One Ring to Rule Them All. One Ring to Find Them. One Ring to Bring Them All and In The Darkness Bind Them.
Zo knap..
Enjoy the best things in you life, cause you aint gonna live it twice.
Beverly schreef: Kijk naar deze dan! :'D
Het is niet ongewoon dat mensen hun hele leven wachten met beginnen te leven. - Eckhart Tolle
Lancelot schreef:
Shit happens but pee happens a lot more.
Parera schreef: Ik zag het net op facebook! HAHA!
A girl should be two things: Classy & Fabulous. <3
Mijn eerste reactie: Holy crap.
"I'm a loser, that means I've been lost before."
stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you
MissGinger schreef: Guys, now he's mine! *claim*
“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien
Yep, I knew that
"I didn’t trip, I was just testing the gravity, and it still works"
And that is what we call the magic of puberty.
Shoganai i ne~
You've got to realize: you're the Devil as much as you're God.
wow something somewhere went terribly good
Sticking needles in people is fun. Matt <3
Holy. Wat een lekkerding.
"When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.''
I believe I have a new boyfriend! hij is echt knap geworden, niet normaal gewoon.
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't see
Fuck no! That's impossible! O_o
You don't run, not when you're with us. You stand your ground and fight.