Story: Alexandra Ashton (and the Olympians)
I hope you enjoy this story. It's in fully English. It's in the same year(s) as the books of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, beginning in the first book. I promise it won't be directly cut out of the books and I will let the original story be the original story. These two people just lead two different lives and they never meet each other directly.
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast | Prologue | 136 | 102 | 9 jaar geleden | Part 1 | 350 | 111 | 9 jaar geleden | Part 2 | 454 | 155 | 9 jaar geleden | Part 3 | 418 | 127 | 9 jaar geleden |
Reageer (1)
Well? Reactions please if you have read it. Tell me what I can do better for the next part, and give a Kudo, please! Thanks!
9 jaar geleden