
Writing is like a medication to me. However I feel, whatever I've done, I can write about it. It's like talking to a friend you know just a little, but good enough. You know that friend would keep your secrets close, and he or she lives so far that you know he or she can't understand what you're talking about, but that friend will listen.
And sometimes, listening is enough. Sometimes, you only need someone who let you talk 'till you're calmed down.

Enjoy these Stand Alones, like I enjoyed writing them.



Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Sommige dingen heb je niet in de hand - Story of the month - September 2013 2222 220 1 decennium geleden
(Lieve) Monsters Bestaan - Story of the month - Januari 2014 1573 176 1 decennium geleden
Toekomst - Story of the month - Juni 2014 493 128 1 decennium geleden

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