• Welcome to the last refuge for the world's worst poetry.

    It's difficult to understand how, in this age of information, poems that merely miss the mark can be tossed into the cold world to fend for themselves, only to whither and be forgotten.

    Please help us to help them to help us.

    I love pie
    It tastes so good
    Especially after I fly
    Because it is a delicious food
    Peach, apple, and cherry
    Pie makes me feel so merry
    Like Rudolph or Santa
    Uhohh, I dropped my pie
    O’ my lanta

    Hahahah. Ik was op zoek naar een gedicht, dat de naam heeft 'Bad poetry', maar toen kwam ik op deze site :'D Echt ge-wel-dig die gedichtjes. Achja, misschien vind alleen ik dat, maar goed.

    "I shut my eyes in order to see.'

    Yako-enoph eht no s'eny lorac! Regor- ... Tnoflahc, mraf ynnuf eht fo erac, Knip Dlo ot rewsna ruoy dnes esaelp. Egassem terces eht derevocsid tsuj evah uoy. Snoitalutargnoc...(sretnuh) Akul, olleh-

    P.S This is a million times better than Friday by Rebecca Black.

    Hahaa XD

    Oeh, een geheime boodschap!
    Hello, luka
    you have just discovered the secret message.
    Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the funny farm, chalfont...- roger Carol! yne's on the phone-okay

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 april 2011 - 22:27 ]

    walking get's too boring, when you learn how to fly..

    Hahahah, lol XD

    Life is hard and then we die