The West Indies, 1715 – Maud Davenport, daughter to Royal Navy Commodore Harry Davenport, sails with her father, brother and fiancée, around the islands, and occasionally back to England, on a ship called the Sceptre. Seeing as they sail a cargo ship, and not a man of war, Maud is allowed to be trained a navigator. As she is greatly encouraged by her family, she learns a lot, even transcending the navigating abilities of her father. But when the Sceptre is attacked and boarded by the infamous Captain Flint, her abilities turn themselves on her.

Flint forces her to work for him, and aid him in pursuing his targets all across the West Indies. Maud, doing her job well, is capable to set aside her hatred for Flint, when she realises she won't be able to leave him for long. She befriends him, which benefits the both of them in pursuing ships and prizes.

But when their home, the harbour of Nassau, starts stirring up, they are challenged with enemies, and competition, that might start driving them apart. And that could have the most dramatic consequences, as Maud, but especially Flint, are trying to hide some
dark secrets.

'There's only one question that needs answering... What have you done?'

English Fiction
Original Black Sails characters and others
Warning: 16+ (violence, death, torture and intimacy)


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prologue - The Banner of Captain Flint 3218 285 8 jaar geleden
Chapter 1 - Pirate Tea Party 2157 153 8 jaar geleden
Chapter 2 - A Bribe for Control 1768 132 7 jaar geleden

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