• [ bericht aangepast op 21 april 2013 - 18:20 ]


    Catford -> Hersheys.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you



    Twilight, Stephenie Meyer. I'm a sucker for a good vampire story, so I wanted to see what all the buzz was about. The story was a page-turner: regular teenage girl falls in love with a guy who turns out to be a vampire. I thought the writing needed some editing. If the girl's heart skipped a beat one more time or the vampire smiled his "perfect crooked smile" I was going to fling the book across the room. But hey, I kept reading to see what would happen next. I'm sure the book will be popular. It would make a good movie.

    HA. HA. HA. IN YA FACE STEPHENIE MEYER. WHOOHOO. @TheFabulouslyEvilRickRiordan.


    Topic 14 doorgelezen, awh awh.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Raziel schreef:
    Ik kijk Supernatural.


    "Some people care too much, I think it's called love" - A.A. Milne

    Zit vandaag ziek thuis, voel me echt bwuh :p

    "Some people care too much, I think it's called love" - A.A. Milne

    TessaRose schreef:
    Zit vandaag ziek thuis, voel me echt bwuh :p

    Awh beterschap <3

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Jude Law is sexy. Gosh, his voice.

    I MEAN LIKE; ROBERT DOWNEY JR EN JUDE LAW IN ONE FRIGGING MOVIE - well, actually two, but anyway - HOW MUCH MORE PERFECT CAN THIS GET? Their chemistry is awesome.


    I want sharpies.

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Mijn abo lijst wat opgeschoond, volgens mij zit ik nu onder de 100, haha.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Ik heb nu vijf abo's denk ik. :')


    Vijf maar? Wow, dat is echt weinig, haha.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Ik RPG meer. (:


    Ik rpg niet meer.

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.


    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.