• Goodbye, such a simple word
    A word, used by many
    People say it every day
    But that is different
    They say it everyday and come back again and again

    You got me waiting for years
    You turned all my thoughts into cruel fears
    Do you know what you’ve done?
    Can you ever say you’re sorry enough?
    Will you ever understand?

    The photo’s, they get old
    But I still watch them everyday
    People just don’t get it
    I can’t just hop on a train just to ask you how the sleeping pills are working and if you are ruining your life good enough that it could become your death
    People just don’t get it

    All those lonely days made me wonder
    Would you ever tell him that I even exist?
    I wonder how you’re doing
    Just the little things I used to know and see, not just feel
    I know everything, all the small things too, but it hurts me I can’t see

    I love to hear or see you once again
    One last time
    Maybe just to say you how sorry I am
    What kind of crappy friend I am
    Maybe just to see you smile one last time at me

    If I could go back in time just to set things straight I would do that
    I would give my life to safe yours
    I would tell all the people that hurt you to get me, instead of you
    That would say how much I care for you.. I would give my life
    If only you had seen it, this all wouldn’t happen..

    Sing to me one last time
    Listen to me one last time
    Tell me your deepest secret one last time
    Tell me one more time what you dream every night
    Tell me one more time you do care for me..

    It eats me up inside that I lost you so long ago
    My beautiful friend
    I miss you, I really do
    Bye my love
    You’ll always be in my hearth

    Wie du mir, so ich dir.

    echt héél mooi [:

    None but ourselves can free our minds.