• Ik kwam net een super droge site tegen die namen maakt voor je,
    bij mij kwam er dit uit:

    Your movie star name: Crisps Arnold
    Your fashion designer name is Simone Paris
    Your socialite name is Damoontje Hollywood
    Your fly girl / guy name is S Van
    Your detective name is Cat Dubloen
    Your barfly name is Toblerone None
    Your soap opera name is Reaal
    Your rock star name is Drop Airplane
    Your Star Wars name is Simchi Vannon
    Your punk rock band name is The Bored Candle

    Vooral die laatste vind ik wel leuk :Y)
    De site Wel antwoorden in het Engels! Dan krijg je de leukste/beste uitkomsten & als je eits niet hebt zet je gewoon none neer ;p
    Wat kwam er bij jullie uit? ;]

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2011 - 20:08 ]

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    Your movie star name: Cupcakes Piet

    Your fashion designer name is Tess Amsterdam

    Your socialite name is Long Los Angeles

    Your fly girl / guy name is T Bon

    Your detective name is A Monkey Prinsentuin

    Your barfly name is Chips Wine

    Your soap opera name is De Korf

    Your rock star name is Drup Me

    Your Star Wars name is Tessam Bontom

    Your punk rock band name is The Sweet Paper

    'The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.' - Effy Stonem.

    Wtf is een middle name ? :$

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Your movie star name: Crisps Cees

    Your fashion designer name is Hannah Berlin

    Your socialite name is Hansky Cherso

    Your fly girl / guy name is H Dir

    Your detective name is Cow Rhedens Rozendaal

    Your barfly name is Apple Beer

    Your soap opera name is Cato Grada Vleeming Street

    Your rock star name is Cherry Train

    Your Star Wars name is Hannic Dirale

    Your punk rock band name is The Happy Teacup

    LMFAO, als ik ooit in een rockband kom gaat ie sws The Happy Teacup heten hahaha xd

    We can't spend our lives waiting to live.

    Fellatio schreef:
    Wtf is een middle name ? :$

    Je doopnaam, geloof ik.

    “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

    Raveleijn schreef:
    Je doopnaam, geloof ik.

    Die heb ik niet eens O_O

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Fellatio schreef:

    Die heb ik niet eens O_O
    het is je 2e naam :'D mijne 1e naam is Eileen en me 2e is Gillian en dan komt je achter naam:Y)

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2011 - 16:48 ]

    Shoganai i ne~

    BeSlytherin schreef:
    (...)het is je 2e naam :'D mijne 1e nam is Eileen en me 2e is Gillian en dan komt je achter naam:Y)

    & wat als ik maar 1 naam heb?

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Your movie star name: Cookie Adriaan

    Your fashion designer name is Sarita London

    Your socialite name is Duo Penoti Wit New York

    Your fly girl / guy name is S Sch

    Your detective name is Penguin Graaf Engelsbrecht

    Your barfly name is Cheese

    Your soap opera name is Boterpolderlaan

    Your rock star name is Lollipop Sarita

    Your Star Wars name is Sardiz Schkje

    Your punk rock band name is The Happy Vibration

    cookie adriaan en happy vibration :'D

    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Fellatio schreef:

    & wat als ik maar 1 naam heb?
    vul je niks in of wat ik deed -- of gewoon een naam:Y)

    Shoganai i ne~

    Your movie star name: Cumcumber Gerrit
    Your fashion designer name is Sylvianne Spain
    Your socialite name is Ice Cream With Cherry Las Vegas
    Your fly girl / guy name is S Ker
    Your detective name is Wolf Alfa College
    Your barfly name is Bread Berenburger
    Your soap opera name is Leah Sarastraat
    Your rock star name is Cherry Snail
    Your Star Wars name is Sylvol Kermic
    Your punk rock band name is The Hyper Glasses

    Wutt Ow en dat Ice cream with cherry.. softijs met kers was dus de gekste bijnaam die ik had..
    & Snail.. daar dacht ik aan bij; iets wat heel snel is..

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Barbiedoll schreef:
    Te belachelijk om hier neer te zetten haha! (joehoe)

    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring!

    Barbiedoll schreef:
    Te belachelijk om hier neer te zetten haha! (joehoe)

    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

    Your movie star name: Frites Gerard

    Your fashion designer name is Denise Rotterdam

    Your socialite name is Dennie Rotterdam

    Your fly girl / guy name is D Oos

    Your detective name is Dog Schoonoord

    Your barfly name is Bread Beer

    Your soap opera name is Crosestein

    Your rock star name is Chocolate Car

    Your Star Wars name is Denben Oos

    Your punk rock band name is The Happy Bottle


    Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

    Barbiedoll schreef:
    Te belachelijk om hier neer te zetten haha! (joehoe)

    Barbiedoll schreef:
    Te belachelijk om hier neer te zetten haha! (joehoe)

    Tinka & Ghunter.