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➸ A quality of passion and inspiration.
➸ ➸ A spirit.

⇿ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁⇿

Trust me,
close your eyes,
think about me and
forget your worries.

When your eyes open,
I'll be gone,
so keep them closed,
you won't see me disappear.

But you never listen to me,
and you disover that I'm gone.
You notice you'll never see me again.
You break.

Close your eyes again,
now think about what I said earlier.
Now you know, I ended my own life.
I don't exist anymore.

Don't call me by my name anymore,
I said.
Call me Duendes,
that's who I am now.
⇿ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁⇿

Change me in a martyr,
let me die for my faith in you,
let me be your inspiration and
your guide.

I color your world with ideas,
make you wanna life,
I force you to hold on,
to keep moving forward.

Even when you're colorblind,
or when you turn deaf,
or when you can't feel a thing anymore,
I will be your sense.

Oh, dear,
let me be your martyr,
don't let me die for nothing,
let me guide you through the dark.

Trust me,
close your eyes,
follow my voice,
I'll bring you there.

Call me Duendes,
That's who I am now.

⇿ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁ ۞ ❁⇿

"It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you."

1 decennium geleden

3 maanden geleden

2 maanden 1 weken

31791 [24 uur]











25 Creaties van Duendes

Gastenboek (6157)

  • Larafin

    Haha, ja hoor. Had het overleefd, maar nu is het gewoon half.

    9 jaar geleden
  • Larafin

    Haha, nou, ik ben het dus half.

    9 jaar geleden
  • Larafin

    Haha, hoe lang doe je dan al aan chatten via internet? Aangezien aardig wat mensen (ook op Q) depressief zijn, of half.

    9 jaar geleden
  • Larafin

    Een vriendin van me heeft een depressive aanval nu. En ik word er dan juist in meegesleurd.

    9 jaar geleden
  • Larafin

    Haha, boeit het. Ontmoet graag nieuwe mensen.
    Met mij gaat het wel aardig...:/...maar hoe is het met jou? ^^

    9 jaar geleden

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