Ik drink een Dommelsch biertje en ik eet Coctail snacks :').
You are free. Free to dream, to love, to laugh and find peace. Free to be you and happy.
fanta cassis
live long and prosper
Burn Energy.
'I would rather fight with you, than make love to anyone else.'
Bacardicola :'3 in van die leuke blikjes
Spezi Dat is cola en sinas gemengd.
This is the part of me, that you're never ever gonna take away from me.
Arrow schreef: Spezi Dat is cola en sinas gemengd.
Sadism schreef: (...) O_O kun je dat mengen.
“You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!” ~The Doctor
Best way not to get your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one.