Story: Saints, Sinners and Wanderers
Then finally after all those years he tells me what I am. Somebody walked past me one day and said: "You're just a wanderer destined to be nothing, watch and judge others." With a little smile he encouraged me to ask: "But why?"
He smiled back. "Because you are born different, you're an outcast, but that isn't something bad. No it's actually very good, because you dare to be different and don't do things others ask you to do."
I didn’t dare to ask all the other questions that were spooking trough my head, but it was like a dream or one of those fairy tales my mother always used to tell me because it seemed like he could read my mind or see the questions trough my eyes. Because he just smiled, grabbed my hand and took me to a quiet place, a place that everyone could dream of being there, but we were the only one who could be at that special place, because we were both different.
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast | Hoofdstuk 1: Just keep walking, evil will come | 262 | 180 | 1 decennium geleden | Dripping al my thoughts away | 531 | 178 | 1 decennium geleden | Because one time isn't enough | 527 | 197 | 1 decennium geleden | And just when I thought it couldn't get worse | 626 | 215 | 1 decennium geleden | Only one minute | 445 | 182 | 1 decennium geleden |
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