• You're to late, ik ben eruit. c:
    Ja, zeg me eens even welke van de volgende ik moet nemen als pasfoto:
    #Elmo 1 |
    #Elmo 2 ||||
    #Elmo 3 |||| ||||
    #Elmo 4 |||| |||| |||| ||
    #Elmo 5 |||| |||

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 dec 2010 - 14:05 ]

    I'm a hero, and I'm super. I guess I'm a SUPERHERO

    4 fersure.
    die is way schattig.

    We'll still love each other, forever and always. <3

    3 of 4

    Je moet worden wie je bent.


    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

    Ja hoor, iedereen vind iets anders leuk. :'d

    I'm a hero, and I'm super. I guess I'm a SUPERHERO

    Elmo 2 XD

    Caution first, always.

    4 _O_

    You and I are the same. Perfect in our own weird way.

    5 :Y)


    iMoan schreef:
    4 fersure.
    die is way schattig.

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Vier of drie :9~

    Normaal is het gemiddelde van alle afwijkingen

    3 :'D

    Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

    Numero 3 of 2

    "I shut my eyes in order to see.'


    Best way not to get your heart broken, is to pretend you don't have one.



    4 for sure ^^

    Destiny is what you're supposed to do. Fate is what kicks you in the ass to make you do it.


    Don't dream your life, but live your dream!