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    Weten jullie nog quotes/zinnen waar ik wat mee kan?(: Zou fijn zijn!(flower)

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 juli 2010 - 20:48 ]

    everything, in time

    Never look back...

    I'm not like other girls, that's where you made your first mistake

    If you want something you must fight fot it

    I'm not like other girls, that's where you made your first mistake

    Fuck all that Princess stuff, I'm the Queen baby!

    I'm not like other girls, that's where you made your first mistake

    Shit happens but life goes on

    I'm not like other girls, that's where you made your first mistake

    Just let me shop and no one gets hurt (duivel)

    I'm not like other girls, that's where you made your first mistake

    Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. Be the beauty. Live the beauty. Share the beauty.

    Anything you grab or borrow or beg from someone else really won't do you any good. What you make out of who you are inside -- that's what will fulfill you.

    Life is too beautiful and too precious to waste it with hate and anger. Those who are truly strong choose to let go of what holds them back. Be strong, let go, forgive, and act out of love.

    What you freely give, you can never lose. There is no limit to the value you can create when you love life's beauty with all you are, and in all you do.

    Dit raakt me iedere keer weer (:.

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