Story: Don't cut yourself ! ~ Harry Edward Styles
She had a perfect life, until she realised that she wasn't happy.
She started to cut herself, to get the pain away.
Only her best friend knows about it, but can't do anything
Will he be the one who can change her life and can stop her from cutting?
She started to cut herself, to get the pain away.
Only her best friend knows about it, but can't do anything
Will he be the one who can change her life and can stop her from cutting?
-One Direction
Titel Nieuwste eerst | Woorden | Gelezen | Aangepast | Prologue. | 668 | 213 | 1 decennium geleden | Don't cut yourself! - OO1 | 526 | 197 | 1 decennium geleden |
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1 decennium geleden