elise en rianne en Rivka en waarom krijgt niet iedereen een automatische hoofdletter van mijn laptop?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Derks

    Suc69 ;P

    Nee ik ga eerst eten en mn kerstkaarten afmaken die ik morgen moet gaan rondbezorgen haha

    1 decennium geleden

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