my heart is beating fast, when I see One direction

    We willen een meeting gaan doen in Utrecht. (datum is nog niet bekend)
    Wie mogen er allemaal van ouders enzo?


    [ bericht aangepast op 3 juli 2017 - 23:45 ]

    Some things are changing too much.

    KNAL <3

    If you spread your wings, you can fly away with me.

    BAM :Y)

    They were never in fact homeless

    BAMMM <3, ik hoef pas over 20 minuten op te passen :'D

    Flashing lights in my mind, going back to the time.


    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.


    ''There is no hell, no heaven either. This world is what we make of it.''


    Cause there'll be no sunlight if I lose you, baby.

    Hele schietpartij hier x)

    They were never in fact homeless

    Pfjieeeewwwwwwwww KNALKNALKNAL

    It's like I'm finally awake - One Direction.




    What's so bad about being different?

    oh god, ik heb best wel een bolle kop, op die foto hahaha. x'D

    Flashing lights in my mind, going back to the time.

    Echt serieus... waarom zitten jullie awesome mensen niet op mijn school!?

    They were never in fact homeless

    Ik heb 50 abo's op mijn story*O*, nu maar hopen dat niemand z'n abo verwijdert, want anders is de 50 weg D:

    I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.

    YOU DONT KNOW YOU BEAUTIFUL ! en dat zinnetje is goed van toepaassing bij jullie ;D hahaha

    i'm broken, do you hear me.


    It's like I'm finally awake - One Direction.