• Messrs.
    Moony, Wormtail,
    Padfoot & Prongs

    are proud to present

    Marauder's Map

    JANUARY 5TH, 1976

    Het tweede semester van hun vijfde schooljaar start voor de Marauders, maar niet zonder moeilijkheden. Terwijl de leerlingen van Hogwarts School of Magic hun eigen problemen, verlangens en connecties trachten te navigeren, wordt de dreiging van Voldemort's Death Eaters steeds reëler. De terreuraanvallen die plaatsvonden tijdens de Kerstvakantie wegen zwaar door op iedereen en de spanningen zijn voelbaar. De imminente oorlog sluipt steeds dichterbij, maar wat betekent dit voor de leerlingen? Is er nog plaats voor grappen in deze grimmige tijd? Bestaat er nog romantiek als iedereen kanten moet kiezen?

    ✦ De taal waarin je schrijft kies je zelf - bespreek dit wel eerst met je tegenspeler - maar voor het gemak gebruiken we best allen de Engelse woorden zoals Death Eater, Hogwarts en namen van lessen (:
    ✦ En dan alle huisregels en zovoort, y'all know the drill: wees vriendelijk, gebruik triggerwarnings, bespreek dingen op voorhand, sluit niemand uit, yadiyadiya.
    ✦ Als je even niet beschikbaar bent, laat het even weten in het praattopic, dan is dat duidelijk voor iedereen. Laat je na een week niks van je horen, dan mag je tegenspeler zijn/haar/hun personage vrij schrijven. Laat je na 14 dagen niks weten, dan wordt je personage een NPC maar kan je altijd terug inspringen. Na anderhalve maand vermoordt Voldemort je personage (mopje, maar laat gewoon iets weten, oké?)
    ✦ Het is geen canon RPG, maar houdt wel rekening met specifieke gebeurtenissen die in de canon gebeuren. Onderaan heb ik een timeline toegevoegd met wat relevante gebeurtenissen.
    ✦ Er is géén minimum vereiste voor posts, maar geef je tegenspeler genoeg om op te reageren. That's the point of RPG'ing, my gals (and guys and gays).

    November 3rd 1959
    No specific date known 1960

    January 9th 1960
    March 10th 1960
    March 27th 1960
    No specific date known 1961
    February 16th 1965
    circa 1970

    September 1st 1971
    September 1st 1972
    Sirius Black is born.
    Peter Pettigrew is born.
    Lily Evans is born.
    Severus Snape is born.
    Remus Lupin is born.
    James Potter is born.
    Regulus Black is born.
    Remus is bitten by Fenrir Greyback.
    Pure blood riots.
    Voldemort rises to power.
    The Order of the Phoenix is created.
    The Marauders, Lily and Severus start at Hogwarts. │ Marauders 1st year
    Regulus Black starts at Hogwarts. │ Marauders 2nd year
    The Marauders become Animagi.│ Marauders 4th year

    circa 1975

    March 1976
    June 1976
    June 1978

    circa 1980
    July 31st 1980
    August 1980

    October 24th 1981

    October 31st 1981

    Sirius runs away from home and is disowned. │ Marauders 4th year
    The Marauders Map is created. │ Marauders 4th year
    Remus becomes prefect. │ Marauders 5th year
    Mulciber attacks Mary Mcdonald. │ Marauders 5th year
    Sirius plays a practical joke on Severus Snape. │ Marauders 5th year
    Snape's Worst Memory - James publicly humiliates him. │ Marauders 5th year
    James and Lily are made Head Boy and Girl. │ Marauders 7th year
    The Marauders finish Hogwarts.
    Regulus Black finishes Hogwarts and attempts to back out of being
    a Death Eater. He dies.
    Lily Evans and James Potter get married.
    Peter Pettigrew becomes a spy for Voldemort.
    Harry Potter is born.
    Severus Snape tells Dumbledore of the prophecy and begs Dumbledore
    to keep Lily safe.
    The Fidelius Charm is cast to hide the Potters, with Peter Pettigrew
    acting as Secret Keeper.
    The End (we don't need to go into detail)

    Maankalender van 1976
    Quidditch teams
    James - 5th year
    Amos Diggory - 6th year
    Alice Fortescue - 7th year - Team Captain

    Marlene - 5th year
    Sirius - 5th year

    Frank Longbottom - 7th year

    Mary - 5th year
    Dorcas - ? year
    Evan - 4th year
    Pandora - 4th year

    Barty - 4th year
    Rabastan Lestrange - 7th year - Team Captain

    Emmaline Vance - 6th year

    Regulus - 4th year
    Quidditch matches of the 1975-1976 school year
    first Saturday of November: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw | 200 -120
    first Saturday of December: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin | 70 - 180

    last Saturday of January: Gryffindor vs Slytherin
    last Saturday of February: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff
    last Saturday of March: Ravenclaw vs Slytherin
    last Saturday of May: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

    ✦ Sirius Black | 16 | Year 5 | M | Caeneus
    ✦ James Potter | 15 | Year 5 | M | ziggystardust
    ✦ Remus Lupin | 15 | Year 5 | M | Fendyr
    ✦ Peter Pettigrew | 15 | Year 5 | M | NPC

    ✦ Lily Evans | 15 | Year 5 | F | bluebanisters
    ✦ Marlene McKinnon | 16 | Year 5 | F | ziggystardust
    ✦ Mary Mcdonald | 15 | Year 5 | F | Caeneus

    ✦ Regulus Black | 14 | Year 4 | M | bluebanisters
    ✦ Barty Crouch Jr | 15 | Year 4 | M | ziggystardust
    ✦ Evan Rosier | 15 | Year 4 | M | Caeneus
    ✦ Severus Snape | 15 | Year 5 | NPC

    ✦ Pandora Rosier | 15 | Year 4 | F | bluebanisters
    ✦ Dorcas Meadowes | 15 | Year 5 | F | Fendyr

    ✦ Xenophilius Lovegood | 15 | Year 5 | M | Fendyr

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 okt 2024 - 17:06 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Fendyr schreef:

    I’mma stick with Ravenclaw for him!

    Can’t wait for your fc recs
    I’m usually more of a aesthetic/vibes gal so finding fc’s it a bitch

    @blue thanks for your recs, will look at them tomorrow!

    he is going to be the only playable character in ravenclaw though, just so you know. ofcourse there's npcs and stuff (:

    kindness is never a burden.

    oh and imma gonna off canon/fanon with lily not liking/watching quidditch
    cause all her friends like it and most of them play it, cant have her not supporting/fangirling for her friends

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    also, the marauder fandom

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Caeneus schreef:

    he is going to be the only playable character in ravenclaw though, just so you know. ofcourse there's npcs and stuff (:

    That’s no problem! Will go with the imagine I’ve in mind for him :Y)

    Light it up.

    wait wtf why is the font so ugly on my phone all of the sudden

    is de font in het beginttopic ook overly curly bij jullie?

    kindness is never a burden.

    Caeneus schreef:
    wait wtf why is the font so ugly on my phone all of the sudden

    is de font in het beginttopic ook overly curly bij jullie?

    bij mij is die gewoon normaal!

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    bluebanisters schreef:

    bij mij is die gewoon normaal!

    does it look good? or would you think 'hmm interesting font choice'

    kindness is never a burden.

    it looks good!!

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Looks normal to me!

    Light it up.

    When the album that would define bartys entire personality was still a year away from release at the start of the RPG. so I might bend that timeline a bit. he just has to have discovered the Sex Pistols already. I need my punk boy and my fav punk album hehe

    and the spiders from mars

    bluebanisters schreef:
    oh and imma gonna off canon/fanon with lily not liking/watching quidditch
    cause all her friends like it and most of them play it, cant have her not supporting/fangirling for her friends


    also on the topic of quidditch, let me know what position everyone's characters want and ill add the teams to the begintopic!

    kindness is never a burden.

    ii quidditch 👏🏼

    Barty, beater
    James, i'm leaning more towards chaser rather than seeker
    Marlene, beate

    and the spiders from mars

    Dorcas: chaser

    I don't think Remus and Xeno would play Quidditch
    Remus would support his team tho
    Xeno would. . . be there but looking and thinking about different things

    Light it up.

    Caeneus schreef:


    also on the topic of quidditch, let me know what position everyone's characters want and ill add the teams to the begintopic!

    reggie seeker ✨
    misschien panda chaser hmmm

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue









    [ bericht aangepast op 14 okt 2024 - 12:13 ]

    kindness is never a burden.