Hi everyone!

I would like to present you my first Hobbit story. I won't tell you much about it, because it has to be a total surprise for you. The only thing I can tell is that there will be a lot of fantasy.

Once I was watching the movie (again) and I was thinking - read: dreaming - about me playing a role in The Hobbit. So I made up a character in my head and put it in every scene in The Hobbit. But suddenly I discoverd that my character couldn't be a part of The Hobbit cause in my eyes she wasn't a dwarf or an elve or a human, ... And from that point I had the idea to make a whole new Hobbit story. I really hope that you like it and enjoy! :)

Language: English (My English is not that good, but I will try and do my best, because I know how annoying it this to read stories in bad English.)
Note: I don't know if I will upload the chapters fast, cause sometimes i have those days where my fantasy is on a very low point. If there's anything else that you want to know, or if there are any questions: feel free to send me a message! + there'll appear a lot of quotes from the movies in this story. Because Tolkien is the wizard of words.
Made by: Fientjé the Dwarf


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
The Hobbit | Chapter one. 1082 796 7 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter two. 1024 188 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter three. 1028 662 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter four. 956 485 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter five. 1109 299 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter six. 1130 534 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter seven. 949 281 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter eight. 1111 133 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter nine. 1246 184 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter ten. 1197 606 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter eleven. 1193 490 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter twelve. 1248 531 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter thirteen. 1183 206 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter fourteen. 1192 431 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter fifteen. 1214 512 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter sixteen. 1311 533 8 jaar geleden
The Hobbit | Chapter seventeen 812 196 7 jaar geleden

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