• Messrs.
    Moony, Wormtail,
    Padfoot & Prongs

    are proud to present

    Marauder's Map

    JANUARY 5TH, 1976

    Het tweede semester van hun vijfde schooljaar start voor de Marauders, maar niet zonder moeilijkheden. Terwijl de leerlingen van Hogwarts School of Magic hun eigen problemen, verlangens en connecties trachten te navigeren, wordt de dreiging van Voldemort's Death Eaters steeds reëler. De terreuraanvallen die plaatsvonden tijdens de Kerstvakantie wegen zwaar door op iedereen en de spanningen zijn voelbaar. De imminente oorlog sluipt steeds dichterbij, maar wat betekent dit voor de leerlingen? Is er nog plaats voor grappen in deze grimmige tijd? Bestaat er nog romantiek als iedereen kanten moet kiezen?

    Voor deze RPG laat ik enkel 'bestaande' personages toe, omdat het echt óver de Marauders gaat. Je mag hier echter wel je eigen interpretatie aan geven, bijvoorbeeld: Remus kan gay zijn, Lily kan aziatisch zijn, Peter kan trans zijn... De focus ligt op de Marauders en de mensen rond hen - zoals Severus Snape, Regulus Black, maar ook Order members zoals Marlene McKinnon, Mary Mcdonald of Death Eaters van die periode zoals Barty Crouch Jr of Evan Rosier. Bijgevolg gaat het dus voornamelijk om de Gryffindor en Slytherin Houses - maar niet uitsluitend. Ga wild, ga los, maar zorg dat de puzzelstukjes nog een beetje in elkaar passen (:

    Jaar & Huis
    Extra (zoals toverstok samenstelling, huisdier, of je personage in het Quidditch team zit, etc.)

    ✦ De taal waarin je schrijft kies je zelf - bespreek dit wel eerst met je tegenspeler - maar voor het gemak gebruiken we best allen de Engelse woorden zoals Death Eater, Hogwarts en namen van lessen (:
    ✦ En dan alle huisregels en zovoort, y'all know the drill: wees vriendelijk, gebruik triggerwarnings, bespreek dingen op voorhand, sluit niemand uit, yadiyadiya.
    ✦ Als je even niet beschikbaar bent, laat het even weten in het praattopic, dan is dat duidelijk voor iedereen. Laat je na een week niks van je horen, dan mag je tegenspeler zijn/haar/hun personage vrij schrijven. Laat je na 14 dagen niks weten, dan wordt je personage een NPC maar kan je altijd terug inspringen. Na anderhalve maand vermoordt Voldemort je personage (mopje, maar laat gewoon iets weten, oké?)
    ✦ Het is geen canon RPG, maar houdt wel rekening met specifieke gebeurtenissen die in de canon gebeuren. Onderaan heb ik een timeline toegevoegd met wat relevante gebeurtenissen.
    ✦ Er is géén minimum vereiste voor posts, maar geef je tegenspeler genoeg om op te reageren. That's the point of RPG'ing, my gals (and guys and gays).

    November 3rd 1959
    Unspecified date 1960
    January 9th 1960
    January 30th 1960
    March 10th 1960
    March 27th 1960
    April 2nd 1960
    June 5th 1960
    September 16th 1960
    November 13th 1960

    January 6th 1961
    June 25th 1961
    November 11th 1961
    July 9th 1962
    February 16th 1965
    circa 1970

    September 1st 1971
    September 1st 1972
    Sirius Black is born.
    Marlene McKinnon is born.
    Severus Snape is born.
    Lily Evans is born.
    Remus Lupin is born.
    James Potter is born.
    Dorcas Meadowes is born.
    Mary Mcdonald is born.
    Peter Pettigrew is born.
    Xenophilius Lovegood is born.

    Evan Rosier is born.
    Regulus Black is born.
    Pandora Rosier is born.
    Barty Crouch Jr is born.
    Remus is bitten by Fenrir Greyback.
    Pure blood riots.
    Voldemort rises to power.
    The Order of the Phoenix is created.
    The Marauders, Lily and Severus start at Hogwarts. │ Marauders 1st year
    Regulus Black starts at Hogwarts. │ Marauders 2nd year
    The Marauders become Animagi.│ Marauders 4th year

    circa 1975

    March 1976
    June 1976
    June 1978

    circa 1980
    July 31st 1980
    August 1980

    October 24th 1981

    October 31st 1981

    Sirius runs away from home and is disowned. │ Marauders 5th year
    The Marauders Map is created. │ Marauders 5th year
    Remus becomes prefect. │ Marauders 5th year
    Sirius plays a practical joke on Severus Snape. │ Marauders 6th year
    Snape's Worst Memory - James publicly humiliates him. │ Marauders 6th year
    James and Lily are made Head Boy and Girl. │ Marauders 7th year
    The Marauders finish Hogwarts.
    Regulus Black finishes Hogwarts and attempts to back out of being
    a Death Eater. He dies.
    Lily Evans and James Potter get married.
    Peter Pettigrew becomes a spy for Voldemort.
    Harry Potter is born.
    Severus Snape tells Dumbledore of the prophecy and begs Dumbledore
    to keep Lily safe.
    The Fidelius Charm is cast to hide the Potters, with Peter Pettigrew
    acting as Secret Keeper.
    The End (we don't need to go into detail)

    Maankalender van 1976
    Quidditch teams
    James - 5th year
    Amos Diggory - 6th year
    Alice Fortescue - 7th year - Team Captain

    Marlene - 5th year
    Sirius - 5th year

    Frank Longbottom - 7th year

    Mary - 5th year
    Dorcas - ? year
    Evan - 4th year
    Pandora - 4th year

    Barty - 4th year
    Rabastan Lestrange - 7th year - Team Captain

    Emmaline Vance - 6th year

    Regulus - 4th year

    ✦ Sirius Black | 16 | Year 5 | M | Caeneus
    ✦ James Potter | 15 | Year 5 | M | ziggystardust
    ✦ Remus Lupin | 15 | Year 5 | M | Fendyr
    ✦ Peter Pettigrew | 15 | Year 5 | M | NPC

    ✦ Lily Evans | 15 | Year 5 | F | bluebanisters
    ✦ Marlene McKinnon | 16 | Year 5 | F | ziggystardust
    ✦ Mary Mcdonald | 15 | Year 5 | F | Caeneus

    ✦ Regulus Black | 14 | Year 4 | M | bluebanisters
    ✦ Barty Crouch Jr | 15 | Year 4 | M | ziggystardust
    ✦ Evan Rosier | 15 | Year 4 | M | Caeneus
    ✦ Severus Snape | 15 | Year 5 | NPC

    ✦ Pandora Rosier | 15 | Year 4 | F | bluebanisters
    ✦ Dorcas Meadowes | 15 | Year 5 | F | Fendyr

    ✦ Xenophilius Lovegood | 15 | Year 5 | M | Fendyr

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 okt 2024 - 21:24 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Mt! 🤍

    and the spiders from mars


    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Okay Q fucked up my lay out, but I fixed it


    kindness is never a burden.

    Hey nerds

    Light it up.



    N A M E
    Pandora Rosier
    Nickname: Dora, Dory, Pan (she is working on a spell so everyone who calls her this will get hit by an actual pan), Panda

    A G E
    15, born on the 11th of November.

    H O G W A R T S
    Dora is a fourth year Slytherin student.
    love transfig, care of magical creatures, herbology, dada, divination, charms
    hate potions, history of magic

    Pandora isn't what you would call your typical slytherin. Her being in slytherin mostly stems from being very ambitious. She dreams of being a wizarding architect, just like her mother. She wants to design and build something that is even greater than hogwarts.

    S O N G S
    green green grass • george ezra
    your love is my favourite band • the vaccines

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    golden retriever goth girl • chaotic neutral • experimenting • free spirit • lil' bit extra • extravert • curious • generally not too bothered with what others think of her • mixes up proverbs and idioms • also comes up with her own • just really fucking random sometimes • won't let you kill spiders • feeler rather than a thinker • also a doer rather than a thinker • wants to try out everything • warm • horrible long-term planner • conflict-averse • restless • emotional • social butterfly • looks like she could kill you, actually a cinnamon roll • says 'what?' at least three times when you ask her something • wont come with good advice tbh when you come to her with a problem, but she is absolutely great at comforting you • her own hype girl • will laugh at your stupid joke cause she genuinely finds it funny • extremely bad at being by herself • has no sense of time and is always late • afraid she is both too much for people, or too forgetable • causes her to be a complete chatterbox or absolutely quiet

    L O O K S
    currently has darkpurple coloured hair (it has seen a lot of colours already, from white blonde to pink to blue) • gothic chic clothing style, with always a pop of colour • fashion icon • hyperfeminine • bangs • big, brown eyes • round cheeks • 1.63 • bright, open smile

    L I K E S
    cats • bats • architecture • experimental magic • karaoke • bows • hogwarts, a history • spicy food • watching barty play chess against himself • exploring hogwarts • the colour black • halloween • diy projects • temporary tattoos • and real ones • rain • nail art • puns • autumn • lipstick • kissing people • naps

    D I S L I K E S
    even numbers (they are boring) • sand • nailbiters • maths (thankgod they dont give it at hogwarts) • tickles


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    insert father • stepfather
    insert mother
    Evan Rosier • stepbrother

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    • text text text text text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text text

    E X T R A
    • Dora often writes down her schedule and class notes on candywrappers.
    • She is a chaser in the Slytherin team.
    • Pansexual
    • She does her nails while doing homework (for four courses at once).
    • Pandora speaks English, French and Japanese. With Evan, she speaks a gibberish mess of these three that no one understands but them.
    • She is learning herself Latin and Greek, to better understand spells and create her own.
    • She is currently taking care of a Niffler, Pip, that she found near the Forbidden Forest. The poor thing is ill, exhausted and malnourished, but Pandora is nursing Pip back to health.
    • When Pandora saw the moving staircases for the first time, she was immediately fascinated. It took her a while, but she figured out there in fact is some sort of pattern in it. She knows the patterns and all the short-cuts by heart. Whenever she is annoyed with someone, she sends them by the staircases when she knows it will take forever.
    • Would love Sabrina Carpenter, Lana del Rey, drive-thru's, utterly specific spotify playlists and voice memos
    • The type of friend you need to tie a balloon to when you go somewhere together, otherwise you'll never find her back again
    • She gives nicknames to everyone
    • Her partytrick is mimicking the professors. She is especially good at doing McGonagall.
    • She has a new hobby each month. Currently it is bookbinding.
    • She always carries snacks for her friends with her.
    • Gives people partyhats on their birthdays (and they are enchanted so they can't be taken off until the birthday is over)
    • She is oddly bad at whispering
    • Wand 10 1/2 inches of jacaranda wood with a core of lotus stem
    • Boggart a vast, black empty space

    come put your lips on mine
    and shut me up

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 okt 2024 - 22:42 ]

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue



    N A M E
    Lily Evans
    Nickname: Lils, Evans

    A G E
    15, born on the 30th of January

    H O G W A R T S
    Lily is fifth year student. She's a prefect for Gryffindor.
    love transfig, care of magical creatures, herbology, dada, potions, charms, ancient runes
    hate flying

    all my life, I've been good, but now
    I'm thinking, what the hell?
    S O N G S
    Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl • Chappell Roan
    Mardy Bum • Arctic Monkeys

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    feeling angry af lately but knows how to hide it well • enfp • undiagnosed adhd • honest • bold • outspoken • bright and intelligen, but needs a studybuddy during studying cause mirroring • the mom-friend • makes sure you end up in bed after a party and take some water and aspirine • but also gladly wakes your hungover ass at the crack of dawn, the next day • while smiling • compassionate • stays calm in the most stressful situations • truly if your plane crashes you want this girl with you • first to comfort someone in distress, even if they don't realize they need it yet • doesn't like to wait around • overcommits to everything, plans her calendar way too full and then burns out • respect is earned, not given • mischievous • impulsive generosity • loves a good debate • overal sweet-hearted though • worries about being a burden • very good at ignoring people • always sincere • kiss you at the red lights kind of love

    L O O K S
    cheekbones that rival those of the blacks tbh • got frustrated over the break and chopped of her hair, sporting a shoulder length bob now • septum • 1.69 meters • slender • copper coloured hair • has glasses, but only wears them early in the morning or late at night • golden-brown eyes • freckles on her nose and cheeks, more prominent in spring and summer

    L I K E S
    nachos • oversized hoodies • secret handshakes • platformshoes • environmentalism • protest marches • board games (but only if she wins) • chocolate fondue • dune book series • camping • late night drives with loud music • sunset on the beach • spring • inside jokes • roadtrips to nowhere • fairground rides • thrift stores • advent calendars • night swimming • bonfire • hiking • scented candles • guinness • smiling at people who don't like her

    R E L A T I O N S
    Mary Macdonald • best friend
    Marlene McKinnon • best friend

    Severus Snape • sorta former best friend
    Severus and Lily have been close for many years, meeting as nine years old in their hometown. They shared a deep bond and Lily always came to his defence whenever he was bullied by other students.
          She has found it harder and harder to still stand up for him. Right before the Christmas break, the two of them had a falling out. Lily confronted him for whom he was friends with, in return he got mad at her for being friends with bullies. Lily exploded, yelling at him that being friends with a bully was something completely different than being friends with bigots who would gladly see her dead. Severus came to her house several times during the break, but she ignored him.
          Yet, she finds it difficult to completely let go him. He is the one tether between her old and new life and letting go of him, in a way feels like also letting go of her old life. That, and she knows about his fragile, abusive homelife. Everytime she thinks of breaking of the frienship, a feeling of guilt sets in, that is abandoning him and leaving Severus to his own devices. She suspects that she is the only one who knows what is going on in his family and doesn't want him to deal with that all by himself.
          She is oblivious about his crush on her.

    but I'ma keep on dancing 'til I feel okay

    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Thomas Evans • father
    Sophia Evans • mother • 38
    Petunia Evans • sister • 17

    C H I L D H O O D
    • From a young age, Lily exhibited signs of magical ability, though she did not understand them at first. As a child, she could make flowers bloom with just a touch or the candles in the room would just flicker on whenever she was annoyed or angry.
    • Petunia watched these strange abilities with growing discomfort, even jealousy. Despite this, the two sisters were close during their early years.
    • When Lily was around 9 years old, she met Severus Snape ew, a boy from a nearby, less affluent neighborhood. He was the first to reveal to her that she was a witch. The bond they formed over their shared knowledge of magic deepened over the next couple of years, with Severus becoming a guide of sorts for Lily into the magical world. However, as the tension between her and Petunia grew, it began to strain the friendship between Lily and Snape. Lily did not approve Snape's badmouthing of her sister
    • When Lily received her letter to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the age of 11, her excitement knew no bounds. She was overjoyed to explore this new world, but Petunia’s jealousy and resentment intensified.
    • Petunia, who had once written to Dumbledore begging to be allowed to attend Hogwarts, was heartbroken when her request was rejected. Feeling left behind, Petunia began distancing herself from Lily, calling her a "freak" and accusing her of being too caught up in her "unnatural" talents. The rift between the sisters widened, and their once close relationship deteriorated. What Petunia didn't know, was that Lily went up to Dumbledore in her first week of Hogwarts, asking whether Petunia truly couldn't join her.
    • Her father was almost more excited than Lily was, when she got her Hogwarts letter.

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    • Whenever Lily came back home, she felt uncomfortable talking about Hogwarts. It clearly upset Petunia, annoying Lily in return. After a big fight during the Christmas break in her second year, her mother told Lily it was better if she just didn't bring up Hogwarts anymore.
    • At the age of 12, Lily received news that her father had passed away unexpectedly. The letter informing her of the funeral arrived too late—it had already taken place. Petunia had been forced to help their mother plan the funeral, a responsibility she wasn’t ready for, and it only deepened her resentment towards Lily. Petunia believed Lily had chosen Hogwarts and her magical world over their family, even during such a dark time.
    • Lily was wracked with guilt for missing her father’s funeral. She had loved him dearly, and his death left a hole in her heart that was only made worse by the growing estrangement between her and Petunia. Petunia’s bitterness and their mother’s quiet grief left Lily feeling increasingly alienated from her Muggle roots.
    • Every holiday Lily returned home, the atmosphere felt colder, less like the loving family she remembered. There were unspoken words, and she could feel the divide growing each time she stepped through the door.

    C U R R E N T L Y
    • Part of the Slughorn's "Slug Club".
    • She feels as if she is trapped in a revolting door: in the Muggle world, she no longer fits; at Hogwarts, she can't escape her of her blood status. She is more often wandering the grounds alone or spent hours in the library, throwing herself into her studies to distract herself.
    • She voiced her worries about the war and how it was effecting Hogwarts with some of the professors, but none really seemed to listen to her or understand it, brushing it of. It has made her feel extremely alone and lost. She is especially disappointed in professor Slughorn and skipped his Christmas dinner.

    E X T R A
    • She has a terrible fear of heights
    • Pierced her nose with the help of XXX. It was very bloody. Also pierced her tongue like that.
    • Sexuality; all girls are goddesses and just one type of guy is cute
    • Lily gifts all of her friends advent calendars at the beginning of December. She spends all year collecting stuff for it from muggle to magical items, but it also includes coupons (like for a spa night), or little notes with pick me ups and favourite memories she has with that friend.
    • 2024 Lily would be a gamergirl
    • She would also love Arctic Monkeys, Paramore, girl in red
    • She practised kissing with XXX
    • She is cold 90% of the time
    • She is a partysmoker
    • Really wants to own a Volkswagen Beetle
    • Nearly always fidgeting with one of her rings or earrings
    • Spoils plots for books, series and films cause she quickly figures out what is going on and cant shut up then
    • Wand willow wood, it is 10¼ inches long and has the core of a phoenix feather
    • Boggart losing her magic

    turn me on with your electric feel

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 okt 2024 - 20:59 ]

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue


    Mood 1Mood 2Mood 3Mood 4Mood 5Mood 6
    Sirius Orion Black III.
    Sirius is named after the "dog star" from the constellation Canis Major. His second name, his father's, is also the name of a constellation.
          Aliases: Padfoot, Snuffles

          Birthday: 3 November 1959

    Gryffindor, Year 5.

          Best ♦ Astronomy, DADA, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures
          Meh ♦ History of Magic, Charms, Arithmancy
          Worst ♦ Potions, Herbology

    occupation: the family disappointment

    Arrogant, charming, rebellious, intelligent, popular, quick-tempered, loud, closed-off, hides his feelings behind grand displays of theatrics, traumatized, mischievous troublemaker, reckless & impulsive, it's better to ask for forgiveness than approval, feels like he has to prove himself, or has to earn love, thinks he's unlovable, loyal to his friends above all else, bit of an idiot, a lot of pent up anger and rage, brave, is still actively unlearning a lot of wrong behavior (in first year he had to unlearn saying the word mudblood because he didn't realize it was a slur), hasn't cried since he left home, avoids tough conversations, sassy, shuts down when someone yells at him, does well at school without trying very hard, great with animals

    FC: Thomas Alexander

          Skin | Warmtinted, a few moles decorate his skin. Strong jawline and high cheekbones.
          Eyes | Darkgrey/black, almond shaped and slightly turned down.
          Hair | Darkbrown/black, shoulder length and often in a bun.
          Height | 176 cm
          Clothing style | Lots of hand me downs from James since leaving home, but the Potters did buy him a bunch of new clothes too, his favorites being a leather jacket, a Gryffindor-red sweater and black boots. He's beginning to get into silver jewelry; rings, necklaces and piercings namely.

    Pure-blood ♦ The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black ♦ Toujours pur
          Mother ♦ Walburga Black
          Father ♦ Orion Black
          Brother ♦ Regulus Black

    TW: Child abuse
    Sirius was born as the heir to the noble house of Black. The Black family was one of the largest, oldest, and wealthiest pure-blooded wizarding families in Great Britain, and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight - they exalted tradition above all else, even though this included marrying only blood pure members - and thus often marrying cousins.
          Their rigid beliefs created a difficult childhood for the Black brothers, who often endured emotional and physical abuse from their parents. It started with refusing them dinner, or a slap across the cheek, but as they got older, Walburga started to use dark magic on them. In his final years there, Sirius endured the crucio curse more times than he can count. All the while, she would tell them that this was normal behavior between a parent and child, until they believed that that is what love it. It was hard to see through that lie, as the Black's cousins - Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda - would often endure the same thing.
          Sirius, as the elder sibling, took it upon himself to protect his younger sibling from the worst abuse.
          When Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor during his first year at Hogwarts, his parents were livid. He will never forget the howler he received after the first week at school. They called him all the worst names in the book - they made him hate himself.
          It was a difficult time for Sirius, until he met James, Remus and Peter. Their friendship made his school life better, yet his home situation remained abusive and disastrous. He hated having to go back there, feared it even. The summer and winter holidays were the worst.
          It all climaxed during the summer holiday of 1975, half a year ago. Sirius had been ordered to join the Death Eaters and take the Dark Mark by his mother. Refusing to join their ranks, he ran away from home and found refuge with James and his parents. He has lived with them since.

    to be a star, you must burn

          James PotterBest friend
          Remus LupinBest friend, love of his life
          Peter PettigrewBest friend

    Mary MacdonaldEx-fling
                Sirius and Mary have hooked up a few times in the past years - most often when Sirius was drunk or sad. They recently stopped their hooking-up, since Sirius realized he is most definitely gay and in love with Remus.
          They're still friendly now and love to tease each other about their past.
          Gay man and lesbian woman solidarity trope

    my head is bloody, but unbowed.

    ♦ Sirius holds a Beater position within the Gryffindor team. He likes Quidditch, but isn't an obsessive jock per say. He mostly joined the team for a way to deal with his anger, and so he can beat the Slytherins in a legal way.
    ♦ Sirius has recently come to terms with being gay. Although he did struggle with this when he was younger due to his family's homophobic beliefs, he has accepted this part of himself now. What he still struggles with, though, is that he's in love with Remus Lupin of all people.
    ♦ To rebel against his parents, Sirius used to decorate his room with Gryffindor colors, muggle motorbikes and pin up girls. He had to leave it all behind when he ran away last summer. His room in the Potter house is very sober, as he doesn't feel the need to act out anymore.
    ♦ He has a tendency to drink too much whenever there's alcohol involved - he's a lightweight, though.
    ♦ Due to the emotional damage he sustained in his childhood, he has turned his mind into a fortress. Legilimency takes a lot more effort on him.
    ♦ He has come to greatly appreciate muggle music due to the influences of half-blood and muggleborn students around him - his favorites include Queen, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, David Bowie and ABBA. He got a record player for Christmas and a couple of records, and has been playing them non stop.
    ♦ Sirius speaks a little French and knows how to play the piano. It was forced upon him from a young age, but he has neglected it in the past years.
    Likes: the Gryffindor common room, butterbeer, Quidditch, the smell of leather, tattoos, adventures, rock music, muggle cigarettes and weed (though he hates the smell), muggle means of transport (like motorcycles), smell of burning wood, whistling, singing obnoxiously loud,
    Dislikes: blood purity, his family, slytherins, boring classes, being careful, close-mindedness, shortsightedness, his nightmares at Grimmauld place, puking, nice clothes like suits and ties,
    Wand: Reed wood with a dragon heartstring core. It measures about 12 inches.
    Boggart: himself with the dark mark on his arm - and all his loved ones dead.
    Patronus: big, black dog - turning into more of a wolf recently.
    Animagus: big, black dog.

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 okt 2024 - 18:43 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    i don't give a damn about my bad reputation

    Mood 1Mood 2Mood 3Mood 4Mood 5

    Evan Rosier.
          Aliases: Ev

          Birthday: 6 January 1961.

    Slytherin, Year 4.

          Best ★ Herbology
          Worst ★ Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic
          Electives ★ Care of Magical Creatures, Divination (seemed like the easiest subjects to him, hates both)


    Manipulative, selfish, acts like he doesn't care about shit but actually does, what are emotions?, purist, bully, stoner, never takes accountability, doesn't know how to apologize (except to specific people), undeserved confidence, devoted, lazy and uninterested in schoolwork, doesn't care about anyone except that one specific person trope, down for anything you ask him, grew up rich so expects everything to just be given to him, not ambitious as he's pretty sure his parents will just fix him a job, when he's in love he would in fact worship the ground they walk on, love eyes rosier, doesn't speak a lot but enjoys listening to others, dark sense of humor,

    FC: Reese Castile

    Face | Dark skin; dark, thick eyebrows, full lips, no moles or markings of any kind
    Body| Average height, maybe a bit taller than his friends, but he tends to slouch. Is able to remain quite in shape despite his love for food
    Hair | Pale blonde dreadlocks, just below his ear
    Clothing style | lots of jeans and beanies, muted colors, probably added some punk influences because of Barty

    Pureblood ★ French
          Mother ★ Francesca Rosier (née Perrot) ♱
          Father ★ Sebastien Rosier ★ Broom developer
          Stepmother ★ ... Rosier (née ...) ★ Wizarding architect
          Stepsister ★ Pandora Rosier ★ Slytherin, Year 4

    Evan lost his mother when he was five years old, and barely remembers her now. Two years after, his father remarried. The new woman, ... Rosier, had a daughter of Evans age. Even since, they have been his family - his mother and sister, not just step-somethings. He loves them as if he were actually related to them.
          Growing up, Evan was very close to his dad - Sebastien was Evan's hero and especially because he designed racing brooms. Little Evan even persuaded his father to enhance a muggle skateboard with the properties of a flying broom, and was overjoyed when he finally got a definite prototype as a Christmas gift. He's spend a lot of summer holidays after that year tweaking and fixing the board however he sees fit.
          The relationship with his dad and stepmom changed a lot when he and Pandora started Hogwarts. Their parents saw this as a sign to let go, that it was okay to focus on their careers - even though this wasn't Evan's or Panda's wish. Their parents became a little neglectful in their parenting, so Evan and Panda had to look to each other for support. Evan hardly speaks about his father now, in general. He only talks to Panda about him and when he does it's more to vent than anything else. He hides how hurt he is by the whole family situation.
          It was an uncle of Evan's who sparked the latters interest in the Dark Arts and Voldemorts cause. Damon Rosier would often loudly share his opinion on Muggles and Muggle-borns at the Christmas dinner tables, and young impressionable Evan listened intently. At one dinner, Damon had notice and invited Evan to young a rally the next weekend, for Voldemorts cause. Evan did and the rest is history. He has now devoted big part of his life as one of Voldemorts followers, with his greatest wish becoming a Death Eater and a soldier of the Dark Lord.

    rich boys don't have hearts

          Regulus BlackBest friend
          Barty Crouch JrBest friend

    Pandora RosierSister/best friend
          Panda is the only person Evan loves, that's what he tells everyone. As children, they were two peas in a pod, flocking together all the time. The neglect of their parents, made their bond even stronger. He is incapable of lying to her, and wants her to see things the way he does. He doesn't like her hanging with Muggle-borns or Gryffindors at all, especially since the incident with that Muggle-born in their second year. Pandora was very hurt by it, and although being a Muggle-born had nothing to do with it, Evan has repeatedly used it as an excuse to fuel his hatred.
          They often speak their own gibberish language, which is a mix of Japanese, French and English.

    Severus Snape & Doras MeadowesPotions brewers
    He often enlists the help of these older Slytherins to help brew the potions for his business - and gives them a little cut of the profit.
          He dislikes Snape for his friendship with Lily Evans, but they also sometimes meet each other (and Snape's friends Avery and Mulciber) because they have a common cause: serving the Dark Lord.

    i'll see you at the bitter end

    ★ Evan holds a Chaser position within the Slytherin team. He really only joined because his friends did. He prefers skateboarding on the magically enhanced skateboard he developed with his dad.
    ★ Comphet-bicurious. Evan suffers from compulsory heteronormativity. He believes that straight is the only way in society and that sometimes boys and boys and girls and girls kiss each other, but it doesn't mean anything.
    ★ He speaks French, English and a little Japanese.
    ★ He excels in Herbology and has a little drug dealing side hustle. He grows weed in the bathroom of the boys dormitories. He also sells small bottles of potions like the Alihotsy Draught (excellent for parties), Calming Draught/Draught of Peace (very popular during exam season), Girding potion (very popular around Valentine's), Drowsiness Draught (often sold together with the Wide Eye Potion for a full trip). He also sells VERY limited batches of difficult potions like Amortentia, Felix Felicis and Veritaserum (not responsible for any side effects). Evan is horrible at potions though, so he often enlists the help of his friends to brew everything - or older students for the more difficult potions.
    ★ Makes the weirdest food combo's ever, but acts like it's normal. Also boy can EAT so much food it's unreal. He has an iron stomach and is almost never sick, not even when he's hungover.
    Likes: sleeping, his sister, the dark, nighttime, cold light, skating, flying, plants, the feel of dirt beneath your fingernails, food
    Dislikes: school, studying, Muggles and Muggle-borns, PDA (like romantically, from couples during like school hours, he doesn't care if you make out with a random person at a party)

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 okt 2024 - 20:37 ]

    kindness is never a burden.



    N A M E
    Bartemius Crouch Junior
    Nickname: Barty

    A G E
          Birthday: July 9,1962

    H O G W A R T S
    Barty is a fourth year Slytherin student.
    He is rather serious about his studies and is set on achieving twelve O.W.L.s, though he gets a bit delirious in his attempt to claiming it.

    Core Subjects:
          Transfiguration • Charms • Potions • Herbology • Defense Against the Dark Arts • Astronomy • History of Magic
    Elective Subjects:
          Care of Magical Creatures • Divination • Arithmancy • Ancient Runes • Muggle Studies

    S O N G S
    anarchy in the uk • sex pistols
    war is hell • ho99o9
    submission • sex pistols
    awnser • tyler, the creator

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    ambitious • rebellious • impulsive • jealous • makes everything into a competition • super petty • very smart • impulsive • impulsive • impulsive • excitable • extravert • adhd • has the need to live up to his full potential • feels immense pressure to prove himself • but like to himself • he knows he is capable • academic validation is like a high • really funny • pushes buttons to get a reaction out of people • knows no limits • has limits though • so always crosses his own • so easily bored • with conversations • and people • and hobbies • up for anything • open minded • will lick your cheek

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S
    Regulus Black • best friend
    Evan Rosier • best friend

    L O O K S
    handpoked the tattoo on his face over summer last year • chipped tooth that madame pomfrey has to keep fixing • pale as can be • this shaggy, messy hair • with sharp facial features • dark brown eyes • baggy but stylish clothes • chain jewelry • silver rings • small dangly earrings • 186 cm

    L I K E S
    the sex pistols • concerts • london • slytherin dorms • the forbidden forest • studying • defense against the dark arts • muggle pubs • working alone • Winky

    D I S L I K E S
    barty crouch sr • group projects • people that walk slow • or talk slow • the Imperius Curse • bad grades


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Bartemius Crouch Senior • father • Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
    Mrs Crouch • mother • Healer-in-Charge of 'Dangerous' Dai Llewellyn Ward: Series Bites at St. Mungo's

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    Barty Crouch Jr. was born in 1962 into the influential pure-blood Crouch family, which had strong ties to the Ministry of Magic. He grew up spending more time with private tutors and the family’s house-elf, Winky, than with his parents. From a young age, Barty always sensed that he wasn’t fully wanted by his parents. There never seemed to be enough time for him or space in their lives.
          Although he grew up in a large, wealthy home, it didn’t feel like a home suited for a child. The grand dining room and numerous guest rooms were used for political meetings, not for playing or family time. Barty had few toys and was mostly allowed to spend his free time either with his private tutor or immersed in books. Even playing Quidditch was out of the question—it was considered a mindless game that wouldn’t benefit his future.
          When Barty was nine, his father was promoted to Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and things became even worse. His father became consumed by his obsession with catching Dark wizards and climbing the ranks to eventually become Minister for Magic. Meanwhile, his mother was always busy with her work as Healer in Charge at the Dai Llewellyn Ward, where she treated victims of dangerous creature attacks, such as werewolves.

    Barty, who already spent much of his time with Winky, now found himself primarily cared for by the house-elf. She looked after him while his parents were occupied with work during the day and work-related dinners and parties at night. Barty taught Winky how to read and write, initially just so she could help him turn in his homework to his tutors without mixing up the subjects. But over time, he found great enjoyment in teaching her.
          The more neglected Barty felt, the more he sought his parents’ attention. At first, he tried to gain their approval by excelling in his studies and becoming the perfect son; excelling in everything expected of him, studies, playing the piano, wizard chess.
          But when that failed to gain their notice, he began acting out. He hoped that being sorted into Slytherin would alarm his parents, especially since both of them had been sorted into Ravenclaw. However, they didn’t bat an eye; they never mentioned it. No matter what Barty did, his parents remained indifferent. Even when he got into enough trouble that they were summoned to Hogwarts to meet with the Headmaster, Barty thought he’d finally succeeded in getting their attention. But instead of his parents attending the meeting with his Head of House, Slughorn, they sent Winky in their place.

    Last summer, in a desperate attempt to get a reaction from his parents, Barty disrupted a dinner party by speaking out against his father. He claimed to understand why some people despised the Ministry of Magic, "accidentally" knocked over his wine glass, and nervously tapped the table before whipping his chair around. His father had had enough and, for the first time, cast the Imperius Curse on him.
          The feeling of losing control over his own body still haunts Barty. What torments him even more is the fact that he couldn’t break free from his father’s curse. He hasn’t told anyone about this, but this year, Barty is determined to study the Imperius Curse with his friends, hoping to learn how to resist it. He never wants to be controlled by anyone again.
          After that night Barty handpoked the tattoo on his face saying 'WAKE UP', a reminder and goal to himself to be able to wake up or break free from being Imperioed. His father, after finding out what he had done to his face, just casted a Disillusionment Charm over the tattoo. It took Barty some time to figure out how to counter it, but he did.

    E X T R A
    • Beater in the Slytherin Quidditch team
    • Bisexual. He has always been pretty aware of his attraction to both genders. Although slightly disturbing to him, he never developed romantic feelings towards guys or girls, so he never got too worried about it.
    • Demiromantic, for Barty that means experiencing limited romantic feelings and only being able to develop romantic feelings for another when there is a deep emotional connection. Romance and sexual attraction aren't as linked to eachother for him.
    • Secretly really appreciates professor McGonnagal
    • The only letters he ever gets are from Winky
    • Follows all classes and turns him a bit frantic sometimes
    • Finds most classes rather boring as the understands things quicker than other students
    • Smokes the weed Evan grows to calm his restless mind and body
    • Never feels invisible, except when he's around his parents
    • Obsessed with punk music, since its the only music that matches the choas and restlessness he feels in his mind and body
    • RIP Barty, you would have loved Tyler, the Creator
    • And those sketchers with the lights in it
    • And he would have loved singing Barbie Girl as "come on Barty lets go party"
    • Good kisser
    • That one kid in the class that would eat paper
    • And make glueballs
    • And stick needles through his skin and show the others
    • And would stab other students with his math compas
    • Really likes his family's houseelf Winky
    • Used to bite other children when he was young
    • Wand
    • Boggart His father casting Imperio


    [ bericht aangepast op 17 okt 2024 - 20:15 ]

    and the spiders from mars



    N A M E
    James Fleamont Potter
    Nickname: the Quidditch God, Most Eligible Bachelor, Prongs

    A G E
    Birthday: 27 March 1960

    H O G W A R T S
    James is a fifth year Gryffindor student.

    Core Subjects: History of Magic, DADA, Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms
    Elective Subjects: Astronomy, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures

    S O N G S
    With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
    I am the Walrus - The Beatles

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    optimist • rebellious • hugger • giver • making jokes 24/7 • morning person • adhd • can get very carried away with things • timeblindness • always loses his stuff • will 'accio' everything as a solution • smart • impulsive • excitable • enthusiastic • obsessive need to shield people from harm • athletic • too many puns • always moving • leader • assertive • clumsy at times when he gets too excited about stuff • talks fast • wants to talk through feelings • a naturally good teacher • will always be a kid at heart • says before he thinks • is getting better at that though • when he falls in love he falls hard • won't ever be embarrased about love • loves love • have is mentioned he is a romantic? • talkative • makes jokes even in the shittiest of situations • never loses hope

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S
    Sirius Black • best friend
    Remus Lupin • best friend
    Peter Pettigrew • best friend & childhood friend

    L O O K S
    Messy dark curls • Skin shades of earth • A smile that could light up the entire room • Glasses that are always slightly askew •

    L I K E S
    red converse • quidditch • butterbeer • sunny days • swimming in the lake • hugs • music • muggle houses • naps • watching sirius & peter play chess •

    D I S L I K E S
    blood purity • people sleeping in at a sleepover • pessismists • thinking inside the box • bad leadership • unsensitive people • unwillingness to change • unwillingness to apolagize • rules because they are rules, rather than they make sense


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Fleamont Potter • father • Used to be retired, but started working at the Ministry again now that tension is rising.
    Euphemia Potter • mother • Full time member of the Order of the Phoenix, confidant and point of contact to those wanting to leave the Extremist families or Death Eaters.

    O N L Y       C H I L D
    James was born to Fleamont and Euphemia Potter after years of struggling to conceive, arriving just when they were on the verge of giving up hope of having children. He was so so so welcome in the family and grew up in a house full of love and laughter.
          Growing up in the countryside without many families nearby and no siblings, James occasionally felt lonely. Fortunately, there was one boy he quickly adopted: Peter Pettigrew. James was thrilled to have a friend his own age and someone to play with. He and Peter spent hours flying in his parents' backyard, playing Exploding Snap, and trading Chocolate Frog cards.

    F I N D I N G       H I S       B R O T H E R S
    When he was eleven years old he, just like his parents, went to Hogwarts to be sorted into Gryffindor. Peter was right there next to him, but even though the boys were best friends, once James met Sirius Black on the Hogwarts Express, he knew he found his soulmate.
          One thing James discovered at Hogwarts, aside from finding brothers in his friends, was just how harsh the world could be. Some kids were dealt far worse hands than his, werewolf bites, abusive families, or simply being overlooked by their peers. At times, James felt guilty for having grown up surrounded by love and made it his mission to spread that love, feeling as though he had more than enough to share.
          But, he is still just a kid, and he would have to learn that the world wasn’t his to save alone, he needed others, too.

    E X T R A
    • Chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch team
    • Pansexual, he often says he’s drawn to people’s personalities rather than their looks, though he hasn’t quite connected the dots yet that those personalities could belong to boys as well.
    • Won't allow any homophobic or transphobic word around him or his friends
    • Has a hard time falling asleep because there is always more life to live
    • When he wakes up, he has to get out of bed immediately because he is too restless and excited to start the day
    • Mismatched socks
    • Always doodling in class
    • Sneezes really loud
    • Writes reminders on his arm
    • Starts singing Christmas carols in September
    • Used to use his invisibility cloak to hide in Peter's bed to scare the living shit out of him in their first year
    • His mom is his hero
    • Ruffles everyone's hair
    • If one light is on he CANNOT sleep
    • Covers anyone in a blanket who falls asleep in the common room
    • Everything can be a two-person job -mentality
    • Smells like fresh cut grass, broom polish, cinnamon and oranges
    • It is usually best to admit mistakes when they occur, and to seek to restore honour
    • Wand 11", Mahogany, Phoenix feather, Pliable, excellent for Transfiguration
    • Boggart Seeing his friends in pain but not being able to reach them.


    [ bericht aangepast op 16 okt 2024 - 9:20 ]

    and the spiders from mars



    N A M E
    Marlene McKinnon
    Nickname: Marls

    A G E

    H O G W A R T S
    Marlene is a fifth year Gryffindor student.

    Astronomy, History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Transfiguration, Charms, Dada, Herbology, Potions

    S O N G S
    Cherrybomb - The Runaways
    Casual - Chappell Roan
    She calls me Daddy - KiNG MALA
    HOT TO GO - Chappell Roan

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    introvert • small circle kinda gal • not a hugger • brutally honest • won't do small talk • passionate about random things • sarcastic • says no really easily • except to Lily or Mary • night owl • has a hard time opening up at first • likes being perceived as unapproachable • because she only likes the company of very few people • but with those she can truly be herself • fiercely loyal • protective of those she loves • jealous • doesn't study well under pressure • flies like a star under pressure though • has to study to not fall behind • feels she has to out do her brothers achievements to be noticable • skilled duelist who is driven by her feelings, not ration • looks at herself in the mirror and sees the pieces of how she has dissappointed people • brash • will ghost you if you're mean to her • not afraid of having no friends • always has her brothers

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S
    Lily Evans • best friend
    Mary McDonald • best friend

    L O O K S
    bleached, straw blonde hair • wolfcut • won't shave her legs • big on eyeliner on • def some defined muscled from being a beater • scar on her knee from falling down the moving stairs in her second year • no bra kinda girl • wears jeans too large • 1,68

    L I K E S
    electric guitars • quidditch • red nail polish • cherries • rain • oranges • tangerines • grapefruit • watching the sunrise • and sunset • rain, yes again • charms • second hand clothes • red wine • dr pepper • singing at the top of her lungs •

    D I S L I K E S
    talking about feelings • being alone for too long • Potions • being the center of attention • presenting • Valentines day • but only because it's such a straight-fest • would love to celebrate with a girlfriend though •


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Ewan McKinnon • father
    Fiona McKinnon • mother •
    Joe • stepdad • police officer • muggle
    Malcolm McKinnon • older brother • 22 • Ravenclaw
    Duncan McKinnon • older brother • 20 • Slytherin
    Hamish McKinnon • older brother • 18 • Ravenclaw
    Daniel McKinnon • younger brother • 13 • Hufflepuff
    Aiden McKinnon • step-brother • 14 • muggle
    Callum McKinnon • stepbrother • 11 • muggle

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    Marlene grew up with four siblings and is used to being in a full house. She has never had a room of her own, always sharing with first Hamish and now Daniel. Her parents divorced when she was ten years old. She technically lives with her mom but also has a room at her dad's house, which she prefers. She didn't mind the divorce too much and was probably a bit too young to fully understand it at the time. Her mom now has a new partner, a Muggle man named Joe. Marlene really likes Joe and enjoys all the Muggle things he's introduced her to, like riding a scooter.
          Marlene loves Hogwarts because it reminds her of home in some ways, always being surrounded by other kids. She was excited to share a room with girls for a change, instead of her brothers. At first, she was a little worried that she might not get along with the other girls, having grown up mostly with boys, but she found it surprisingly easy with Mary and Lily.

    At the start of her third year, she came out to Lily and Mary after kissing a girl over the summer. It was just a quick peck on the lips, but she was eager to tell her friends about it and didn't want to keep pretending she had ever had a crush on a guy. Back in their first year, she had told them she had a crush on Sirius, mostly because of his long hair. Plus, he seemed like a safe choice since most girls liked him, so she picked him as her "crush."
          After coming out to her friends, she was terrified for weeks, deeply regretting her decision. She feared Lily and Mary might think she had feelings for them and would become uncomfortable around her. As a result, she avoided them for a while, spending most of her time with James and the other boys.
          Eventually, the fear became too overwhelming, and she went to Professor McGonagall for help. She broke down in tears, but McGonagall reassured her enough to give her the courage to face her friends again. Since then, she has grown really fond of McGonagall for being the first adult she came out to and for accepting her as she is.

    She has a bit of a harder time studying than her friends and really stresses about her O.W.L.s, fearing she won't be able to achieve good results. She has always done better with practical learning than theoretical.
          All of her brothers got at least 7 O.W.L.s, and Marlene really doesn’t want to fall behind. Her brothers set the bar high, and she feels that she needs to reach that standard as well.

    E X T R A
    • Beater in the Gryffindor Quidditch team
    • Scottish
    • Lesbian. Out to her father, but not yet to her mother, wants to tell her, but keeps pushing it forward.
    • Loud laughter
    • Excells in Charms
    • Believes her stuffed animals have feelings
    • Swears a lot
    • Last year sneaked an injured duck to the dorm to nurse him back to health
    • Takes really long showers after Quidditch Practice
    • Always cracks her knuckles
    • Loved climbing trees as a kid
    • Constantly got bruises everywhere and scrapes on her knees
    • Cuts her hair herself and it's never the same length
    • Wears a hair tie around her wrist but never puts her hair up (it's for other people to borrow)
    • Loves doing her nails but they always end up chipped within the first day of her getting them done
    • Nose scrunches when she laughs (she also grunts when she gets really into it)
    • Loves loudly and proudly
    • Plays the electric guitar
    • FOMO, but never wants to be the center of attention or party
    • Smokes Marlboro reds, but also likes to roll her own cigarettes
    • Gets extra potions tutoring from NAME
    • Wand 10¾", hornbeam wood, dragon heartstring.
    • Boggart Clowns


    [ bericht aangepast op 17 okt 2024 - 21:37 ]

    and the spiders from mars

    ✧.* she's magic, that one. *.✧

    Mary Margaret Mcdonald.
          Aliases: Mar, Mary-Magdalene (by other muggleborns), Mac, Peggy (by her family).

          Birthday: 5 June 1960.

    Gryffindor, Year 5.
          Best ♡ History of Magic, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures
          Worst ♡ Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes

    soft but dangerous

    Girls girl, glitter is a lifestyle, hardworking, ambitious, feels like she's always behind because she's a muggle-born, tries to be an overachiever but just gets burned-out, extremely stubborn, extrovert, feels like she has to prove herself in the magic world, so she's always pushing herself further and further, doesn't know her limits, scared to disappoint her family, swears like a sailor, brave and determined, looks confident but very insecure, flirts with all the boys, and the girls she just doesn't realize she's flirting, great at throwing parties, loves attention, has a way of getting whatever she wants, girl can talk for hooouuuuurs, but hates gossiping.

    FC: Malia Baker

    Skin | Light skinned, mixed race. She doesn't have moles or freckles. She often uses make-up as a way to express herself at school.
    Hair | Black, bouncy spiral curls. It's reaches past her collarbones and is cut with a little fringe. She doesn't often put it up, but using hairbands and clips to keep it neat and out of her face.
    Eyes | Dark brown
    Clothing | Very girly, lots of skirts and dresses, go-go boots, frilly socks, earrings and necklaces, painted nails.

    Muggle-born ♡ Irish
          Mother ♡ Deidre Mcdonald - cleaner
          Father ♡ Sean Mcdonald - factory worker
          Brother ♡ Niall Mcdonald - 18
          Sister ♡ Kathleen Mcdonald - 17
          Sister ♡ Therese Mcdonald - 14
          Brother ♡ Michael Mcdoanld - 12 - Gryffindor, Year 1

    Mary grew up near Galway, Ireland, as third child to Deidre and Sean Mcdonald - a normal, Muggle couple. While Sean was a worker in a shoemanufacturing factory, Deidre earned a keeping as housekeeper and cleaner. They already had two children before Mary was born, and two more after her. She started exhibiting signs of magic at 6 years old and was the only one in her family to do so at the time. At first, her parents were frightened. They grew up as Catholic Christians themselves, so their first instinct was to involve a priest. It wasn't until a Ministry of Magic employee knocked on their door and explained what it all meant, that they calmed down.
          Even though the existence of magic baffled them, and it's place within their Christian worldviews was uncertain, they were elated by the prospect that one of their daughters was a witch - in the non-traditional sense at least.
          They were unable to help Mary prepare for her school years at Hogwarts, so when the letter came and she arrived at Hogwarts, she felt very lost. Not only being Muggle-born, but being one with average wealth parentage, meant that Mary started school with severe disadvantage. It didn't take long for her to become a hardworking overachiever.
          She started to relax a bit at the end of her second year and the beginning of her third. By then, she'd pretty much spent all her time catching up with the Wizarding world, so she felt more room for exploration and friendships. It's then she befriended Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon.
          They gained casual popularity quite easily, and the attention felt good to Mary. She started seeking it out more, by flirting with boys, joining the Quidditch team, throwing little parties or just generally being a very present appearance.
          Her youngest brother Michael is the second one of the family to get accepted into Hogwarts. He got sorted into Gryffindor last September. She's very protective of him and doesn't want him to feel how she did when she started school. She's been homeschooling him during the holidays - without the use of magic - for years, ever since he started showing magic at age 7.

    when she talks, you can hear the resolution

          Lily EvansBest friend
          Marlene McKinnonBest friend

    Sirius BlackEx-fling
          Mary and Sirius have made out a lot over the past years. Every girl at school seemed the have a crush on him, so she put it in her head that she should too. She felt ecstatic that he chose her out of everyone. After a while, she began to realize she just liked the attention he gave her, and the attention they both got when they were together, and that she didn't actually like him. When he came to the realization that he was gay, they decided to end their hooking-ups and remain friends. She's still confused now why she didn't like him like she should've.
          In their first year at Hogwarts, she once got very angry at him for calling her a Mudblood. When he shut down and started crying, she stopped yelling and realized that he didn't actually mean any harm by it, he just didn't know any better. She educated him then and has continued to educate him on all things Muggle and/or Muggle-born.

    i've never been a natural
    all i do is try, try, try

    ♡ Flew a broom for the first time during her first year at Hogwarts. That summer, she spend all her time becoming better at flying, faster and more nimble so she could join the Quidditch team and become Seeker. The urge to be the best at everything took over. She finally made the team in Year 4, first as Chaser and since Year 5 as Seeker.
    ♡ Lesbian but she doesn't know it yet. She's only dated boys or kissed boys so she just assumes she's straight. She assumes the hollow feeling is normal and everyone feels like that when kissing someone.
    ♡ Draws and paints watercolors in her free time.
    ♡ Loves the beach and the ocean. She loves all things nature actually and often pushes the girls to go on picnics or hikes.
    ♡ Mary throws the best parties - even better than the Marauders. She gives insane attention to detail, picks the best themes and has her ways to getting whatever she wants.
    ♡ Flew a broom for the first time during her first year at Hogwarts. That summer, she spend all her time becoming better at flying, faster and more nimble so she could join the Quidditch team and become Seeker.
    ♡ In modern times, Taylor Swift would be her entire personality.
    Likes: fruits like peaches and berries, nature, the beach, the OCEAN, the color pink, hearing someone speak Irish, religion (catholic), flowers, warm summer days, flying, driving in a car with the window down, her siblings, her parents, her friends, dresses and skirts, attention, sugar in her tea, rollerskating.
    Dislikes: death eaters, religion (catholic), stormy weather, the forbidden forest, coffee, cigarettes,
    Patronus: Hare
    Boggart: Always being last place, her whole life long OR a meaningless existence and then dying

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 okt 2024 - 20:29 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔱

    𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨


    N A M E
    Regulus Arcturus Black
    Nickname: Regs, Reggie, Reginald

    A G E
    14, born on the 25th of June 1961

    H O G W A R T S
    Regulus is a fourth year Slytherin student
    love astronomy, history of magic, ancient runes
    hate transfig
    best charms
    worst dada, herbology
    just there potions

    I can run, but I can't hide
    from my family line
    S O N G S
    imperfect for you • ariana grande
    brutal • olivia rodrigo
    afraid • the neighbourhood
    the lakes • taylor swift
    family line • conan gray

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    melancholic • not always entirely there • escapist • romantic • all about the small gestures • high icy walls • like • like a 'kat in het nauw' when you push him too much • small touches comfort him • doesn't really do 'normal' friends • uses fancy words • rather cause his mother forced it into his system than wanting to look smart • night owl • fucked up morals • feels abandoned • scared of the future • quiet intensity • follows in the footsteps of his parents’ ideals • well-mannered and composed • elitism • stoic nature • quiet resolve • intelligence • softness that contrasts with his more aggressive family members • jealous • dreamer at heart • deeply emotional, but often hidden behind a cold mask • wears many masks tbh • guarded attachment • obsessive tendencies • fragile confidence • nostalgic • fear of mediocrity • cynical • corrects your grammar • makes lists for everything

    L O O K S
    tall, slender boy • aristocratic features • pale • sharp, angular jawline and high cheekbones • jet-black and silky hair , is kept neatly combed, falling just above his collar • intense, stormy grey eyes • always dressed like he is about to buy your whole family • lean muscles • 1.78 meters

    L I K E S
    figure skating • quidditch • playing boardgames with kreacher • muggle art museums • cats • people he can comfortable in silence with • willow trees • raspberries • flying • fortune cookies • calligraphy • personal space • the smell of old books • rainy afternoons • woolen blankets • late-night stargazing • the family home in Scotland

    D I S L I K E S
    christmas • the marauders • whistling • dumbledore • balloons • fudge • public restrooms • when people talk to him before 8 am • fluorescent lights • forced social gatherings • sticky surfaces • chewing noises • excessive small talk • pda

    if someone tells me one more time
    "enjoy your youth"
    I'm gonna cry

    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Orion Black • father
    Walburga Black • mother
    Sirius Black • brother • 16

    P A I N
    tbh this doesn't really require an explanation

    M I S E R Y
    more sad times

    S U F F E R I N G
    • he is sad

    E X T R A
    • He is a seeker for the Slytherin team.
    • He has never worn a normal t-shirt or baggy hoodie. Apart from that one week...
    • During his holidays, he likes to sneak out to visit muggle art museums
    • He has adopted a black, deaf kitten and named her Nebula. He doesn't dare to take her back home, though, out of fear his mother or cousin Bellatrix will hurt it. During holidays he asks XXX to care for it. He hates it when people call her Neb, but when he is alone with his cat, he also secretly calls her Neb.
    • Regulus has never had a crush before and has never really thought about his sexuality, just assuming he is is straight. He has found boys attractive, though, but in his mind that is just because they are aesthetically pleasing to look at.
    • In 2024 he would secretly love Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams
    • He did a lot of figure skating when he was younger, but stopped when he went to Hogwarts. He misses it, though.
    • He knocks on wood
    • He uses outdated slang when he talks, not really knowing what is "in".
    • He journals everyday
    • When drunk, he calls himself a poet
    • He always carries extra quills with him, in case Pandora forgets hers.
    • Wand 12 inch of hawthorn wood , with a dragonheart string at its core, and silver inlays
    • Boggart his mother hurting Sirius

    look at this godforsaken mess
    that you made me

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 okt 2024 - 19:17 ]

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Dorcas Meadowes

          Dorcas Meadowes

    Dorcas • gazelle
    Meadowes • someone who lives in or near grassland or meadows
          15 • April 2nd 1960, Aries

          5th year • Slytherin

    Dorcas was almost a hatstall between Gryffindor and Slytherin, which wasn't a big surprise – she's both courageous and cunning, so she suspected some doubt from the Sorting Hat. Dorcas sees herself fully as a Slytherin, but also embraces the Gryffindor side of her personality. Dorcas thinks very little about the battle between the houses.

    Defence against the Dark Arts | Flying (elective, more time on a broom) | Herbology | Potions
    Care of Magical Creatures (elective) | Charms | Transfiguration
    Astronomy | Divination (elective, because had to choose a second one) | History of Magic
    acts mostly big and tough, but is a big softie • always speaks up when something isn't fair • ambitious • cares for herself and her loved ones first before others • competitive • decides within half a second if she likes someone (based on vibes) • doesn't accept authority from adults who don't deserve it • doesn't like to be told what to do by others • doesn't really care about houses at Hogwarts • finds comfort in nature and with plants • has a very big mouth, but a very small heart • impulsive • knows when to admit that she's wrong (but, doesn't like it) • never backs down from a possible fight • sets high standards for herself • talks to plants like they're her children • thinks she isn't enough for the love of others • very opinionated about social problems like discrimination and racism • wants to achieve a lot of good in the world • when you're in her heart, it's hard to get out (but, when you're out you're out)

          Body • 159 CM | Black | Curves (round & soft)
          Clothing • Black | Boots (Dr. Martens) | Jewellery (silver)
          Eyes • Brown (appear almost black)
          Hair • Afro | Black | Braids
          Extra • Dirty fingernails due to plants | Full set of rosy lips | Piercing (nose) | Scar (temple, cause: bludger) | Scowl

          Faceclaim • Filah Lah Lah

          Broom wax | Cherries | Grass after rain

          Herself, losing her voice (to speak up)


          Cat • name: Nightshade, but mostly calls him cat

          11" | Beech | Phoenix feather

          Bisexual • out and proud
          Quidditch • chaser for Slytherin

          Boring old professors | Candy | Fire | Having cold feet | Injustice | Racism | Rules | Silence | When people touch her hair

          Butterbeer | Flying | Hogwarts | Magic | Nature | Parties | Plants | Quidditch | Sleeping until noon | Stargazing | Winning
          Father • Garrick Meadowes | 45 | Wizard | Slytherin | Cursebreaker
          Mother • Beatrice Meadowes | 38 | Muggle | Clerk (supermarket)
          Sister • Cressida Meadowes | 11 | Witch | Gryffindor

    Dorcas had a regular upbringing, with loving parents and a slightly annoying little sister. Because of her skin colour, she dealth with a lot of discrimination and racism. She developed a thick skin for this, which resulted in a very bitchy attitude. Dorcas got into a lot of fights during her childhood, just to show others she wasn't to be messed around with.
          Around the age of nine, Dorcas showed some first signs of magic (yay!) – which resulted in her going to Hogwarts at age eleven.

          During the summer break between her fourth and fifth year, Dorcas discovered a terrible secret. After she found some letters in the attic while searching for school stuff, she learned that her father has a family on the side in Spain: a woman with two sons (twins) at age nine, both of the boys showings magic signs. Dorcas, upset at the betrayal of her father, went to her mother to tell everything. However, Dorcas mother told her to shut up, to put the information away, to never speak of it. Dorcas was floored, never suspecting that her mother knew of the betrayal.
          The secret weighs on Dorcas, now doubting her own worth – since her father thought they weren't enough for him (in her eyes).

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 okt 2024 - 14:35 ]

    Light it up.

    Xenophilius Lovegood

          Xenophilius Lovegood • Xeno

    Xenophilius • one who loves the strange
    Lovegood • having a love for God
          15 • November 13th 1960, Scorpio

          5th year • Ravenclaw

    Astronomy | Charms | Divination (elective) | Study of Ancient Runes (elective) | Transfiguration
    Defence against the Dark Arts | History of Magic | Magical Theory (elective)
    Herbology | Potions

          Xenophilius is petitioning to start a newspaper at Hogwarts, to spread the true news, since he doesn't think the current Hogwarts school paper is real. After much delibiration, the professors finally told him that he could start the project. Xenophilius hasn't really started yet, but plans on writing about everything that's on his mind.
    always puts the need of others before his own • believes in reincarnation • can make anyone feel good • can't keep his priorities straight • creeps or weird others out with being just himself • curious • finds out secrets on accident • forgetful as fuck • gets lost in his mind or thoughts (doesn't know his way back) • gets making fun of tons of times • hates being in the dark • huge conspiracy theorist • intuitive • isn't easily rattled • listens to his feelings all the time • optimist • needs alone time after having a vision (but really just a hug) • patient • suffers from visions (yet not a true seer) that haunt him • thinks 'I'm not feeling the vibe' is a good cancellation reason • throws around compliments like glitter •will completely zone out of a conversation at random points • won't let people know the true him very easily

          Body • 173 CM | Lanky| Pale
          Clothing • Colors: light & soft | Eclectic (basically kinda strange) | Jewellry (the cheaper is the better)
          Eyes • Blue
          Hair • Blond (almost towards white) | Halflong (falling down in his face) | Tips sometimes colored
          Extra • Bruised (never knows how) | Doesn't shy away from make–up (eyeliner) | Eyebrows several shades darker than his hair

          Faceclaim • Cameron Hill

          Candy | Ink | Parchment

          Himself, living a life as an office clerk at the ministry



          9 3/4" | Ash | Dragon heartstring

          Pansexual • he's attracted to personalities instead of looks, thinks everybody feels like that
          School news paper • editor

          Boring information that people consider as 'standard' | Closed off minds | Darkness | Headaches | Mainstream | Shame | Visions

          Blankets | Candy | Chess | Dancing (like nobody's watching) | Hugs | Secrets | Stargazing | Make–up | Storytelling | Writing
          Father • Edmund Lovegood | 53 | Muggle | Artist
          Mother • Jessamina Lovegood | 45 | Witch | Ravenclaw | Author

    Edmund and Jessamina Lovegood were two hippies (go flower power), who loved having their baby boy around – even though they didn't pay a whole lot attention to him. Xenophilius grew up very free, with a wide gaze towards the world.
          Jessamina used to smoke weed a lot, which gave her visions everytime. Young Xenophilius used to sit at her feet on the floor, mesmerized by her talking about the images – because he saw the same. Jessamina never realised this fact, though. She was invested in her own visions, forgetting about her little boy.
          Xenophilius wasn't very good with other children (Muggles or Witches/Wizards) so he was inside his mind more often than not. His parents never saw this as a huge issue, since he was silently happy. That was until summer break after his third year at Hogwarts, when his parents found him naked in the garden, shouting at the moon about her secrets. Xenophilius went to visiting St. Mungos after that happening, but he pretended to be just fine. They didn't find anything wrong with him, so eventually he was send home again, where the visions regularly continued.
          Xenophilius still has those vision, at random times. The visions are speeding up in intervals when he's stressed. When a vision is happening, he'll completely disappear into his own mind – not reachable by other persons – and will spew the most random information (some even incoherent).

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 okt 2024 - 15:15 ]

    Light it up.