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300 years ago, the entire continent of Fradal nearly fell enslaved to an ancient, evil being of pure power. Some say Eirian was the Primordial Evil, bent on subjugating the world to his bidding. A power-hungry entity that felt nothing other than the inextinguishable desire to rule the masses. They hold Eirian responsible for the bloodbath he created that day in Adrana. They hold him responsible for how the central country of Fradal tumbled down into chaos for fifty long, long years.
      Some say Eirian was an angel, cast down from the realm of the gods in order to help shape the material world. A being of light, misunderstood by those who searched to shape the world in their own image. They say the royal family of Adrana had it coming; his iron-fist rule over the country seemed to be nothing more than deepening already-existing fissures. The natural, equal order of things was crumbling, and Eirian was the only one who could set it right.
      It was the king’s son who proved victorious over Eirian and his armies, in the end. Vermin, he called the not-quite-man, as he drove his sword through Eirian’s heart.
      It took Adrana and its neighbouring countries half a century to recover after the war, but order soon returned when the anti-magic law was passed. Magic wielders had their wings clipped at birth, unable to use their natural gift for the rest of their life. Those who somehow managed to bypass the law, were publicly executed.
      Peace has reigned over Fradal for two centuries now, but the inequality amongst its people has never been greater. Some are perfectly content with the way things are now, while some are becoming more vocal about change.
Some, who never lost track of what had happened 300 years ago, believe that salvation is near. Because, as the story goes, Eirian never truly died. His body turned to dust after the prince stabbed him, and for decades, his followers have spent their lives trying to raise him back to his former glory.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Races and their patrons 1295 28 3 maanden geleden
The lands of Fadral 1110 29 3 maanden geleden
Magic in use 503 29 3 maanden geleden
Adrana's social hierarchy 782 28 3 maanden geleden

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