• wat is u naam andersom?
    Inez = zeni


    ilse: esli xd

    ilagam egt wtf u.u

    I've tasted Hell.. And it tastes just like You.


    Is est non 'Carpe Diem', is est 'Carpe Corpus'.

    Ettesil.. Klinkt als een ziekte. ._.

    No hour of life is wasted when spent in the saddle.

    ecyoj jaja sexi :P

    ~Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one~

    BeatControll schreef:
    Eva = ave
    wtf xD

    Zo wilden mijn ouder me noemen xD

    Evelyn --> Nyleve
    /likes it.

    there is an ocean in my heart, hidden behind eyes of celadon.

    shemyda = adymesh

    Could it be that if I would just Be, True Love, Peace and Communion would come Naturally?

    Loeka => akeoL -__-

    Just a simple "I love you" (:

    Anne-Marie = eiraM-ennA


    namooC eD ylrebmiK


    You'll never ever ever be mine.

    Marjolien = Neilojram xd

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    Jamie = eimaj

    [[x]. Twincest .[x]]

    Amber - Rebma xD

    Inspiration can hit you any time