• Ik moet voor Engels iets schrijven over een film die ik leuk vind, met argumenten erbij. Ik heb dus voor "Titanic" gekozen, omdat ik "The Great Gatsby" nogal lastig uit te leggen vond, haha.
    Duuuus, zou iemand dit willen nakijken voor mijn?

    The movie I will talk about in the next fifteen lines, is a film anyone, even the greatest film-hater, knows. This fantastic, romantic and legendary movie is named “Titanic”. Everybody has seen it and everybody’ll see it again because this movie is too great for not seeing it another time.
    “Titanic is just another, simple love story. Just like any other romantic movie,” that’s kind of the sentence I’ve heard the most about this fantastic film. I suppose you already know what I’m going to say about it, but if we leave that fact aside, I can say it’s not. But why, then, is this movie so likeable?
    Well, first of all, it’s because of one of the greatest actors in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio, which is for me reason enough to watch and watch this movie again. You can like him, you can hate, but you can’t say he isn’t a great actor. It’s in the details, the little movements. Just eating a sandwich at the right moment, scratch somewhere at the right moment. He has won 28 awards for his movies, whereof two for Titanic.
    As a second reason, it’s not that ordinary “I see you and I love you almost directly”-romantic movie. Not for Rose, in every case. You see how she hates him in the beginning, and admires him at the end.
    Then , there’s of course our lovely mister Caledon Hockley, Rose’s fiancée. Everybody hated him when they saw the movie for the first time. And everybody still hates him, I guess. But I like him. Well, yeah, not really “like”, but I think he’s an interesting character. He’s the typical, rich, annoying husband we all hate. That’s why I like his character.
    I already said something about Leonardo DiCaprio, but that’s not the only actor I like in the movie. Truly, what would Titanic be without Kate Winslet, Bernard Hill or Victor Garber. The only, and right answer is simple: nothing.
    But at the end of the day, it’s still a love story. It’s something you like, or you don’t like. But however, you’d be a barbarian if you didn’t see this movie or will not this movie soon.

    Alvast bedankt!

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2014 - 19:54 ]

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    -sorry, weer gequote ipv aangepast.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2014 - 19:51 ]

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Ik kijk wel even voor je.

    These rings that I'm breaking are making you a personal debt.

    Act schreef:
    Ik kijk wel even voor je.

    Bedankt (:

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    The movie I will talk about in the next fifteen lines, is a film anyone, even the greatest film-hater, knows. This fantastic, romantic and legendary movie is named “Titanic”. Everybody has seen it and everybody will see it again because this movie is too great for not seeing it another time.
    “Titanic is just another, simple love story. Just like any other romantic movie,” that’s the kind of the sentence I’ve heard the most about this fantastic film. I suppose you already know what I’m going to say about it, but if we leave that fact aside, I can say it’s not. But why, then, is this movie so likeable?
    Well, first of all, it’s because of one of the greatest actors in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio, which is for me reason enough to watch and watch this movie (all over) again. You can like him, you can hate him, but you can’t say he isn’t a great actor. It’s because of the details, the little movements. Just eating a sandwich at the right moment, scratch somewhere at the right moment. He has won 28 awards for his movies, whereof two for Titanic.
    As a second reason, it’s not that ordinary “I see you and I love you almost directly”-romantic movie. Not for Rose, in every case. You see how she hates him in the beginning, and admires him at the end.
    Then, there’s of course our lovely mister Caledon Hockley, Rose’s fiancé. Everybody hated him when they saw the movie for the first time. And everybody still hates him, I guess. But I like him. Well, yeah, not really “like”, but I think he’s an interesting character. He’s the typical, rich, annoying husband we all hate. That’s why I like his character.
    I already said something about Leonardo DiCaprio, but that’s not the only actor I like in the movie. Truly, what would Titanic be without Kate Winslet, Bernard Hill or Victor Garber? The only, and right answer is simple: nothing.
    But at the end of the day, it’s still a love story. It’s something you like, or you don’t like. But however, you’d be a barbarian if you didn’t see this movie or will not this movie soon.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2014 - 19:58 ]

    "Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high."

    Sorry, je eerste regel was wel correct. Ik heb tijdens het corrigeren een woordje uit de zin verwijderd waardoor het niet meer klopte. :')

    "Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high."

    Serenitae schreef:
    The movie I will talk about in the next fifteen lines, is a film anyone, even the greatest film-hater, knows. The fantastic, romantic and legendary “Titanic”. Everybody has seen it and everybody will see it again because this movie is too great for not seeing it another time.
    “Titanic is just another, simple love story. Just like any other romantic movie,” that’s the kind of the sentence I’ve heard the most about this fantastic film. I suppose you already know what I’m going to say about it, but if we leave that fact aside, I can say it’s not. But why, then, is this movie so likeable?
    Well, first of all, it’s because of one of the greatest actors in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio, which is for me reason enough to watch and watch this movie (all over) again. You can like him, you can hate him, but you can’t say he isn’t a great actor. It’s because of the details, the little movements. Just eating a sandwich at the right moment, scratch somewhere at the right moment. He has won 28 awards for his movies, whereof two for Titanic.
    As a second reason, it’s not that ordinary “I see you and I love you almost directly”-romantic movie. Not for Rose, in every case. You see how she hates him in the beginning, and admires him at the end.
    Then, there’s of course our lovely mister Caledon Hockley, Rose’s fiancé. Everybody hated him when they saw the movie for the first time. And everybody still hates him, I guess. But I like him. Well, yeah, not really “like”, but I think he’s an interesting character. He’s the typical, rich, annoying husband we all hate. That’s why I like his character.
    I already said something about Leonardo DiCaprio, but that’s not the only actor I like in the movie. Truly, what would Titanic be without Kate Winslet, Bernard Hill or Victor Garber? The only, and right answer is simple: nothing.
    But at the end of the day, it’s still a love story. It’s something you like, or you don’t like. But however, you’d be a barbarian if you didn’t see this movie or will not this movie soon.

    Nog een vraagje, will kan toch afgekort worden als 'll na een persoonlijk voornaamwoord?
    Has had ik net gezien, haha.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2014 - 19:58 ]

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    The movie I will talk about in the next fifteen lines, is a film everyone, even the greatest film-hater, knows. This fantastic, romantic and legendary movie iscalled “Titanic”. Everybody’s seen it and everybody’ll see it again because this movie is too great for not seeing it a second time.
    “Titanic is just another, simple love story. Just like any other romantic movie,” that is one of the sentences I’ve heard the most about this fantastic film. I suppose you already know what I’m going to say about it, but if we leave that fact aside, I can say it’s not. But why, then, is this movie so likeable?
    Well, first of all, it’s because of one of the greatest actors in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio, who is for me reason enough to watch this movie over and over. You can like him, you can hate, but you can’t say he isn’t a great actor. It’s in the details, the little movements. Just eating a sandwich at the right moment, scratch somewhere at the right moment. He has won 28 awards for his movies, two of them for Titanic.
    As a second reason, it’s not that ordinary “I see you and I love you almost directly”-romantic movie. Not for Rose, in every case. You see how she hates him in the beginning, and admires him at the end.
    Then , there’s of course our lovely mister Caledon Hockley, Rose’s fiancée. Everybody hated him when they saw the movie for the first time. And everybody still hates him, I guess. But I like him. Well, yeah, not really “like”, but I think he’s an interesting character. He’s the typical, rich, annoying husband we all hate. That’s why I like his character.
    I already said something about Leonardo DiCaprio, but that’s not the only actor I like in the movie. Truly, what would Titanic be without Kate Winslet, Bernard Hill or Victor Garber. The only, and right answer is simple: nothing.
    But at the end of the day, it’s still a love story. It’s something you like, or you don’t like. But however, you’d be a barbarian if you didn’t see this movie or will not this movie soon.

    Voor de rest was het wel aardig, maar ik wil toch even zeggen dat je Engelse zinopbouw naar mijn mening niet prettig leest.
    Hopelijk heb je wat aan mijn commentaar/mening.

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 jan 2014 - 19:59 ]

    These rings that I'm breaking are making you a personal debt.

    TaurieI schreef:

    Nog een vraagje, will kan toch afgekort worden als 'll na een persoonlijk voornaamwoord?
    Has had ik net gezien, haha.

    Deze regel gaat alleen in bij I, you en he/she/it. Na 'everybody', 'anybody' of 'anyone', bijvoorbeeld, kan dit niet. (:

    "Her heart was a secret garden, and the walls were very high."

    Act schreef:

    Voor de rest was het wel aardig, maar ik wil toch even zeggen dat je Engelse zinsopbouw naar mijn mening niet prettig leest.
    Hopelijk heb je wat aan mijn commentaar/mening.

    Oh, die which was wel een stomme fout, maar dat komt wellicht omdat ik eerst een andere zin had staan daar, haha.
    En dat van die zinsopbouw weet ik, daar moet ik nodig eens iets aan doen.

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    TaurieI schreef:

    Nog een vraagje, will kan toch afgekort worden als 'll na een persoonlijk voornaamwoord?
    Has had ik net gezien, haha.

    Niet in officiele, beleefde, formele teksten. Ik weet niet op welk niveau je Engels onderwezen wordt, maar ik zou het dus weglaten ^^

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Milah schreef:

    Niet in officiele, beleefde, formele teksten. Ik weet niet op welk niveau je Engels onderwezen wordt, maar ik zou het dus weglaten ^^

    Derde middelbaar, tweede jaar Engels. Maar ik zal het weglaten ^^

    Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried

    Jammer dat ik je niet kan helpen. mijn Engels is niet goed genoeg haha.

    Jammer dat je Danny Nucci (Fabrizio, de beste vriend van Jack) niet noemt :( hij is echt geweldig haha ;)

    Titanic is gewoon de beste film die ooit gemaakt is en zal altijd modern blijven, ook al is de film al bijna 17 jaar oud

    so if you care to find me, look to the western sky, as someone told me lately: everyone deserves a chance to fly