If each age produces films reflecting their times, then “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which opens Friday, should serve as a grim warning for America.

In an early scene, Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), in full Daily Planet reporter mode, asks Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), “What’s your position on the bat vigilante in Gotham?” Ah, there’s that liberal media, pushing its anti-vigilante agenda. “Civil liberties have been trampled in your city. He thinks he lives above the law.”

Wayne’s retort? Kent’s newspaper is “hypocritical.” Whenever Superman “saves a cat out a of tree,” he says, The Daily Planet writes “a puff-piece editorial ... about an alien who could burn the whole place down.” Swap “alien” for “Muslim” or “Mexican,” or “vigilante” for “Donald Trump,” and suddenly a movie about two men in tights smashing each other — wham! bam! pow! — seems more connected to our nation’s political pulse than ever before.

Two of our most enduring and beloved superheroes haven’t bonded much since their Saturday morning cartoon days as “Super Friends.” Now comes “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” their first-ever big-screen matchup. Except that, for this outing, in the hands of director Zach Snyder (“Man of Steel,” “300,” “Watchmen”), the Dark Knight and the Last Son of Krypton haven’t joined Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


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