Story: Lilo and a Stitch ~ Lilo Paynlinson
"Everytime we touch, I can feel the static. Our love is like a thin wire. One move, and it will fall apart. That's why I get that stitch, everytime I look into your eyes. You're an electric magnet to me."
I feel you move closer to me
All the signals peaking
Crack up my electricity
Till I overload
My heart is overheating, and it won't stop
I try to slow the beating, but you're so hot
The tremors keep repeating,
And I tell myself keep breathing,
But I'm caught in your aftershock
Other stories by xHappyHoran:
Babysitters • One Direction
Do you like my shoes? • Zayn Malik
Illusion never changed, into something real • Harry Styles
One direction to the Tommo's • Louis Tomlinson
I'm Missing You By My Side • Niall Horan
One Shots • One Direction
Life is cruel ~ Larry Stylinson
The boy in the striped T-shirt ~ Nouis Horanson
Lilo and a Stitch ~ Lilo Paynlinson
All the signals peaking
Crack up my electricity
Till I overload
My heart is overheating, and it won't stop
I try to slow the beating, but you're so hot
The tremors keep repeating,
And I tell myself keep breathing,
But I'm caught in your aftershock
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast | Chapter 1: Louis William Tomlinson | 745 | 697 | 1 decennium geleden | chapter 2: Liam James Payne | 640 | 496 | 1 decennium geleden | Chapter 3: Louis William Tomlinson | 942 | 567 | 1 decennium geleden | Chapter 4: Liam James Payne | 489 | 480 | 1 decennium geleden | Chapter 5: Louis William Tomlinson | 1486 | 568 | 1 decennium geleden | Chapter 6: Liam James Payne | 597 | 456 | 1 decennium geleden | Chapter 7: Louis William Tomlinson | 581 | 548 | 1 decennium geleden | Mededeling! | 456 | 314 | 1 decennium geleden | Chapter 8: Liam James Payne | 767 | 404 | 1 decennium geleden |
Reageer (7)
Ga je nog verder is echt een gaaf verhaal!
1 decennium geledenAbo (:
1 decennium geledenGefeliciteerd, ik heb mijn allereerste abo op deze story gezet, haha.
1 decennium geledenX
Ik weet niet of je dit verhaal ooit zult afmaken maar ik vind het wel leuk duss abo!
1 decennium geledenAbo 20x
1 decennium geleden