• I lost the game D:

    The game: het is een gedachtespel waarbij je niet aan The Game mag denken. Als je toch aan The Game denkt, moet je het aan minstens 1 persoon laten weten. Vanaf dat je weet van The game, speel je het mee.

    So here's a heart to heart on the back of postcards sent from California

    moest dat nou., ;[

    ''yOu aLreaDy kNoW wHaT'S uP''

    Ik snap er geen fuck van eigenlijk. :'D

    Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.

    Eonian schreef:
    Ik snap er geen fuck van eigenlijk. :'D

    Korte uitleg.

    Denk je aan The Game?
    Dan ben je af.

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Authors schreef:
    Lost, again.

    everything, in time

    Authors schreef:
    Lost, again.

    Today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be.

    Ah damn.

    No growth of the heart is ever a waste

    I hate you THIS much right now! D:

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    OMG! -.-"
    Verloren O.O

    There's faith and there's sleep - we need to pick one - please

    Doesn't make any sense at all, but ok, lost.

    I live for the applause, you will die for it.

    REDHEADSROCK schreef:
    Ik bepaal zelf wel of ik meedoe :W

    Ex astris, sciencia

    Flemish schreef:
    OMG! -.-"
    Verloren O.O

    Authors schreef:
    Lost, again.

    Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

    Wut? o.O
    Ikke niet snappen, ikke achterlopen. Wuah! x]

    I believe in nothing but the truth and who we are.


    "She was fury, she was wrath, she was vengeance."

    D: I think I've just lost

    You've cat to be kitten me right meow.