It's getting dark, I'm afraid.
I want to go, after this price I paid.
The walls are coming closer to me.
It's getting harder to breathe.
I'm stuck, can't leave.
Can't get out of this maze.
I've been too long at this place.
Can't lose that picture of your face.
Doesn't make sense to hide.
I kick and push at every side.
Try to break the walls, and see the light.
Can't see to find my way.
Have to go, no more time to stay.
Dying from the price you had to pay

-Nederlands Geschreven en gesproken
-Bevat Scheld woorden, seks en geweld
-One Direction bestaat niet
-Abbo Is altijd welkom :)
-Veel plezier met lezen


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
000 121 36 1 decennium geleden

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