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    L.S.H.I.F.O.M.D.W.I.D.H.O. Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur, wait, I don't have one


    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Welke zon?

    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran


    [ bericht aangepast op 30 aug 2012 - 20:02 ]

    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran

    Loool deze zag ik toevallig nog. (:

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Wow ik stond toch niet de hele tijd online hè?
    Was ik niet. ;p

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just

    MORGEN BEN IK VOLGENS MIJ GEEN GM MEER (no_chears)(no_chears)

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just


    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just

    Dittany schreef:
    MORGEN BEN IK VOLGENS MIJ GEEN GM MEER (no_chears)(no_chears)

    Poor you. :C

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Ik stop met het spammen van dit topic. *gaat naar andere topic*

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just

    Dittany schreef:


    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Scientia schreef:

    Poor you. :C

    I know ;c

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just

    Scientia schreef:


    Hihi. ^^
    Ik verhuis even naar het andere topic. (a')

    You always have a choice in life, it's sometimes just


    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.