"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, at today's game of Truth or Dare. I'm your host, bananarry, and I will be presenting this game for the following weeks. I am delighted to say that in this season of Truth or Dare, we have some special guests. Please welcome, ladies and gentlemen, One Direction! We feel very sorry for Zayn's departure, but today, he will be rejoining the band one more time to play this special and fun, classic game, so you can all play along with him as well. Our candidates are very happy to be here today and feel glad to accompany you during your game play. Would you have any questions so far, feel free to ask!"

"To join this game you will first need to audition. Don't worry about that, you just need to fill some data and you're entirely allowed to join. The data you will be asked to fill, you can find at the bottom of this introduction. Don't hesitate and join the game!"

"You will be joining team Louis, team Niall, team Harry, team Liam or team Zayn during the game. The team is to be chosen by yourself, or you can choose to randomize and you will be selected in the team chosen by us. Despite the fact you're put in a certain team, doesn't mean you will never be interacting with one of the other boys. The game is designed this way that you will interact with them all. You can join and leave the game whenever you want to. Nothing is obliged."

"After you've submitted to the game, you will receive a personal message to either tell the truth about a question, or to dare to do something. Truth you can simply answer by replying to the personal message. For a dare, you will be asked for proof that you áctually did something by sending pictures or, even better, making a video. Every truth or dare question can always be rejected throughout the game. Once again, nothing is obliged, it is always your own choice. That you ignore a question, doesn't mean you're immediately out of the game. No one will be kicked out, not under any circumstances. You can only be disqualified for misbehaving. Also in this game, the rules of Quizlet must always be followed."

"If you've successfully answered a question or managed to prove that you have done a dare question, you will be rewarded with a One Shot about your particular question, along with your team captain. The more information you give, the better we can write the One Shot. A Dare will always be more rewarded than a truth."

"Sometimes during the game, mini games will be played in between. Those are for all the players at the same time and are a little different than the casual Truth or Dare. We hope everyone manages to respond within three days to such games, otherwise you will be temporarily out of the game. Personal questions you can respond to whenever you have time."

"There will be three levels you can play to. Easy, average and extreme. Easy, are very basic questions and simple truth or dares. Average is a little more dared than easy but in general not much to be embarassed for. Extreme, can be very embarassing and contains a lot of 16+. This part of the game, is not to be played by young children. You need to be playing the extreme mode, however, if you want a 16+ One Shot in return. It will always be indicated if a One Shot is 16+. Furthermore, you can always switch level whenever you don't feel comfortable with the level you're currently playing at, and remember you can always refuse to do or answer something. Nothing is obliged."

"Whenever you feel uncomfortable with something or you disagree, please inform me about it and I will take it into account."

"This game is meant to be fun and I would like to keep it nice. You are never going to be asked to do something against your will."

"Thank you for your attention and your understanding. To join, please fill the data below."

[Your Name]
[Picture or description of appearance]
[Personality traits]
[Level: Easy, Average or Extreme]
[Team: Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn or Random]
[Do you need Dutch translations?]

If you have any questions yet, please contact me in the reactions below or send me a personal message.
Yours sincerely,


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  • Hemmingz

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