A dream wherefore we life,
we fight or cry.

All our dreams are memories and the things we hope for.
These memories come pass by het illusion and passion for love.
The feeling which gives us completion, or the feeling of despair.

I’m dreaming of love and all those feelings beyond.
The moment I’m with you and you are with me.
I’m the one holding your hand as we look up to the sky.
This moment is perfect,
it can’t be a lie!
I now know what love is and that’s what I do.

But the feeling and the moment are fading away!
Help me, I want this feeling to stay!
It’s strange that everything is gone and I’m not there anymore.
I open my eyes and realize,
it was just a dream.

I feel sad that I’m still alone.
I feel sad that I can’t hold your hand as in my dream.

I realize one thing now,
A dream is still a dream.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
OO1 ~ Proloog. 277 555 1 decennium geleden
OO2 ~ I don't want to leave this place. 374 852 1 decennium geleden
OO3 ~ Are you guys laughing at me? 582 403 1 decennium geleden
OO4 ~ Don't like that green stuff.. 330 286 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (17)


    laat die zukkels lekker zeuren Jada, ze zijn het je niet waard. :3

    1 decennium geleden
  • JANICExx


    laat ze lekker hun ding doen. ze zouden nooit zoiets doen, en al zoude ze cheaten, wat boeit jou t dan? gewoon kappen

    1 decennium geleden
  • zukkel

    alsof t onmogelijk is om meer kudo's dan abo's te hebben en dat we dus cheaten? ga niet zeggen dat je t aardig bedoeld.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Votum

    @Zukkel hoe bedoel je?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Evelicious


    1 decennium geleden

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