• Mij samenvatting van Percy Jackson and the lightning thief voor Engels in het Engels?
    Want volgens mij slaat het nergens op en als er te veel fouten inzitten moet ik het hele bookreport opnieuw doen

    o The story is about Percy Jackson, a twelve year old boy. He’s not good at school, he has dyslexia and ADHD. He goes to another school every year. On a day, when he goes to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with school something strange happens. His maths teacher changes in a demon, but he kill her with a pen thrown by his Latin teacher that’s seems to be a sword. When he goes back home. At one of his last days of school her hears Grover talking with his Latin teacher about him. When he goes home Grover travels with him, but he’s acting weird and nervous. When they arrive in New York Percy escapes from him and goes home where his mother has a surprise for him, a few days to Montauk, a place on the coast. That night there is a huge storm and then suddenly Grover arrives, together they go away with the car to a place he don’t know. But when they are almost there something terrible happens. The minotaur comes. The minotaur chorused the care and try to kill his mother, but just before she dies she disappear in a gold light flash. Percy kills the minotaur and lose than his consciousness. When he wakes up he is in camp half-blood. In camp half-blood there are only children whose mother or father is an Olympian god. Each god has his own cabin for his or her children. Only a few are empty. The three big gods, the sons of Kronos, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon had made an appointment to make no children. But Zeus has broken his promise once. His daughter, Thalia, didn’t reached camp half-blood alive. And then suddenly also Poseidon has broke his promise. Percy seems to be his son. And now the gods are preparing a war because the master bolt of Zeus is stolen, he thinks Percy did it. And then Percy gets his quest, a quest is a mission that hero’s , children of gods, have to do. He has to go to the underworld, to Hades and return the master bolt to Zeus. He has ten days, if he is not in time a huge ware will break out between the three gods. He gets a weapon, a gift of his dad. It looks like a regular pen, but if you take of the shell it changes into a sword. Together with Annabeth and Grover he goes on his way to Las Vegas, where the gate to the underworld is. But it’s a travel full of dangerous, they have to fight with monsters several times and when they are finally in the underworld, by Hades, the master bolt isn’t there. Even worse, the helm of Hades has also been stolen and the master bolt suddenly is in the backpack they get from Ares, god of war. They go back to the earth and that’s were Percy has a big fight with Ares. He gets the helm of Hades and bring it back to him. Then he goes to New York, to the Empire state building where he goes to the 600th floor, the Olympus. He return the master bolt and meet his father for the first time. When he goes home Hades has send his mother back to the earth. Percy goes back to camp half-blood. On his last day he still doesn’t know if he wants to stay the whole year or go back to school. He goes to Luke, a good friend of him and son of Hermes, but he seems to be his big enemy. Kronos, the god of the titans and father of Poseidon, Zeus and Hades, has taken over his thoughts, it was him who stole the helm and the master bolt. He disappear and leaves Percy with a dangerous scorpion that almost kills Percy. But he is saved just in time. He decides to go to a normal school and that where the story ends.

    Alvast bedankt!

    L.S.H.I.F.O.M.D.W.I.D.H.O. Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur, wait, I don't have one

    Ik ga beginnen. Economie is te saai.


    Ik heb tot de vierde regel gelezen en daar staat 'he kill her', dat moet volgens mij zijn 'he kills her' ^^

    Full of envy behind that anonymous mask

    On a day in regel twee moet volgens mij One day zijn :')
    -ik moet nu weg, kijk straks wel verder-

    Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir.

    ben blij dat ik een grote percy jackson fan ben! dan weet ik waar het over gaat en of het in goede volgorde staan.
    en er zijn alleen een paar kleine typ foutjes heb ik gezien... maar voor de rest ziet er volgens mij heel netjes uit hoor(Y)
    percy jackson for ever!

    “If I had someone like that in my life, I’d be very happy indeed.” - Bradley James

    Spieling schreef:
    ben blij dat ik een grote percy jackson fan ben! dan weet ik waar het over gaat en of het in goede volgorde staan.
    en er zijn alleen een paar kleine typ foutjes heb ik gezien... maar voor de rest ziet er volgens mij heel netjes uit hoor(Y)
    percy jackson for ever!

    Ik vond het ook een erg leuk boek, welke spelfoutjes zie je? Want wordt gaf er geen aan. Het is wel moeilijk om samen te vatten

    L.S.H.I.F.O.M.D.W.I.D.H.O. Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur, wait, I don't have one

    Ik zal het zo op mijn laptop even verbeteren.

    A king can rule a kingdom, but happiness will rule the

    Eerlijk gezegd te veel om te verbeteren voor mij.
    Dan doel ik ook op zinsopbouw en dergelijke..

    Je vertaalt alles érg letterlijk en dat moet je afleren.

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    & Als iedereen het zomaar verbeterd leert ze er nog niks van.

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    o The story is about Percy Jackson, a twelve year old boy. He’s not good at school, he has dyslexia and ADHD. He goes to another school every year. One day, when he goes to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with school something strange happens. His maths teacher changes into a demon, but he kills her with a pen thrown by his Latin teacher that’s seems to be a sword. When he goes back home. At one of his last days of school her hears Grover talking with his Latin teacher about him. When he goes home Grover travels with him, but he’s acting weird and nervous. When they arrive in New York Percy escapes from him and goes home where his mother has a surprise for him, a few days to Montauk, a place near the coast. That night there is a huge storm and then suddenly Grover arrives, together they go away with the car to a place he doesn't know. But when they are almost there something terrible happens. The minotaur comes. The minotaur chorused the care and tries to kill his mother, but just before she dies she disappears in a gold light flash. Percy kills the minotaur and then he loses his consciousness. When he wakes up he is in camp half-blood. In camp half-blood there are only children whose mother or father is an Olympian god. Each god has his own cabin for his or her children. Only a few are empty. The three big gods, the sons of Kronos, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon had made an appointment to make no children. But Zeus has broken his promise once. His daughter, Thalia, didn’t reached camp half-blood alive. And then suddenly also Poseidon has broke his promise. Percy seems to be his son. And now the gods are preparing a war because the master bolt of Zeus is stolen, he thinks Percy did it. And then Percy gets his quest, a quest is a mission that heroes, children of gods, have to do. He has to go to the underworld, to Hades and return the master bolt to Zeus. He has ten days, if he is not in time a huge war will break out between the three gods. He gets a weapon, a gift of his dad. It looks like a regular pen, but if you take of the shell it changes into a sword. Together with Annabeth and Grover he goes on his way to Las Vegas, where the gate to the underworld is. But it’s a journey full of danger, they have to fight with monsters several times and when they are finally in the underworld, with Hades, the master bolt isn’t there. Even worse, the helmet of Hades has also been stolen and the master bolt suddenly is in the backpack they get from Ares, god of war. They go back to the earth and that’s were Percy has a big fight with Ares. He gets the helmet of Hades and brings it back to him. Then he goes to New York, to the Empire state building where he goes to the 600th floor, the Olympus. He returns the master bolt and meets his father for the first time. When he goes home Hades has send his mother back to the earth. Percy goes back to camp half-blood. On his last day he still doesn’t know if he wants to stay the whole year or go back to school. He goes to Luke, a good friend of him and son of Hermes, but he seems to be his big enemy. Kronos, the god of the titans and father of Poseidon, Zeus and Hades, has taken over his thoughts, it was him who stole the helmet and the master bolt. He disappears and leaves Percy with a dangerous scorpion that almost kills Percy. But he is saved just in time. He decides to go to a normal school and that where the story ends.

    Is het boek beter in het Engels? Dan lees ik hem ook in het engels.
    En misschien moet je hem nog eens nalezen en kijken of alle personen kloppen, of het niet te onduidelijk is. Hopelijk heb ik geholpen(:

    Als je iets niet snapt kan je het vragen.

    [ bericht aangepast op 12 april 2012 - 19:39 ]


    Dankje, ik vond het boek goed te doen in het engels. Bedankt voor het helpen. Ik kan beter, maar ik zit in tijdnood omdat ik pas een week geleden te horen kreeg dat ik morgen een boekverslag in moest leveren en toen moest ik nog beginnen in een boek

    L.S.H.I.F.O.M.D.W.I.D.H.O. Laughing so hard I fell off my dinosaur, wait, I don't have one

    They go back to the earth and that’s where Percy has a big fight with Ares.

    He decides to go to a normal school and that's where the story ends.

    Dit zijn de laatste foutjes die ik heb gevonden, de rest is al aangegeven. (:

    Full of envy behind that anonymous mask

    Endure schreef:
    & Als iedereen het zomaar verbeterd leert ze er nog niks van.

    Helemaal mee eens.

    'The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.' - Effy Stonem.

    Ik vind het knap hoor, als je 14 bent.
    Ookal doe je misschien (geen idee of je dat doet) tweetalig.
    Ik ga het niet verbeteren omdat ik heel slecht ben in Engelse grammatica.

    "I solemnly swear that i am up to no good."