'you're looking so innocent, I might believe you if I didn't know...' Taylor Swift, You're not Sorry.
'tell a joke and I will sigh. you will laugh and I will cry.. happiness I cannot feel, and Love to me is so unreal...' Black Sabbath, Paranoid.
I was yours to hold....' Skillet, yours to hold.
I'm just like you, only prettier.' Miranda Lambert, Only Prettier
I sure you got some things, you want to change of yourself, but when it comes to me, I wouldn't wanna be anybody else;; I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me;;Who says you're not perfect? who says you're not worth it?who says you're the only one that's hurting? trust me, that's the price of beauty, who says you're not pretty? who says you're not beautiful, who says?' Selena Gomez, who says.
'she likes to play, she loves to rock,yeah, she's closer to the bottom, but she's heading for the top; she's got a dream, to be a star, dressed in balck like Johnny Cash, with a pink guitar!' Jasmine Rae, Pink guitar
Maybe we should doubt our fears instead our dreams.