I hope you enjoy this story. It's in fully English. It's in the same year(s) as the books of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, beginning in the first book. I promise it won't be directly cut out of the books and I will let the original story be the original story. These two people just lead two different lives and they never meet each other directly.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prologue 136 102 9 jaar geleden
Part 1 350 111 9 jaar geleden
Part 2 454 155 9 jaar geleden
Part 3 418 127 9 jaar geleden

Reageer (1)

  • Iritepiet1

    Well? Reactions please if you have read it. Tell me what I can do better for the next part, and give a Kudo, please! Thanks! :)

    9 jaar geleden

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