• [ bericht aangepast op 27 jan 2010 - 20:55 ]

    your eyes are like stars in the night.

    Hem ken ik van Radio 538. Uhm van zo'n bandwedstrijd was dat..

    it's so empty living behind these castle walls

    Ethereal schreef:
    Hem ken ik van Radio 538. Uhm van zo'n bandwedstrijd was dat..

    Was jij heel toevallig bij dat demo-duel?

    your eyes are like stars in the night.

    Poseidon schreef:
    Was jij heel toevallig bij dat demo-duel?
    Nee ;o
    Maar dat onderdeel bedoel ik wel (:

    it's so empty living behind these castle walls

    Ethereal schreef:
    (...) Nee ;o
    Maar dat onderdeel bedoel ik wel (:

    Whehe, ik was er wel (:

    your eyes are like stars in the night.

    paparazzi <3

    Die covers vind ik wel nog leuk :3.

    Oh, I may be on the side of the angels... but don't think for one second that I am one of them.

    Die zijn mooi! (:

    Everything is quiet, except for all the voices in my head that say your name.

    What goes around is mooi <3

    we've only said goodbye with words