• I really should back to work..
    *Takes book*
    Wait, Let's check this. And Oh, that's soo interesting.

    Juist ja, ik kom dus echt niet aan het werk. Wie helpt me??? *sad-puppy-face*

    You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt


    walking get's too boring, when you learn how to fly..

    *Ahum* ik heb vandaag een extra vrije dag <3
    Want moest vanmorgen naar de tandarts en toen ben ik maar thuis gebeleven <3

    It's going to be difficult, but not impossible.

    ik ken hetxD

    Being yourself is just like breathing, so take the easiest way and don't pretend like your some one else