• But another thing is new: in “BRAVO” Tokio Hotel Bassist Georg revealed, the first time, that he has a Girlfriend and that he’s in a relationship with her since 6 months!
    Why didn’t we know about this? Georg explains it in the Interview with I LOVE RADIO.
    Georg, did you want to keep your Girlfriend a secret?
    Georg: “Yes, I have a new Girlfriend. But I haven’t kept it a secret in the past six months, we simply had no Interviews and nobody asked me!”

    Bill: “We never try to keep it a secret. I think that when one of us has a Girlfriend, then it’s the most normal thing in the world. I think it’s totally embarrassing when Boygroups try to keep it a secret, just to make Girls buy their CDs. It’s ridiculous. So we actually say it, when we have a Girlfriend. Actually, I find it rather sad that only one of us has one. But that’s how it is!”

    How and where could you ever meet a potential Girlfriend?

    Bill: “Tom and I aren’t going out to Clubs in our Private Life. We always work a lot, that’s why it doesn’t really work out – we’re usually at After Show Partys, even there we aren’t those who go to every Party. Actually going into the Cinema in private or just normally go out – it doesn’t work.”

    Georg: “Gustav and I can still move around in Magdeburg relatively free. Sometimes it works. That’s where I met my Girlfriend.”

    Bill: “You miss it, that’s a fact. That’s one of the bad things when you’re famous. We can’t spontaneously say: Okay, now I’m going out with a Friend or now I’m gonna meet my Friends to eat some ice-cream, or drink some Coffee, or spontaneously go into a Club in the evening. So, everything that we do is always perfectly planned and you’re never alone. You always have somebody with you – yes, that’s not very nice. But I have to say, that there are also those Moments, when we’re standing on the stage and thousands of Fans are listening to our Music – this is definitely making up for everything.”

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 aug 2009 - 22:41 ]

    I need you like a heart needs a beat

    aah ik wil een foto van haar zien..

    Eens kijken op wat voor een typ Georg valt xD


    Ik vind het leuk voor Georg.
    En hoop dat de rest er ook snel één krijgt. :')

    Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful.

    Leuk voor Georg :)

    Mijn favoriete bandlid <3

    It's heavy but you are not the only one

    Aww, wat schattig. ;D Hopelijk is de rest binnenkort ook gelukkig genoeg om een meisje te vinden.

    You move me ......... Kurt

    But I haven’t kept it a secret in the past six months, we simply had no Interviews and nobody asked me!

    Haha, omygod :'D
    Arme Georg.


    ik vind het aan de ene kant best wel zielig dat Tom en Bill niet normaal uit kunnen gaan enzoo..:x
    maar ik hoop dat Georg gelukkig blijft en de rest ook n_n

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2009 - 22:39 ]