I-I-I-I-I Hate you.
You just forgot about me, like a little child who forgets about her goldfish who got flushed down the toilet. You thought ignoring was the best choice to let me know I was not wanted anymore, like a kid who throws away her barbies when she is ten. And no; I do not want you back anymore, I hate you, like a little girl who hates the boy who kicked her at the playground. Yes, I cried, like a little girl whose teddybeer got ripped apart. Yes, I wished you would come back to me, like a teenager who misses her boyfriend whose on vacation. I wished you were there for me when I had hard times, like a woman who needs her boyfriend to be there during a pregnancy. I laughed while thinking about our friendship, like a grandmother laughs when she shows old pictures to her grandchildren, thinking about that time.
If this is your way of saying goodbye: goodbye, crossed out, you are dead to me now.


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