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Henkexth is offline

Bij bill in bed XD geill


Paardrijden, Th luisteren


TE vet th was cOol man XD
Met Charlotte van BillxZula en mn vader^^
Jeahh over 20 dagen:O al met charlotte aftellen!
Jeahhh zo'n zin!

Just a normal dayStreets turn into graves
Traceshave been removed
The search was disapproved
So cold the night
The weak ones lose the fight
How many of them out there
No one seems to care

Lost and so alone, Born but never known
Left all on their own, Forgotten Childeren
We'll never hear a name, They carry all the blame
Too young to break the chains,Forgotten childeren
The see, They feel
Believe, Just like we do
They're laughing, And crying
Wanna live here, Like me and you.

Eyes without light
So tired of goodbyes
Never felt embraced
And frightened of every faces
A life in disguise


It shoudn't really be that way
It shoudn't really be that way

We see, We feel
Believe, Just like you
We're laughing, And crying
Wanna live here, Just like you

We see, We feel
Believe, Just like you
We're laughing, And crying
Wanna live here, Just like you

Forgotten childeren

On top of the roof
The air is so cold and so calm
I say your name in silence
You don't want to hear it right now

The eyes of the city
Are counting the tears falling down
Each one a promise
Of everything you never found

I scream into the night for you
Don't make it true
Don't jump
The lights they won't guide you through
they're deceiving you
Don't jump
Don't let memories go of me and you
The world is down there, out of view
Please don't jump

You open your eyes
But you can't remember what for
The snow falls quietly
You just can't feel it no more

Somewhere out there
You lost yourself in your pain
You dream of the end
To start all over again

I scream into the night for you
Don't make it true
Don't jump
The lights they won't guide you through
they're deceiving you
Don't jump
Don't let memories go of me and you
The world is down there, out of view
Please don't jump
Don't jump!

I don't know how long
I can hold you so strong
I don't know how long

Just take my hand
Give it a chance
Don't jump

I scream into the night for you
Don't make it true
Don't jump
The lights they won't guide you through
they're deceiving you
Don't jump
Don't let memories go of me and you
The world is down there, out of view
Please don't jump
Don't jump!

And if all that can't hold you back
I'll jump for you

Don't jump


Horses and Bill.
Hij word heel weinig gemaakt.
Dus de gene die hem maakt ik kan je helaas niet op de hoogte houden, Voeg me toe als vriend dan zie je het van zelf.



1 decennium geleden

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13 uur 18 minuten

582 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (9)

  • tubbietoost

    *klopt op deur.
    krijgt geen gehoor

    jij ziet het al, die komt weer reclame maken.
    het begint te regenen
    je ziet mij nogsteeds staan en denkt wat un maffo, ik doe de deur es open
    ik zie de deur open gaan. "hello"
    "reclame maffo voor welke quiz kom jij reclame maken. of verwacht je dat ik op je kom stemmen." je kijkt boos
    ik word bang. "zou je alsjeblieft mijn quiz PRINCESS OF DARKNESS willen maken??" ik doe een poging tot lief kijken.
    "het zal wel" je smijt de deur dicht
    en stilletjes zeg ik "sorry" tegen de deur. "maar ik hoop dat je toch komt"

    1 decennium geleden
  • BillxZula

    Omg je hebt al twee pagina's vol met reactues van mij:P

    1 decennium geleden
  • BillxZula

    Zet op je profiel dat we samen naar th gaan, doe ik ook^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • BillxZula

    Hahaa lache:D We zijn weer allebei on:D:D:D en ik heb een reactie achter gelaten bij 2;)

    1 decennium geleden
  • BillxZula


    1 decennium geleden

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