• Nothing like Highschool
    RPG - 50 - English - ©Tamatoa

    Roles      ☠      Talking      ☠      Drama

    High Schools - and teenagers in general - are known for their clichés, stereotypes and drama. Friends are made and lost, enemies lurk around every corner and teachers are the worst. Here at Borealis, it isn't any different. Or is it?

    ☠            ☠

    Eventhough the Hunter Community is really close, it's still a community. And some people tend to not fit in. Orphans, trouble makers and other unwanted children only have one place to go: Borealis. A school - a fucking community - in the middle of icecold nothing. These kids might be special, they might have abilities, they might have a perfect shot, but they're still kids. So prepare, for all the clichés, stereotypes and drama. Because Borealis is not that different at all ...

    Home. Hell. Same difference.


    Boys - 6
    Username ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Ziegler ~ Abel Nathaniel Rutherford ~ 17 ~ Mysterious Loner ~ Jamie Campbell ~ 1.2
    Soco ~ Davey Luc Reeves ~ 18 ~ Status ~ Cole Sprouse ~ 1.3
    WaIt ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Yousana ~ Name ~ Age ~ status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Yousana ~ Leif Næsheim ~ 17 ~ Popular (?) ~ Timur Simakov ~ 1.3

    Girls - 4
    Username ~ Name ~ Age ~ Status ~ Faceclaim ~ Page
    Tamatoa ~ Rosaleigh 'Ro(se)' Camille Desormeaux ~ 16 ~ Unpopular bitch ~ Indya Marie ~ 1.2
    Merodeadores ~ Elin Nyström ~ 17 ~ Status ~ Hanna Edwinson ~ 1.3
    Sempre ~ Lyra Moreau ~ 16 (almost 1) ~ Master of puppets ~ Michelle Trachtenbeg ~ 1.3
    Perffect ~ Maria Marvelle Benson ~ 16 ~ Newbie ~ Anna Kendrick~ 1.3

    (Status = popular, nerd, athletic, goth, marshmellow, whatevs)
    It's my intention to only play the 'students', but if you want something else, just ask and I'll see what we can do.

    Fill in
    Your role can be really simple. It is allowed to keep it short and you do not have to use a layout. Ofcourse, if you want to; go knock yourself out.
    ❖ Name (any)
    ❖ Age (10 -20) You can play a kid, but do realise that it affects your character's relationships and interaction. Do realise that anyone older than 18 has to have a partner who's at least a year younger. It's possible, but also rare at this school.
    ❖ Nationality (any)
    (❖ Specialties) (not obligated)
    ❖ Looks A picture is enough, but you can always describe more.
    ❖ Personality Traits alone are enough for me, but I recommend a little bit of explanation so it's clear for the others.
    ❖ History It's enough to say why your character is staying at Borealis and for how long. So if you just say orphan, 3 years, that's enough. You can put more if you want to.
    ❖ Relationships (any)

    Yo. I've got some stuff to say, before I start this thing.

    ❖ First of all, this RPG is the third one in the same AU. Do you need to know the other two? Nope. Do you have to keep them in mind? Nope, only the stuff I put in here. If you're interested, you can go take a look, though: here and here.
    ❖ My second and last point is for the people who took a look or already know me and/or my RPGs. They're kind of ... extensive. Okay, no, they can be huge, I cannot make an RPG without a lot of explanation. And yes, this one is not any different. BUT. (Thank God, there's a but). You don't have to read everything. Your role doesn't have to be the size of a thesis and the RPG is actually pretty simple. All the information I'm just giving for myself and whenever someone has a question, will be gray. You do not have to read it. You may, ofcourse, but you can perfectly ignore that shit. I'm completely fine with that.
    ❖ Remember how I said 'last point'? Yeah, me neither. Anyways, I'm an impatient bitch, evenhough I let other people wait for ages. Sorry about that, really, but anyways; I'm opening this today. Little problem: I'm gone from monday till friday. So, yeah, that's not very smart of me, I know. Anyways, I'll keep an eye on this until mondaymorning. I hope you guys don't have too many questions after that. I'll open the talkyyopic this evening and anyone can open the next one if I'm not back yet. The playtopic will come next saturday.
    ❖ Your English does not have to be perfect or even good. Just try if you want to join (:


    Location & Map

    ❖ Russian Siberia (East)
    ❖ Average temp: -10°C
    ❖ Isolated, but large city, around 25km south.
    The winter is very long (half september till the end of april) and very cold. Snow only falls in september and october , but stays the entire winter. Summer is short and hot during the day, cool/cold during the night.
    ❖ Because of the isolation, there are a lot of lone vampires and werewolves. If you don't get the logic - which is probably, bc this sounds weird - just ask me, bc I don't wanna explain right now.

    Location & Map
    The school owns a large area of woods, a lake, sportareas and the buildings. There's also a lot underground. It looks old on the outside, but it's actually quite modern. There's a small airport in the north.
    WiFi & phonesignal

    Up - the image is clickable
    2) Reception
    There's a gate inbetween 1 and 2
    3) Dorms (b) and living space (a) students
    4) Dorms (b) and living space (a) personel
    5) Cafeteria
    6) Dorms and livingspace travelers
    7) Classrooms age 6 - 12
    8) Classrooms age 12 - 6
    9) Music room and theatre

    10) Library
    11) Theoretical classes
    12) Infirmary
    13) Shop
    A) Icehockeyfield
    B) Basketballfields
    C) Running track
    D) Rugbyfield
    E) Football field

    1) This is where all the paperwork occurs.
    2) This is where new students and travelers sign up. It's also where you have to go when you're 'sent to the principal'.
    3) This is where the students sleep and live when they're not doing anything else. Every student has a room and a small bathroom on their own. There are four floors. The first and second floor are for the children between the ages of 6 and 12. The third and fourth floor are for the students between the ages of 13 and 20. The girls sleep on the 1st and 3rd floor, while the boys sleep on the 2nd and 4th floor. Showers are mutual and there's 10 of them on every floor. In the livingspace you have a few large rooms with TV's, pooltables, whatever you can think of.
    4) This is where the teachers and other staffmembers live and sleep. It's similar to that of the students, except there are only two floors. The women sleep on the second floor, while the men sleep on the first. There's only one, large living room.
    5) This is where everybody eats. There's room for about 400 people, so it's never full and everybody can sit where they want. There's always bread and breakfast available. If you want to eat something warm, you'll have to be there between 11 AM and 9 PM (21).
    6) These are the bedrooms of the guests. There aren't many of them, but it suffices. They have seperate rooms with their own bathrooms. There's a small, mutual livingroom.

    7) This is where the smaller children have their 'normal' classes. It's comparable to elementary school.
    8) This is where the teenagers have their 'normal' classes. It's something in between middle and highschool.
    9) This building has two rooms: A music room (with all the instruments you can think off) and a large aula, suitable for around 600 people.
    10) This is the library. Students can study and read here. Besides the normal world books, there are also a lot of books about the Hunter world. Most of them are copies of the originals.
    11) This is where the students get their theoretical classes. Half of the building resembles more of a museum, though.
    12) This is where the sick and injured are treated. They are prepared for a lot, but when someone is hurt really bad, there's always a small airplane or helicopter available.
    13) This is where students can shop. From clothes and toothpaste to weapons, alcohol and sigarettes, you can find almost anything here. And if you can't, you're allowed to order it here as well.
    A - E) Only maintained when used a lot

    1) Archives
    2) Lab 1
    3) Lab 2
    4) Shooting range
    5) Great Hall
    6) Small Hall
    7) Hall of knives
    8) Gym
    9) Fitness
    10) Pool


    Down - Image is clickable
    1) This is where the school keeps all the original books and all the records of every person who has walked through the gates.
    2) This is the research labaratory of the school. It's full of weird stuff and it's very modern, but it lacks WiFi.
    3) This is the weapon development labaratory of the school. It's full of weird stuff and it's very modern, but it lacks WiFi.
    4) This is a large shooting range. It's always kept in top condition.
    5) It resembles a gym, but it has a simulationprogram and all kinds of weaponry.
    6) This resembles a dojo. It's where the close combat classes take place. There are matts and mirrors.
    7) This is the place where you can train with all the non-shooting weapons.
    8) This is just a regular gym. You can play all kinds of sports here.

    ❖ Alcohol is forbidden under the age of 17
    ❖ Cigarettes are forbidden under the age of 15
    ❖ All drugs are forbidden
    ❖ Guns and other shooting weapons aren't allowed outside the shooting range, unless you have permission
    ❖ Students are not allowed to enter the Archives
    ❖ Students are not allowed to leave the terrain without permission
    ❖ Students from the ages 6 to 12 have to be in their building between 8:30 PM and 7 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 6 to 12 have to be on their floor between 9:30 PM and 6 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 6 to 12 have to be in their room between 10 PM and 5:30 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 13 to 20 have to be in their building between 10:30 PM and 5 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 13 to 20 have to be on their floor between 11 PM and 5 AM
    ❖ Students from the ages 13 to 20 have to be in their room between 12 PM and 5 AM
    ❖ Students have to pay their respects for every graduated hunter.
    ❖ To avoid misuse of the previous rules, every graduated hunter has to leave the school for at least two years.
    ❖ The rooms will be checked every sunday. Privacy will be kept, but the dorms have to be clean and tidy.
    ❖ No one is allowed to hurt anyone in anyway, unless it's during training.
    ❖ Pets are allowed

    ❖ This isn't a school for every regular hunter. In fact, only three kinds of children end up here:
    - The ones who don't have a Hunter family that is big enough to give them the proper training. They are usually sent by their parents or other family members.
    - Orphans. They are the ones who are discovered and usually don't know anything about Hunters until they arrive at the school.
    - The troublemakers and unwanted. These children are usually so awful their family sent them away to gain some discipline. Most children belong in this group.

    ❖ The school houses children between the age of 6 and 20. That means every child has had the test with the photograph and everyone stays - unless something really serious happened - until their graduation.
    ❖ These children do not excist for the normal world. They don't have valid papers, or those won't be used.
    ❖ At the moment, there are 186 students housed. There are 53 teachers and 16 other staffmembers.

    Although this is a hard environment and there isn't much space for mental issues and care, they are not entirely unreasonable. The children can leave the school.
    ❖ They spend the coldest period of the year (half december - half februari) in a different country. Usually somewhere in Europe or North-America. The school will be divided in groups of maximum 50 and be stationed at a Quarter. This is not a break and the lessons (usually exams) will continue.
    ❖ The schoolyear ends on the 16th of June. It starts again on the 23rd of July.
    ❖ They get to go on a vacation in juli. It's three weeks long and they can choose their own destination (one that's on the list (15)). After these three weeks, school starts again.
    ❖ They often get a few days of during the year.
    ❖ Last winter, they went to Dubhaile, Scotland.
    ❖ Although it's not allowed, there are often parties for the students aged 15 or older. They take place in some of the old, not used buildings further north on the terrain.

    ❖ 6 years old: The children are shown a picture of a vampire. If they cannot see them, they are hunters. This is the age they are allowed at the school.
    Start of theoretic lessons.
    ❖ 8 - 10 years old: The children get their partner - with a maximum age difference of two years, although they try to keep the difference as small as possible - and a small brand of a moon on their right wrist. They start as soon as the youngest of the two turns 8.
    Start of practical lessons.

    ❖ 11 - 13 years old: They get to go on their first hunt, but are not allowed to kill anything - unless it cannot be avoided. They are guided by at least one more experienced hunter couple, who do most of the job.
    Choice of specialisations.*
    Theoretic lessons stop.
    ❖ 14 - 16 years old: They get to go on their first, unguided hunt. This is - after graduation - the highlight of their study. This is the moment their first kill happens. After this day, they go on a hunt every two weeks. They get a larger, but simple tattoo. Whenever they reach a certain amount of kills, the tattoo gets more detailed. (1ste kill, 10de kill, 25ste kill, 50ste kill, 80ste kill 100ste kill, 145ste kill, 200ste kill. After this one, a new tatto will be started.)
    ❖ 18 - 20 years old: They graduate. There's a ceremony each year, but I'm too lazy to think off that. They get another brand of a sun on their left wrist. Afterwards, they get a week to pack their stuff and leave. They are not allowed to come back for at least 2 years. However, they are allowed to keep their contacts and see their friends, just not at school.
    ❖ Ofcourse, not every student arrives at the school at the age of 6. The ones who are older get an adapted cousre. It's usually more intense and a lot more difficult as they get the same amount of time. Students who arrive really late, usually never become true Hunters and will become Teachers or researchers.


    They get a normal education, although it's a bit easier than usual. It's a lot of selfstudy and it's only the basic classes. The older you get, the more you have to do on your own.
    ❖ Math
    ❖ English
    ❖ Russian
    ❖ Science (Chemistry, Physics & Biology)
    ❖ (Human) History
    ❖ Geography


    Every student gets basic training lessons. These are the things the students want to train extra. Another basic lesson is survivaling.
    ❖ History & Research of monsters (H&RM): You'll learn everything there is to know about monsters, which isn't that much. This is a course that is looked down upon and not many students take it. The History part is quite extensive, but there isn't much budget and interest for the research.
    ❖ Firearms; History (FH): This is a course that cannot be taken alone. Students who follow weapondevelopment have to take it, while it's an option for the students who follow the course Firearms; Practice.
    ❖ Handarms; History (HH): This is a course that cannot be taken alone. Students who follow weapondevelopment have to take it, while it's an option for the students who follow the course Handarms; Practice.
    ❖ History & Research of Hunters (H&RH): You'll learn everything there is to know about Hunters, which isn't that much. This is a course that is looked down upon and not many students take it. The History part is quite extensive, but there isn't much budget and interest for the research.
    ❖ Kill & Conquer; Vampires (KCV): This is the course where you'll learn every detail about killing vampires.
    ❖ Kill & Conquer; Werewolves (KCW): This is the course where you'll learn every detail about killing werewolves.
    ❖ Firearms; Practice (FP): You'll learn about guns and everything that shoots. You also learn how to use most of them, and choose a few to specialise in.
    ❖ Handarms; Practice (HP): You'll learn about knives, swords and every weapon that doesn't require munition. You also learn how to use most of them, and choose a few to specialise in.
    ❖ Close Combat (CC): Here you'll learn how to fight when you don't have a weapon.
    ❖ Weapon Development (WD): Here you'll learn how to change, improve or invent weapons of all kinds and other aids for hunting. Students who take this course also have to follow the History of both kinds of weapons.
    ❖ Medicine: This is where you'll learn advanced first aid and everything else you need to know about healing and stuff. The students can choose how many years they'll take this course and when to start, as it's based at level and not at age.
    ❖ Foreign Cooperation (FC): This is already very specific. The students who take this course will be Travelers, which are some kind of ambassadors/negotiators. This course includes at least 2 more languages (choosing from Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish & French), communication and culture & customs. They also take two more short trips to other countries, in octobre and march.


    ❖ They have regular tests
    ❖ There are midterm exams in january and final exams in the last and first two weeks of june.

    ❖ To keep it easy, we'll just use the euro. I don't have a clue what the normal prices are in Russia (1 euro = almost 60 ruble, but idk how much a bottle of water costs, ya know.)
    ❖ Every student gets some pocket money. When they're younger than 12, they get 20 the month. When they're older, they get 40.
    ❖ Kids who still have a family, often get more money sent to them.
    ❖ The students can earn some money when they do chores.

    ❖ There are only teams when the interest is big enough. They play a lot of sports during training, but outside of that it depends. I'll go further on with this if people are interested.




    ❖ At least one of the parents has to be a Hunter as well. That's the only requirement.
    ❖ Hunters cannot turn into a monster.
    ❖ Hunters can recognize monsters, they're more fit physically and they are more resistant to pain and illness.
    ❖ At the proper age, they have to take a test. The results of this test determine the partner. Hunters almost never hunt without their partner and they learn to train together. They can, however, take different courses. Every combination (male x male, male x female, female x female, ...) is possible and there are no restrictions on the relationship between them.
    ❖ There are a few rules every hunter has to keep:
          - Humans have to be kept out at all costs. This means physically, but also by knowledge.
          - Werewolves may not be harmed when they are in human form, unless it's self-defence.
          - One bullet is better than two.
          - Never make a vampire go into a Tantrum on purpose
          - Never hurt a non-feeding member of the Colonies.


    If you've got the time and motivation; you can read everything about vampires and werewolves here. If you don't; just keep this shit in mind:
    ❖ Hunters recognize them because they do not have a reflection or show on images and film. This is uniquely for Hunters.
    ❖ They can die when you cut of their head, damage their heart enough or put them on fire.
    ❖ Their biggest weakness is sunlight for young vampires, and elektricity for them all. And fire, but that's kind of everybody's weakness.
    ❖ Hunters recognize them because their irises are completely black (not their entire eyes, just the colourpart). Only Hunters can see this.
    ❖ They can die whenever you hurt them enough.
    ❖ Only changed werewolves are a target. It's forbidden to kill a werewolf in humanform, unless it's self-defense.
    ❖ Their biggest weakness is silver.


    ❖ Only Tamatoa is allowed to open new topics, unles I ask differently
    Whenever there is an issue, send me and/or the person involved a pb or gb. Don't put it in the topic. This is not to silence anything, but I've seen (and have been on both sides, I'll admit that) it happen when someone points something out, a lot of people react to it. There is nothing wrong with that, but it can feel like an attack and I want to avoid that. Long story short; I'm sick of the drama, whether watching it, or being part of it. This does not apply to questions. (Don't spam me)
    ❖ Maximum three characters, with at least two different sexes
    ❖ OOC clearly indicated or do it in the Talktopic
    ❖ Mentioned in your post: Who, where and with whom. A special lay-out is not obligated.
    ❖ Your post only has to be at least 50 words. That's almost nothing, so I hope there will be more posts, as they are less time consuming.
    ❖ Posts and roles have to be in English. Everything else doesn't really matter. You can choose
    ❖ If you need more information about RPG'ing, go check this out


    [ bericht aangepast op 17 april 2017 - 12:14 ]


    Nee ik heb nog niets, dus ga je gang haha

    When time and life shook hands and said goodbye.

    WaIt schreef:

    Impressions and relationships ideas:

    Rosaleigh Camille Desormeaux — Reed would look up to her in a certain kind of way, because she is, as well as him, having high expectations of herself and does everything in her power to meet or even exceed them.
          They might be friends in a family kind of way. She can remind him of his sister, who studies there as well, but that does not really matter. Or, she could be a friend of his sister and that is how they got to know each other?

    Abel Nathaniel Rutherford — It might be that Reed and he were good friends before Abel's puberty period? Reed would not like the person he would be now and would challenge him in some ways, as Reed is not someone who likes a person who thinks he or she is the best at something. So, maybe their relationship got damaged because of the changes in Abel's behavior and Reeds intolerance? Even though Reed would still care about him in some way.

    Davey Luc Reeves — Reed would be font of Davey, they might be good friends?
          Although I do think that they have periods in which they are basically avoiding each other. They look a like which can cause for some collapses, argues and small fights. However, they always find a way to make up for it, I would say, as they are used to it.

    Leif Naesheim — Leif would annoy Reed to the fullest with an attitude like his.
          Maybe that they have had a conflict in the past or more? I was at least thinking about a negative relationship. Maybe you have some ideas?

    Elin Nyström — partners, we will discuss their relationship

    Lyra Moreau — Reed would find her interesting and quite a challenge, something he would prefer above others,
          Maybe we can think about some kind of love/hate relationship or something like that.

    Maria Marvelle Benson — Reed would like her adventurous and enthusiastic side.
          I do not have an idea for a relationship yet, maybe you have one?

    Other relationships options:

    — friends with benefits
    — ex
    — best friend
    — someone he has some sexual tension with, which he expresses in flirty comments and gestures

    — other. . .

    Misschien een soort fwb met Maria?? Mn telefoon is nu leeg, ik zal mijn ideeën later sturen!

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.

    WaIt schreef:

    Impressions and relationships ideas:

    Abel Nathaniel Rutherford — It might be that Reed and he were good friends before Abel's puberty period? Reed would not like the person he would be now and would challenge him in some ways, as Reed is not someone who likes a person who thinks he or she is the best at something. So, maybe their relationship got damaged because of the changes in Abel's behavior and Reeds intolerance? Even though Reed would still care about him in some way.

    I like it c:

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    Wil er iemand nog mijn partner zijn?

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.

    Relationships Maria
    Abel Rutherford: hate or love? They tend to collide once in a while, but they can also seem like best friends, aspecially when they’re on a (forbidden) adventure.
    Leif Næsheim:Challenging friends, if you could even call them that. They like to push each other’s buttons, but they know where to draw the line.
    Rosaleigh Camille Desormeaux: Ex-friends, after the incident with Rose, Maria said some things that were completely normal in her eyes (even though she can be a bit rude/rough) and she hurt Rose. After this they had some collisions…
    Lyra Monroe: friends

    Heb ik nu alles wat al is afgesproken??
    En iemand nog geïnteresseerd in een relatie met Maria (p.3)?
    - fwb-achtig iets
    - partner
    - beste vrienden?

    Kan ook in combinatie ofc

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 april 2017 - 19:15 ]

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.


    Ik heb nu al fc-struggles :') ik zoek iemand met een beetje dezelfde uitstraling als Daria Sidorchuk, alleen dan Daria zelf niet :') Help?

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.

    Wil iemand nog één of andere relatie met Timur?

    kindness is never a burden.

    ^ Ja hoor!!

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.

    M0NA schreef:
    ^ Ja hoor!!


    kindness is never a burden.

    Als ik alle topics en gb's goed gelezen en begrepen heb, zijn dit de partnerkoppels:

    Abel & Leif
    Reed & Eilin

    geen partner:

    Klopt dit?

    Relationships Rose:

    ➵ Abel
    I thought we had something, but I can't find the damn thing. So...

    ➵ Davey
    Nothing yet

    Leif was Rose's first kiss. Their relationship didn't last very long and it wasn't really special either. Just a normal, 13yr-old fling. Unfortunately, after Rose got her reputation, this was blown way out of proportion and according to the rumours, he wasn't just her first kiss. Luckily, Leif isn't the one feeding these rumours and she likes the fact he wouldn't twist the truth. On the other hand, he doesn't really give a fuck and since they aren't really friends either, he isn't fighting the lies either.
    She likes him, but doesn't dare to come closer.

    ➵ Elin
    Nothing yet

    Lyra is Rose's number one enemy. The two never liked each other, but when Rose kissed a boyfriend of hers, things really went down. It's been at least two years,
    but it had a massive impact and the two practically hate each other.

    The two had been friends, but Rose changed and so did their relationship. It's not to be blamed on Maria, because she had no idea and Rose didn't trust her - or anyone - enough to explain. The two had been on edge already, but when Maria made some comment on catcalling, Rose exploded. Naturally, Maria thought she overreacted - anyone would've - and got mad as well. The two have avoided each other ever since.

    Something positive?

    Although Timo has always had it all, Rose never felt something. She tried to - because let's face it, who wouldn't want a guy like him? - but it simply wasn't meant to be. She did like him as a friend and since she didn't want to hurt his feelings, she didn't quite block his affections. This resulted in a long time of asking and not getting anything, which broke Timur's heart. He started getting too close and Rose would feel uncomfortable around him. She just saw him everywhere and since more and more shit happened to her, their relationship changed drastically. It became problematic, but yet Rose remembered the fun they had before.
    When she went for a swim one night, she found that Timur had followed her. He was drunk, but still nice to her. She had had a shitty day and didn't want to start another fight, not with him, so she just went with it. They had some fun and Rose was quite happy for a moment. Then he started to get closer and she let him, untill she couldn't stop him anymore.
    She does blame herself partly for it, and that's why she didn't tell anyone immediately. She had said no, but maybe way too late. She should've pushed him away more firmly and a lot earlier, and she didn't. When he tried to apologize, however, she realised this wasn't /just/ her fault and the fresh trauma made her freak out. A few days later, she heard the whispers and realised he had twisted the truth and she could never prove anything. No one was ever going to believe her.
    Now, she avoids Timur as much as possible. She is truly afraid of him and her worst nightmare is that he'd try to do it again.

    getting to negative
    nothing yet

    Als er iets niet klopt, just lemme know ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 april 2017 - 21:12 ]


    Yousana schreef:


    Oehh misschien partner en daardoor goede vrienden (en @Tamatoa dat dit ook meespeelt in hun relatie? ?)

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.

    M0NA schreef:

    Oehh misschien partner en daardoor goede vrienden (en @Tamatoa dat dit ook meespeelt in hun relatie? ?)

    (Voor mij zou dat prima zijn (: )


    M0NA schreef:

    Oehh misschien partner en daardoor goede vrienden (en @Tamatoa dat dit ook meespeelt in hun relatie? ?)

    Ik zocht niet bepaald een partner voor hem, gezien de Vasilyevs nogal family-based zijn dus denk ik dat zijn partner eerder zijn zus of een of andere neef zou zijn. Daarbij hebben ze een leeftijdsverschil van bijna vier jaar.
    Vrienden is goed voor mij, though (:

    kindness is never a burden.

    @ Tamatoa

    I don't remember the relationship between Rose and Abel either, haha. I'll send you a message

    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

    Yousana schreef:

    Ik zocht niet bepaald een partner voor hem, gezien de Vasilyevs nogal family-based zijn dus denk ik dat zijn partner eerder zijn zus of een of andere neef zou zijn. Daarbij hebben ze een leeftijdsverschil van bijna vier jaar.
    Vrienden is goed voor mij, though (:

    Ik begrijp het, dat is prima! Vrienden is leuk (:

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.