10 Ways To Be Happy

1. Accept the things you can't change. If you can and WANT to change them, do it.
2. Let go the people that are holding you down. If you considered them, you already know who these people are.
3. Blast your favorite upbeat song and sing at the top of your lungs, dancing as you go.
4.Go for a run. A nice, long run. Run until you feel good; at the very least, you'll be tired enough that the feelings will seem less major.
5.Call someone you love, and care about. Just hearing there voice can make your day better.
6. Smile at a stranger. It will make both of you smile.
7. Send an anonymous compliment.
8. Write down evrything you don't like about yourself. Rip it up. Bum it. And burn it.
9. Listen to your favorite music and watch with your parents your favorite movie.
10. Realize that you are your own biggest critic. People do not see the faults in yourself that you do. So realize that they are not faults, not imperfections or whatever. They make you stronger.
They make you,


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