• Ik vond deze vragenlijst op internet en zou het leuk vinden als jullie deze invullen :Y)

    Name: Samantha

    Year: 6th

    House: Gryffindor

    Patronus: Unicorn

    Amortentia: Chocolate and White Jasmin

    Boggart: Spiders

    Favourite Spell(s): Expecto Patronum

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Hermione Granger

    Favorite Class(es): DADA and Transfiguration

    Favorite Teacher: Hagrid

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    Mag natuurlijk ook in het nederlands.

    [ topic verplaatst door een moderator ]

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:10 ]

    Name: Dominique
    Year: 6.
    House: Griffoendor
    Patronus: Lynx
    Amortentia: Kaneel.
    Boggart: Spin.
    Favourite Spell(s): Expecto Patronum, Imperio
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Luna Lovegood
    Favorite Class(es): Verweer tegen de zwarte kunsten / Zorg voor fabeldieren
    Favorite Teacher: Anderling.
    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak. dah.

    Alleen maar tranen van geluk

    Name: Ellen
    Year: 6th
    House: Slytherin
    Patronus: Tiger
    Amortentia: Wood and - net afgemaaid gras -
    Boggart: Someone dieing
    Favourite Spell(s): Expelliarmus
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy & Luna Lovegood
    Favorite Class(es): Transfiguration
    Favorite Teacher: McGonagall
    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:32 ]

    Let the Night embrace you

    Name: Nore

    Year: 2th

    House: Slytherin

    Patronus: Horse

    Amortentia: Green tea and -witte was?-

    Boggart: The Grudge

    Favourite Spell(s):Avada Kedavra, Sectumsempra

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Pansy Parkinson

    Favorite Class(es): DADA

    Favorite Teacher: Snape

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Wand

    It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.

    Name: linda

    Year: 4th

    House: slytherin

    Patronus: Dragon

    Amortentia: sea

    Boggart: Spiders

    Favourite Spell(s): heb ik niet :$

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: draco

    Favorite Class(es): verzorging voor fabel dieren & verweer tegen de zwarte kunsten

    Favorite Teacher: snep

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    sommige liefdes zijn perfect, andere zijn vervloekt

    Name: Tara
    Year: 6th
    House: Slytherin
    Patronus: Bear
    Amortentia: Caramel and maybe the smell of fresh made bread
    Boggart: Maybe an unworthy death for myself , don't know actually
    Favourite Spell(s): Legilimens
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Blaise Zabini
    Favorite Class(es): Transfiguration and potions
    Favorite Teacher: Slughorn
    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Wand

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:34 ]

    I can no longer keep my head up, above me it's empty. There are no kings watching over me

    Name: charissa

    Year: 2th

    House: Slytherin

    Patronus: Snake

    Amortentia: Flowers

    Boggart: Spiders

    Favourite Spell(s): i dont have

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy

    Favorite Class(es): DADA

    Favorite Teacher: Snape

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Wand

    (Be)lieve in (you)rself

    Name: Evelyn
    Year: 3th
    House: Ravenclaw
    Patronus: serval
    Amortentia: the scent of my boyfriend, spring, air before thunderstorm
    Boggart: nosebleed
    Favourite Spell(s): I don't know, all of them (:
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley

    Favorite Class(es): Charms and Care of Magical Creatures

    Favorite Teacher: Hagrid

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:24 ]

    This is the part of me, that you're never ever gonna take away from me.

    Name: Rowan
    Year: 6.
    House: Slytherin
    Patronus: Coyote
    Amortentia: The smell of a woodstove.
    Boggart: Clowns?
    Favourite Spell(s): Sectumsempra, Expecto patronum
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy
    Favorite Class(es): DADA,
    Favorite Teacher: Remus, anders Snape.
    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak.

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:33 ]

    Crush crush you're my sugar rush. ~ <333

    Name: Laura

    Year: 2nd

    House: Hufflepuff

    Patronus: parrot

    Amortentia: Fresh parchment, the sent of books

    Boggart: Dogs

    Favourite Spell(s): Levicorpus, confringo, Expecto patronum, sectumsempra
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Cedric Diggory

    Favorite Class(es): Defence Against The Dark arts, Transfiguration

    Favorite Teacher: professor Snape & Professor McGonagall

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: wand

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:30 ]

    "we are definetely four good reasons not to have children" - Bill Kaulitz

    Name: Veranika
    Year: 2
    House: Griffoendor
    Patronus: Wolf
    Amortentia: Sunrise
    Boggart: Spider
    Favourite Spell(s): Accio
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Harry Potter
    Favorite Class(es): Defence Against The Dark arts
    Favorite Teacher: / (Perkamentus)
    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak


    Name: Elien

    Year: 5th

    House: Slytherin

    Patronus: black panther

    Amortentia: ?

    Boggart: frogs

    Favourite Spell(s): Expecto Patronum

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Draco Malfoy

    Favorite Class(es): Defence against de dark arts, potions

    Favorite Teacher: Professor Snape

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Wand

    Je moet worden wie je bent.

    Name: Sanne

    Year: 6th

    House: Ravenclaw

    Patronus: Wolf

    Amortentia: Red roses / Books / snow / My boyfriend / Scotland

    Boggart: Enormous black spiders

    Favourite Spell(s): Expecto Patronum / accio / Legilimens / Lumos

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Hermione Granger

    Favorite Class(es): Defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, potions, charms.

    Favorite Teacher: Snape / McGonagall

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:48 ]

    And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.

    Name: Hannah

    Year: 4th

    House: Gryffindor
    Patronus: Bird

    Amortentia: Fresh Bread

    Boggart: Spiders

    Favourite Spell(s): Legilimens

    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Ron Weasly

    Favorite Class(es): Potions
    Favorite Teacher: Snape

    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    We can't spend our lives waiting to live.

    Name: Tinne
    Year: 6th
    House: Ravenclaw
    Patronus: Swallow
    Amortentia: Roses and fresh flowers
    Boggart: A monsterous gost
    Favourite Spell(s): Accio, Lumos, Expelliarmus, Expecto Patronum
    Best Friend at Hogwarts: Cedric Diggory or Cho Chang or Harry Potter
    Favorite Class(es): Transfirguration, Flying, Defence Against The Dark Arts
    Favorite Teacher: Minerva McGonagall
    Wand, Cloak, or Stone?: Cloak

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:47 ]

    Home is now behind you. The world is ahead!

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2011 - 21:47 ]

    Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.