• When darkness arrive, there's always a light to be found.
    Who knew that, that one girl will be the one to care?
    And the one you thought will always be on your side is just nowhere to be found.
    Sure, the sadness overwhelm you,
    but isn't it better to know for sure if that person is a predator or not?

    Not everyone is worth your kindness.
    That one friendly face can be the one who holds the knife.
    Sweet talks and empty promises.
    Those are the ones that rewards your generosity with cruelty

    That one person that swore to be forever on your side.
    'To infinity and beyond', do yourself a favor and watch out who you promise that.
    'Cuz most of the time humanity pretends to be human,
    But on the inside they are just demons waiting to strike again.

    And when the heart starts to bleed,
    You lay face down wondering when this all begun,
    asking yourself when you started to fall in the pit we call darkness.
    Cuz when darkness arrive, all you ever thought you knew just fade away.

    Because after all, how can you run from yourself?


    Ik vind het echt prachtig geschreven.

    Take me to wonderland

    Awh, dankjewel. <3
