16+ recommended
    A Sonder's production

    Did you ever had a moment when you saw something strange? Something that wasn't quite right? Like a glance of darkness in that stranger's eyes, or a shadow that shouldn't be there? No?
    Good. You don't want to.
    But there are people who can. They see the monsters, they hunt them and they kill them.
    No, this ain't Twilight.

    It's October 2015 and Greenstone (USA) has never been so un-dead. The Werewolve-packs are bigger than ever, the Vampire-colony has never had this much power, but the Hunters are still managing to keep the balance. It's hard, it's difficult, it's even nearly impossible, but they can do it. With Codes, agreements and a try for peace, they can keep up.
    Until the Outcasts arrive and everything they have worked for has come to an end. These cruel Hunters won't stop until the last creature has burned to death. They will succeed, and nobody stands in there way, or at least not for long. Suddenly, the city is at the brink of war, and nobody can be trusted anymore. Hunter, Vampire or Werewolve, they all have the same question.
    Who is hunting who?

    Dark souls are old souls.

    Sonder - Liesje - English - Fox & Thorne
    Aincrad - Marthe - English - Freya & Helias & Mia
    Fukari - Nichelle - Nederlands (?) - Marley & Celaena
    Kirigaya - Lene - English - Theo & Vester
    Feyre - Cheryl - English - Cat & Leila
    Mayakovski - Amber - English - Daelyn & James
    Catastrophes - Gabriëlle/Gaby - English - Sid
    Kepner - Megan - English - Reagan &
    Maddox - Mirte - English - Zach
    Serenata - Loïs - English - Claire
    Yisha - Robin - ? - Rebecca

    Let's talk (:
    Geef even de taal waarin je gaat posten (praten maakt niet zo veel uit), dan kan ik het erbij zetten.

    [ bericht aangepast op 24 nov 2015 - 23:05 ]

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Catastrophes schreef:
    Liesje; stop ruining my lovespree.
    Foei you.

    Excuse me, but Ava just made the cutest post yet, possible!

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    OH MY GOD IT REALLY IS A THING THEN? :'D Nu moet ik het gaan herlezen om te zien of er ergens spanning tussen die twee zit want ik zie het momenteel nog niet. :'D

    @Amber: Geen probleem hoor. (: Veel succes met je schoolwerk!


    I ship it. Sid will find Ava another man. Alright? Everyone happy? :')

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    If not; I volunteer simple human Gaby to be fought over. That can be damn cute as well.
    . . . :'D

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Now I have a lot of inspiration for dramatic events. ;D


    I swear to God, Ava waited 80 years to do whatever she's planning, she's not going to be stopped (':
    Sorry, I just really like their dynamics. This is the first time I'm like this (':

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 nov 2015 - 15:52 ]

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    Say it with me kids:


    Okay, I'm kidding. Or am I?!?!?


    I’m gonna write now. ^^

    " icarus had loved the sun, and so daedalus lost his. "

    Yass ^^


    Ik kwam net dit tegen op Facebook en het doet me echt denken aan Ava :')

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Dit wordt een RPG full of love, I can see. :')

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Feyre schreef:
    Ik kwam net dit tegen op Facebook en het doet me echt denken aan Ava :')

    Licht (':

    Also: I love you guys for keeping this alive ^^

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.

    I love you for making this in the first place.

    Feel the fire, but do not succumb to it.

    Ik ben echt blij dat je het opnieuw geopend hebt ^^

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Er stak echt veel te veel werk in om het te laten hangen (':
    But thanks ^^

    Mijn brein breint zoals het breint.